
【题目】1988年日本遭受了冷夏的袭击,美国和欧洲却遭受酷夏和干旱的煎熬。气象学家认为极端气候与太阳黑子活动有关。2001年以来,太阳表面活动又进入了活跃期,2001年10月29日,日本玉儿 号通信卫星曾发生中断现象。完成下列问题。


A.一定是正相关 B.一定是负相关

C.有时正相关,有时负相关 D.不相关















Bullying(欺凌行为) is a problem in many schools. Maybe lots of you have ever come across school bullies(小霸王).【1】

Ignore the bully and walk away. It’s definitely not a coward's response—sometimes it can be harder than losing your temper. Walk tall and hold your head high.【2】

Hold the anger. Who doesn't get really upset with a bully?【3】Bullies want to know they have control over your emotions. Work out your anger in other ways, such as through exercise or writing it down.

【4】However you choose to deal with a bully, don't use physical force. Not only are you showing your anger, you can never be sure what the bully will do in response. You are more likely to be hurt and get into trouble if you use violence against a bully. You can stand up for yourself in other ways, such as gaining control of the situation by walking away.

Talk about it. It may help to talk to a guidance advisor, teacher, or friend.【5】Talking can be a good outlet for the fears and frustrations that can build when youre being bullied.

A. Dont get physical.

B. Take charge of the situation.

C. People above can give you the support you need.

D. Here are some things you can do to fight bullying.

E. Some adults believe that bullying is part of growing up.

F. But thats exactly the response he or she is trying to get.

G. This type of body language means you are not easily harmed.

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