
【题目】 20世纪70年代,英国为改善城市中心区夜晚空巢现象,首次提出“夜经济”理念,它通常指当日18:00至次日6:00所发生的以服务业为主的经济行为。此后,伦敦采取一系列措施发展夜经济。夜经济也成为当前中国的一大经济和社会热词,2019年7月《北京市关于进一步繁荣夜间经济促进消费增长的措施》正式出炉。据此完成下面小题。

1伦敦发展夜经济的原因是( )



2下列措施有利于伦敦发展夜经济的是( )

①开通“通宵地铁”,方便人们出行 ②建立管理机构,做好统筹协调

③关闭城市书房等文化场所 ④增加夜间餐饮、购物服务


3借鉴伦敦经验,北京发展夜经济需要( )

①在奥林匹克公园、王府井等不同地段进行差异化打造 ②增加郊区24小时便利店的密度

③考虑夜间消费的季节差异 ④增加既有夜间线路发车间隔

















Friendships are very important to teenagers. Friendships provide teenagers with chances to develop social skills. Teenagers can learn how to end a fight and still remain friends. Friends provide fun and excitement for teenagers through games. Friends also give advice to one another. Teenagers talk through lots of problems with their friends. Friendships also provide help during times of difficulty. It is helpful for teenagers to have a friend who is going through the same situations.

What happens when youth don’t have friends? Teenagers without friends are usually more lonely and unhappy. They will have lower levels of grades and lower confidence. As they get older, they are more apt to drop out of school.

As kids move into their teenager years, friends and friendships play an important role in teenager life as a way of getting personal enjoyment and social learning.

Most teenagers will have friends who parents either like or dislike. However, it is important to keep in mind that one way teenagers can truly learn how to choose and keep friends is through personal experience, which is sure to have some mistakes. Parents should not be too hard on teenagers when they choose friends who are not good enough or when their friendship fails. Remember, every social experience helps teenagers to learn about different people and improve social skills.

As parents, it is important to encourage friendships among teenagers. However, it is important to know who your teenager’s friends are and to communicate openly about changes in friendships with your teenagers.

【1】How many advantages of friends and friendship are mentioned in the first paragraph?

A. Three. B. Four. C. Five. D. Six.

【2】What does the underlined sentence probably mean?

A. They get better grades and leave school earlier.

B. They have a lower chance of leaving school earlier.

C. They have a higher chance of leaving school earlier.

D. They are good at dealing with social problems after school.

【3】Who are the most possible readers of the passage?

A. Teachers. B. Teenagers. C. Researchers. D. Parents.

【4】What is the best title for the passage?

A. Friendship May Be Dangerous

B. Friendship Is Important to Teenagers

C. Parents Should Choose Friends for Their Children

D. Parents’ Advice Is Important to Teenagers’ Friendship

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