

Every morning, before dropping her son off at school, my friend would stop on the way to work to grab a quick breakfast. They tended to frequent the 【1】 restaurant every morning grabbing an egg sandwich, juice, and coffee for herself, milk for her son.

One day she 【2】 an additional breakfast. When they had eaten and walked out of the door, she stopped and said good morning to a 【3】 man who was sitting alone outside the restaurant and 【4】 him the additional breakfast she had bought. He 【5】 her, grinning, telling her it was the first meal he had in a great many days. She couldnt help but feel

【6】 and was glad she finally took action.

She told her son that she had 【7】 him every day that week outside the restaurant and that no one, herself included, had 【8】 to offer him food, drink, comfort, etc. She further 【9】 that homelessness can happen to anyone, the importance of service to others and 【10】 acts of kindness were.

And so 【11】 her kindness tradition each day thereafter she and her son 【12】 to buy and supply the homeless gentleman with breakfast. The 【13】 was going on until they 【14】 several years later but the lesson was 【15】 implanted in her son by then.

She 【16】 as she told me that this kindness legacy 【17】 to her son, who remembered this childhood tradition and lesson. Now a college graduate and 【18】 employed, her son stops every day at Starbucks for his morning cup of coffee and purchases a 【19】 for a homeless person nearby before commuting to the 【20】 .

What a great family legacy that she can pass along to her children as well!

A. small B. same C. crowded D. ordinary

A. received B. demanded C. expected D. ordered

A. strong B. kind C. homeless D. sick

A. handed B. bought C. supplied D. provided

A. remembered B. thanked C. respected D. paid

A. grateful B. sorry C. anxious D. good

A. helped B. seen C. disliked D. missed

A. agreed B. refused C. stopped D. appeared

A. shouted B. replied C. argued D. explained

A. what B. which C. how D. where

A. ended B. began C. met D. presented

A. hesitated B. hurried C. continued D. needed

A. moment B. life C. practice D. performance

A. moved away B. got around C. turned down D. broke up

A. hardly B. firmly C. happily D. slightly

A. smiled B. cheered C. sighed D. wondered

A. came B. occurred C. went D. belonged

A. regularly B. carefully C. entirely D. gainfully

A. chance B. tent C. shirt D. breakfast

A. city B. office C. house D. school


































【14】move away搬走。母子俩给男子买早餐的行为一直持续到他们搬走。




【18】gainfully employed被高薪聘用。现在她儿子大学毕业而且被高薪聘用了。


【20】commute to the office上班。


【题目】Many English students did not realize that phrases such as get off of and she was stood were grammatically incorrect. Its feared that the use of social networking websites and mobile phone text messaging is damaging childrens literacy(读写) skills.

Ministers have also complained that many young people spend too much time playing video games and watching TV instead of reading books.In the lastest study,Cambridge Assessment,one of the countrys biggest examination organizations,surveyed more than 2,000teenagers in 26 English secondary schools.

They were presented with various phrases and asked to mark out those with non-standard English. Only 41 percent realized that an adjective had been used in place of an adverb in the phrase come quick.

Fewer than six-in-ten pupils correctly identified get off of and she was stood as ungrammatical. Around a quarter of students failed to spot errors in the phrases it wasnt me who done it , couldnt hardly move, Tom had gotten cold and three mile. At least a fifth failed to recognize that more easier was incorrect. And most one-in-ten students failed to spot the use of a double negative in the phrase I didnt break no vase

Ian McNeilly,from the National Association for the Teaching of English, told the Times Educational Supplement, For a lot of peoplenot just young peopletheir daily use of English is in new media,where non-standerd grammatical constuctions are more acceptable.Thats unavoidably going to lead to an increased lack of awareness of more standard constructions.

Dr Beth Black,author of the latest report,said,It is possible that these less well-recognized nonstandard English forms will find their way into standard English,especially given the view that teenagers are linguistic innovators(语言创新者) who bring about change in standard dialect.

【1】 According to the first paragraph, what do people worry about?

A.Text message cost students too much money

B.students cant use standard English grammer

C.Students are annoyed through social networking websites.

D.Students become violent by playing video games

【2】 From the result of the survey, about 10 percent of the students failed to___.

A.understand the correct use of the tense

B.know the proper place of an adjective

C.know the use of the adverb

D.find the misuse of a double negative

【3】 According to Ian McNeilly, which of the following caused the spread of non-standard grammer?

A.Poeple use English in new media

B.People spend little time reading books

C.People didnt learning grammar well at school

D.Poeple are too careless in their writing

【4】 From the last paragraph, we can infer that___.

A.standard English will probably be destroyed by teenagers

B.teenagers are likely to become experts in English language

C.non-standard English forms will probably be widely accepted

D.people will probably not use the standard English grammar

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