
【题目】Now it's time for college students to enjoy theirthree months of freedom. But students shouldn'tcompletely ignore their college responsibilities if theywant to stay on track for next year. To make asmooth transition back to campus in the fall, here areseveral things every college student should do this summer.

Stay on top of deadlines. Professors and studentsmay have the summer off, but it's still business asusual for the university. Faust, a rising senior, advisesstudents to stay on top of all time-sensitive financial oradministrative obligations necessary for next semester.

"In summer time, there are often severaldeadlines regarding financial aid, housing, tuition andclass registration," says Faust." If you don't keepcollege on your radar, you could miss out on some seriously important stuff."

Gain industry experience. Students fortunateenough to land an expected internship, should takethe opportunity to build professional contacts, andexperience working in an industry and an officesetting. Interns should be eager to help out and helpwith projects that will translate onto a resume.

Save for upcoming semester. Travel and goingout with friends are big money drainers, and ifstudents don't carefully budget and save, they mayfind themselves strapped during the school year.

Suzanna de Baca, vice president of wealthstrategies at Ameriprise Financial advises studentswith federal loans to create a post-graduation savingsaccount to help make payments or even start payingdown loans while still in school.

Take a week off. It's also important for studentsto take time this summer to relax and recharge.Experts say students will be more productive if theytake the time for themselves.

"I am ending my summer internship a weekbefore school starts so that I have a whole week toget my ducks in a row before the semester begins,"says Faust. "In that time I will be finalizing myschedules, organizing my planner, buying any necessarysupplies, reorganizing my hard drive and so on."

【1】The college students are to pay attention to the college duties so that ______.

A. they can hunt a satisfactory job

B. they can be on the right track next year

C. they can get high marks in the next year

D. they won't be rejected by the campus

【2】In order not to miss some vital information, the college students should _______.

A. realize the deadline of financial aid and tuition

B. keep them informed of the time-sensitive obligations

C. have the summer off as other students or professors

D. keep their summer holiday and college life on the radar

【3】 The underlined word probably means _________.

A. being lacking in money

B. being trapped in difficulty

C. dropping out of college

D. meeting with trouble

【4】 What's the main idea of the passage?

A. How to adapt to the college life for the students.

B. Some ideas on how to spend the summer holiday.

C. Several things college students should do this summer.

D. Ways for the college students to enjoy themselvesin summer.





【解析】【1】细节理解题。文中第一段提到students shouldn'tcompletely ignore their college responsibilities if they wantto stay on track for next year,即学生们要想来年正常进行就不应该完全忽视他们的职责,B项所述与此处相吻合。

【2】理节理解题。文中提到Fausta rising senioradvises students to stay on top of all time-sensitive financial oradministrative obligations,即要随时知道一些时间敏感的待付款项,B项所述与此处相吻合。




【题目】The final event in the Olympics is the marathon. It is also usually the most exciting. As the leader comes into the stadium to run the last few meters ofthe 42-kilo-metre race, the crowd rises to its feet toshout and cheer. The name of the race comes from abattle in Ancient Greece. According to the story, asoldier ran from the scene of the battle,Marathon, toAthens, to bring the news of a Greek victory againstthe Persians. He died just after arriving.

The marathon has been an Olympic event sincethe modern Games started in 1896. At first the distance was 40 kilometres the distance betweenMarathon and Athens. In 1908, however, at theLondon Olympics, it was changed. The King ofEngland wanted the runners to leave from his castlein Windsor and arrive m a new stadium in central

London. The distance was 26 miles about 42kilometres. In fact, the 1908 marathon endeddramatically(戏剧性地). When the leader, an Italian,

entered the stadium he turned the wrong way and fellonto the ground. Officials picked him up and helpedhim to the finishing line,just as the second runner, anAmerican, entered the stadium. The Americans

protested (抗议) and in the end the American runnerwas declared(宣布)the winner. Since then, there havebeen many more exciting marathons.

In fact, you don't have to wait for the OlympicGames to run or watch a marathon, as there aremarathons in over sixty countries and hundreds ofcities around the world today. One of the mostfamous marathons is in New York, and is watched bytwo million people around the streets and across thebridges of the city's five boroughs(纽约市的行政区),and past New York's famous landmarks. But perhapsone of the most beautiful and extraordinary(最特别的) marathons ever is the Great Wall Marathon,which most competitors find is the toughest course torun.

The marathon is the final Olympic event becauseit is thought to be the hardest. But experts believe that most people even people who are notparticularly good at sport can run a marathon, ifthey train for it.

【1】 When the leader came into the stadium, the crowd ______.

A. ran to his feet happily

B. shouted with excitement

C. carried him to the line

D. sang and dance

【2】 Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A. The name of the race comes from a game in Greece.

B. The soldier who ran from Marathon to Athens won a gold medal.

C. The marathon events in the Games have the same length all the time.

D. From 1908, the marathon events are of the same length.

【3】 Which is the most special of the marathon events in the world?

A. The Marathon in New York.

B. The Marathon in the Beijing Olympic Games.

C. The Great Wall Marathon.

D. The Marathon in London in 2012.

【4】 Which of the following is TRUE about the marathon?

A. Marathon is the most important event.

B. Marathon is the most popular event.

C. Marathon is the easiest event.

D. Marathon is the final Olympic event.

【题目】It's Saturday morning. Tony's sitting at thekitchen table, ____ with a piece of bread. He's noteven ____.Is he ill? No, but he does have a____.He has nothing to do because the Internet is down.

When he ____ up this morning, Tony wasfeeling ____.He jumped out of bed full of plans forthe weekend ____. It would be a weekend like any other a great weekend. But that was ____ heturned on his computer and ____ he was unable togo online. Having no Internet changes everything.

Every weekend,Tony ____ goes online to email friends, read the ____ to keep up with what'shappening in the world and ____ a few online chessgames with his cousin Helen to finish the weekendoff. The perfect weekend - online!

Just as Tony is ____ how he can possibly havea normal weekend without the Internet, his mumwalks into the ____. "Cheer up,Tony. Don't ____ the Internet any more,OK?"Tony makes no ____ butsighs. "Go and play chess with Helen!" Tony's mum ____."Oh,yes! Helen lives just around ____.Wecan meet and play chess face to face for a ____. Maybethis weekend won't be so bad," Tony ____,as he walks to the phone. There is ____ without the Internetafter all.

【1】 A. cutting B. playing C. eating D. thinking

【2】 A. hungry B. generous C. equal D. confident

【3】 A. lifestyle B. problem C. pressure D. tradition

【4】 A. dialed B. rang C. stood D. woke

【5】 A. great B. peaceful C. urgent D. unusual

【6】 A. around B. above C. ahead D. away

【7】 A. after B. before C. until D. when

【8】 A. thought B. guessed C. surprised D. found

【9】 A. usually B. nearly C. especially D. already

【10】A. disasters B. news C. reports D. documents

【11】A. admire B. explore C. play D. involve

【12】 A. suffering B. wondering C. realizing D. supposing

【13】A. living-room B. hall C. kitchen D. study

【14】 A. talk about B. care about C. think about D. look about

【15】 A. answer B. progress C. movement D. choice

【16】 A. requests B. cries C. solves D. suggests

【17】A. edge B. distance C. corner D. end

【18】 A. challenge B. champion C. ceremony D. change

【19】 A. promotes B. smiles C. reacts D. continues

【20】A.study B. task C. weekend D. life

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