
【题目】Mrs. Smith has tried many times to persuade her husband to give _____ smoking but Mr. Smith wouldnt listen. Finally Mrs. Smith had to give _____ and let him be.

in; in

up; up

up; in

in; in


【解析】give up放弃;give in屈服,让步;let be不打扰(不理会/不管)。


【题目】 Among the sportsmen, medals and pride, Olympics viewers may find something that drives this international athletic movement. There actually are things called Olympic values, and they are based on the idea of Pierre de Coubertin, the founder of the modern Olympic Games. These values continue to inspire the Olympic tradition.

Coubertin considered respect, fair balance, pursuit of excellence, joy in effort, and balance between mind, body and will as the most essential Olympic values. Coubertin believed that sport can and should play a role in human development like science, literature and the arts. The self-control, adherence to rules, and respect for others necessary in athletic pursuits, are also necessary off the playing field, whether in the classroom, at work or at home.

So when he set out to revive the Olympic Games in 1894, he wanted to do more than establish a modern sporting competition. He wanted to create an international movement that combined sport and education as a model for peace and harmony.

According to Coubertin, the Olympics should have a set of values that become the base of all Olympic activities and can extend well beyond the playing field, making the Olympic Games different from all other sporting events.

This whole way towards sports taken by Coubertin is the same as taken by the ancient Greeks. Sport is Mans best way to achieve perfection in every respect, Coubertin said. The important thing in life is not the triumph(伟大胜利), but the fight.

In order to place the original values in a modern context, the International Olympic Committee recently reframed them under three core theme: excellence, friendship and respect. Just like what Jacques Rogge said, Sport is a universal language. It teaches us how to strive(奋斗)for excellence in all that we do, how to live in friendship and peace, and how to respect ourselves, each other and the rules.

【1】Which of the following does not belong to the Olympic values according to the passage?


Joy in effort.


Pursuit of excellence.

【2】In Coubertins opinion, the Olympics should _____.

be only a sporting competition

play a big role than science does

extend its themes all over the world

help encourage the human development

【3】Coubertin provided the Olympics with some values to _____.

make the Olympics special

make the Olympics more modern

make the Olympics develop faster

make the Olympics more competitive

【4】Jacques Rogge considered sport as a universal language because _____.

it is most peoples favorite activity

its the final aim for the Olympics

it spreads excellence, friendship and respect

the fight is more important than the triumph

【5】The passage is mainly to tell us _____.

the Olympic tradition

the Olympic values

the founder of the modern Olympics

the development of the Olympics

















It was Mothers Day and I was shopping at the local supermarket with my five-year-old son, Tenyson. As we were , we realized that only minutes earlier an woman had fallen over at the entrance and hit her head on the ground. (3) was with her, but there was blood everywhere and the woman was embarrassed and clearly in shock. a lot of people stopped to help out.

we were walking towards the scene, Tenyson became very about what had happened to the elderly couple. He to me, Mom, its not much fun falling over in front of . Seeing that there was a flower stall(摊位)at the front of the supermarket, he added, Why shouldnt we the lady a flower? It will make her feel better. I was that hed come up with this idea. So we went over and told the flower seller we wanted. Just take it, she replied. I take your money for such a wonderful .

By now medical staff had arrived, and were the injured woman. We gave the flower to the womans husband and I told him it was my son. At that, the old man started crying and said, Thank you very much. He then turned to me, You have a son. Happy Mothers Day to you.

The man bent down and gave his wife the flower, telling her who it was from. (18) being badly hurt, the old lady looked up at Tenyson with in her eyes and gave him a little .

【1】A. leaving B. driving

C. moving D. stopping

【2】 A. injured B. awkward

C. honest D. elderly

【3】 A. Her husband B. My son

C. The crowd D. The seller

【4】 A. Specifically B. Particularly

C. Interestingly D. Fortunately

【5】 A. If B. Since

C. While D. Unless

【6】 A. guilty B. curious

C. angry D. worried

【7】A. complained B. said

C. lied D. responded

【8】 A. no one B. someone

C. everyone D. anyone

【9】 A. lend B. bring

C. leave D. buy

【10】 A. amazed B. shocked

C. puzzled D. concerned

【11】 A. wise B. sweet

C. innocent D. crazy

【12】A. which B. when

C. what D. whether

【13】 A. must not B. cant

C. may not D. neednt

【14】 A. scene B. habit

C. flower D. deed

【15】 A. checking with B. looking after

C. operating on D. paying for

【16】A. from B. to

C. with D. about

【17】 A. respectful B. cheerful

C. successful D. wonderful

【18】A. Out of B. Regardless of

C. Thanks to D. As to

【19】 A. love B. hope

C. pity D. pain

【20】 A. idea B. money

C. smile D. comfort


President Jiang Zemins state visits to Thailand,Australia and New Zealand have ushered Chinas relations with these countries into a new stage of development,Chinese Deputy(代理人,代表) Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi said yesterday.

During his visits from September 2 to 16,President Jiang had a in-depth exchange of views with leaders of the three countries on bilateral(双方的,双边的)ties and important international and regional issues and reached extensive common ground on the issues discussed,Yang told reporters aboard a special plane on their way home yesterday. Yang accompanied(陪伴) President Jiang during the visits.

All the leaders expressed their satisfaction over the recent development of bilateral relations and called for further progress in their relationship in the new century,Yang said.

China and Thailand have decided to establish and develop a good neighborly and closer relationship of all round co-operation oriented towards the 21st century,while China and Australia,and China and New Zealand have agreed to foster a 21st century-oriented relationship of long-term stability,health development and all round co-operation,he said.

Jiang and other APEC leaders have also decided to strengthen high-level dialogues and visits,create regular meeting mechanism and further develop traditional trade,Yang added,China and Australia signed five agreements on consulate matters,mining,energy,crackdown on crime and other areas.

Reports from China Daily on Oct,5,1999

【1】 Jiang Zemin visited these states this time except______.

A. the U.S.A

B. Thailand

C. Australia

D. New Zealand

【2】Jiang and other APEC leaders ______.

A. satisfied with the recent development of bilateral relations

B. decided to strengthen high-level dialogues

C. reached extensive common ground on the issues discussed.

D. A,B and C are all correct

【3】 The main idea of this passage is ______.

A. Jiang Zemin has visited three countries

B. Australia signed five agreement of China

C. APEC leaders decided to visit China soon

D. Jiangs visits strengthen foreign relations

【4】Foster (in para 4) means ______.

A. decrease

B. develop

C. control

D. grow

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