
【题目】With the cost of living _____ so fast, like many people, I find it hard to make ends meet.

A.rising up

B.putting up

C.going up

D.bringing up


【解析】句意:由于生活成本迅猛上涨,和许多人一样,我觉得很难收支平衡。rise up 意为起义;put up 意为修建;go up 意为上升;上涨;bring up 意为抚养;提出








【1】对下列句子中加点词的解释不恰当的是( )

A.关关雎鸠,在河之洲 关关:象声词,雌雄二鸟相应和鸣的声音

B.悠哉悠哉,辗转反侧 悠哉:形容轻松自在的样子

C.求之不得,寤寐思服 思服:想念

D.参差荇菜,左右 芼:择取

【2】对本诗理解有误的一项是( )











【题目】Full of beauty, happiness and a healthy love of life, the Bulgarian (保加利亚人的) festivals and customs date back to old time when man tried to live in peace with nature. The merriest and richest festivals are

Christmas and the New Year, when the so-called. "sourvakari" makes the round of house with wishes for health and wealth. Other main festivals include "ladouvane"-a holiday for young girls on New Year's Day or

Midsummer Day (24th June), Shrovetide and Mummers' Games which mark the start of spring, and "lazrouvane"-a traditional festival for love and family, health and richness. And among them, the widely popular and typical Bulgarian customs and festivals are "martenitsas" and rose-picking.

Every year on March lst, the Bulgarians give each other "mar-tenitsas"-a small doll made of white and red strings, a symbol of the beginning of spring, health and happiness.

In late May and early June every year, the rose-picking season starts in the Valley of Roses which is between the Balkan Range and the Sredna Gora Mountains. Rose-picking starts at dawn, before sunrise and before the pleasant smell of the rose has disappeared. The Bulgarian rose produces 70 percent of the world's rose oil which is used by the very well-known perfume (香水) company as a basic element of its products.

This is the time of the Festival of Roses, celebrated with carnivals, happy activities, folk songs and dances in Karlovo and Kazanluk on the first Sunday in June.

【1】 The passage is mainly about _____.

A. Christmas and the New Year in Bulgaria

B. the origin of Bulgarian festivals and customs

C. rose-picking and perfume industry in Bulgaria

D. typical customs arid festivals of Bulgaria .

【2】Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?

A. "Martenitsas"-the Beginning of Spring

B. Beauty, Happiness and Love

C. Bulgarian Festivals and Customs

D. Rose-picking and "Martenitsas"

【3】 The author of this passage intends to _____.

A. let us know some knowledge of Bulgarian culture

B. tell us the differences between customs and festivals

C. explain the connection between customs and industry

D. find the origin of the Bulgarian customs

【4】 The second and the third paragraphs of the passage _____.

A. tell us how popular rose-picking is

B. link two festivals with health and richness

C. show us two merriest and richest festivals

D. talk about two typical Bulgarian festivals

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