


My wife and I moved into our home two years ago. We had a with a lot of rocks. Very often when we have flowers, Denise or I would plant some between the rocksjust to some color to the area.

Last summer, I found a tiny little plant in the yard that I could not immediately . I knew I didn’t plant it and Denise said she didn’t either. We decided to let it continue until we could find out what it was.

Weeks passed and as I made my way back to the strange , it appeared to be a sunflower. I decided to the weeds around it. As I pulled rocks from the area to get to the weeds, I noticed something . The sunflower had not started where I saw it begin. It had begun under a big and grown under and around it to reach the .

That’s when I that if a tiny little sunflower didn’t let a big rock stand in its of developingwe too have the to do the same thing. If we believe in ourselves like that little sunflower, we can reach where we to go and get what we need for growth.

We need to ourselves knowing we have the ability to achieve our goals. Like the , it knew it had the ability to get over the rocks because it had in itself that it would succeed. Stand tall like the sunflower and be of who and what we are, then the environment will begin to us. We will find a way to go under or around any rocks in order to our goals.

1 A. field B. farm C. yard D. pool

2 A. limit B. add C. devote D. prefer

3 A. use B. replace C. identify D. consume

4A. growing B. standing C. improving D. increasing

5 A. house B. plant C. seed D. tree

6 A. watch B. tend C. remove D. collect

7A. wonderful B. valuable C. terrible D. unusual

8A. actually B. completely C. eventually D. gradually

9A. tree B. table C. rock D. wall

10A. air B. top C. water D. sun

11A. acknowledged B. realized C. recognized D. hoped

12 A. place B. process C. course D. way

13 A. idea B. dream C. chance D. ability

14A. forget B. aim C. hate D. wait

15 A. believe in B. care for C. nod to D. equip with

16A. sunflower B. weed C. home D. summer

17A. energy B. love C. courage D. faith

18A. aware B. afraid C. tired D. proud

19A. affect B. support C. like D. praise

20 A. reach B. set C. shoot D. kick
























1C考查名词。A. field 田地;B. farm农场;C. yard庭院;D. pool池塘。从第二段首句可知作者的院子里有很多石头,故选C

2B考查动词。A. limit限制;B. add 增添;C. devote 致力于;D. prefer更喜欢,偏爱上文可知作者在岩石缝隙间种花是为了给这个地方增添一些色彩B

3C考查动词。A.use使用;B. replace代替;C. identify识别,辨认D. consume消费根据下句We decided to let it continue 44 until we could find out what it was.可知作者开始的时候没有辨认出这种植物,故选C

4A考查动词。A. growing种植,生长;B. standing站立;C. improving改进;D. increasing增加根据下文可知作者没有拔掉这株植物而是让它继续生长,故选A

5B考查名词。A. house房子;B. plant植物;C. seed种子;D. tree树木根据上文可知作者没有辨认出这是哪种植物,故选B

6C考查动词。 A. watch观看注视;B. tend照料;C. remove移除,拿开;D. collect收集根据后句可知作者认出这是一棵向日葵后,决定把周围的野草拔掉,故选C

7D考查形容词。 A. wonderful 美好的;B. valuable 有价值的;C. terrible可怕的;D. unusual不寻常的从后句内容可知作者发现向日葵的根没有长在被发现的地方,作者认为这是不同寻常的,故选D

8A考查副词。A. actually实际上; B. completely完全地;C. eventually 最终地;D. gradually逐渐地最后作者发现了事实,故选A

9C考查名词。A. tree树;B. table桌子;C. rock岩石;D. wall根据第三段第三、四句可以判断这棵向日葵的根长在大石头的下面,故选C

10D考查名词。A. air空气;B. top顶部;C. water水;D. sun太阳从常识可知向日葵是朝着太阳的方向生长,故选D

11B考查动词。A. acknowledged承认;B. realized意识到;C. recognized认出;D. hoped希望后句内容是作者从这个发现意识到、感悟到了一些东西,故选B

12D考查名词。A. place地方;B. process步骤,过程;C. course课程,过程;D. way道路,方法stand in ones way意为阻碍,挡道根据第段末句可知向日葵长在大石头下,但是它突破重重阻力,伸向了有太阳的地方,可知这是说:就算再小的向日葵也不会让一块大石头压住自己阻挡自己生长故选D

13D考查名词。A. idea想法;B. dream梦想;C. chance机会;D. ability能力根据末段的首句可知此处指我们也有这种能力,故选D本句比较长含有5153三空。句意:就算再小的向日葵也不会让一块大石头压住自己阻挡自己生长当我意识到这一点的时候我发现我们也可以像向日葵做到这一点

14B考查动词。A. forget 忘记;B. aim 力求达到,力争做到C. hate憎恨;D. wait等待根据语境可知作者认为人们也可以力争实现自己的目标,故选B

15A考查动词短语。A. believe in信任;B. care for 照顾;C. nod to点头;D. equip with装备根据第三段末句可知我们应该相信自己,相信自己有能力实现自己的目标,故选A

16A考查名词。A. sunflower向日葵;B. weed野草;C. home家;D. summer夏天根据文章内容可知此处指那棵向日葵,故选A

17D考查名词。A. energy精力; B. love爱;C. courage勇气;D. faith信念根据上文出现的believe in以及上下文语境可知作者认为向日葵相信自己,have faith in相信,对……信任,故选D

18D考查形容词。A. aware意识的;B. afraid害怕的;C. tired劳累的;D. proud骄傲的,自豪的作者认为人们要像向日葵一样站身体,以自己为荣,故选D

19B考查动词。A. affect影响;B. support 支持;C. like喜欢D. praise表扬根据语境可知此处表示只要我们有自信,相信我们能够成功,那样周围的环境也会支持我们,B

20A考查动词。A. reach实现,达到B. set设定;C. shoot射击;D. kick根据语境可知此处表示我们可以在困境中找到方法去实现自己的目标,故选A



材料一 法国是第一个同新中国建交的西方大国。时任总统戴高乐指出中国是一个“非常独特而深厚的文明”。只有中国参与到国际事务中来才能真正解决亚洲乃至世界长期存在的严重问题。


材料二 有学者指出二战后以美苏为两极的世界格局的形成和持续代表着战后力量均势的出现和保……但是它又因国际力量对比的不断变化而受到撼动并且已受到逐步壮大起来的其他力量中心的挑战。


材料三 拿破仑是政治家、军事家、法学家。他强化中央集权编纂《拿破仑法典》创办法兰西银行。起初推动革命深入捍卫革命成果占主导后来日益与旧制度妥协还建立帝制。对外战争既反对外国武装干涉打击欧洲旧制度传播革命思想又侵略扩张图谋称霸。前期战争的主导方面是反干涉此后却逆转了。





材料一 工人革命的第一步就是使无产阶级上升为统治阶级,争得民主。让统治阶级在共产主义革命面前发抖吧。无产者在这个革命中失去的只是锁链。他们获得的将是整个世界。


材料二 虽然直到1917年俄国革命,社会主义者没有赢得任何政府的控制权,但是他们的批评,连同保守者和自由主义者一起,在说服政府革除早期工业化的弊端,为工人阶级提供保障方面起了巨大作用。……1832年伊始,一系列法案扩大了男性公民选举权,财产资格的限制大大降低,这为最终实现男性公民的普选权铺平了道路。……19世纪80年代,德国在奥托··俾斯麦的领导下,引入医疗保险、失业补偿金与养老金,为劳动大众提供社会保障。


材料三 本本主义的社会科学研究法也同样是最危险的,甚至可能走上反革命的道路……我们说马克思主义是对的,决不是因为马克思这个人是什么先哲,而是因为他的理论,在我们的实践中,在我们的斗争中,证明了是对的。






A. Question relentlessly(持续).

B. Create a challenge.

C. Expect things to be fun.

D. Add variety to your life.

E. Connect to what you already know.

F. Absorb other peoples enthusiasm.

The more I observe brilliant people, the more I notice that one distinguishing characteristic they have is immense curiosity. How does curiosity contribute to someone’s brilliance? It gives you a fresh perspective. Curious people can see something that many other people can’t. It gives you fresh ideas. Using the term from The Medici Effect, curiosity gives you intersection experience where concepts from different fields collide with one another and produce fresh ideas. Since curious people get more intersection experience, they consequently get more fresh ideas.

Now that we’ve seen how important curiosity is, how can we develop it? Here are some tips:

【1】 Rather than expecting things to be boring, expect them to be fun. This small change in your mindset(心态) can make a big difference. Once you do it, it will be much easier for you to find the fun side of practically anything.

【2】 Often something seems boring because it’s delivered poorly. That’s perhaps one thing that makes great teachers great: they can connect their students to the fun side of what they’re teaching. So one way to develop your curiosity is to watch the talks of those who are enthusiastic about their fields. Don’t just absorb their knowledge; absorb their energy too.

【3】 By creating a challenge, you will want to prove to yourself (and perhaps to others) that you can make it. One good way to do that is by creating a project: building something real out of what you learn. Another way is to create a contest with your friends to find out who can do something faster or better.

【4】 Things will be more exciting if you can connect what you’re learning to what you already know. Why? Because that improves your understanding of the world and allows you to see new possibilities you’ve never realized before.

【5】 Avoid boredom and find new possibilities by exploring new topics. Read books in new types. Meet people with different professions.

The core is simple, actually. All the advice above can be summarized to just one: make things fun.

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