
【题目】 A clever cat has been called a hero after he prevented his owners’ home from burning down. Five-year-old Pepper has learned to open windows and lets himself out every night by using his paws to turn the latch. So when a fire broke out while his owners were at Christmas shopping, the quick-thinking cat leapt into action and opened the window to allow the poisonous smoke to escape.

Owner Sharon White said, “He can climb back in through the window, so he really does come and go as he pleases. Pepper is still a bit afraid but is still managing to eat plenty of food.” Sharon and her husband Phil were handed Pepper over four years ago after a neighbor could no longer look after it.

The fire started at 4 pm on Saturday after the couple went to the shops and left their microwave on a ten minute timer, which then caught fire. Sharon said, “We put something in the microwave for ten minutes and then went out to do our Christmas shopping in the local town. I discovered on the way that I had left my purse at home but decided not to turn around. It was my relative who lives next door that rang us and told us that we’d better get home as there was quite a lot of smoke coming out of our house and the firefighters were here.”

Firefighters rushed to their 350,000 house and put out the fire before it could spread and the kitchen suffered only smoke damage. Phil added, “Pepper managed to get out and smoke must have been pouring out the window which attracted the attention of the neighbors. He’s got a real mind of his own. Without him, the fire could have been so much worse.”

【1】 What is this passage mainly about?

A. A quick-thinking cat thanked his owners.

B. A quick-thinking cat saved a house from a fire.

C. A quick-thinking cat saved himself from a fire.

D. A quick-thinking cat showed how clever he was.

【2】 How did Pepper help avoid the danger of the fire?

A. By ringing a neighbor’s bell.

B. By running into a neighbor’s room.

C. By standing in the way of some fire fighters.

D. By opening the window and letting out smoke.

【3】 From Paragraph 2 we know that Pepper ____.

A. didn’t belong to Sharon at first

B. was not frightened by the fire at all

C. has been taught to open the window

D. was found by its owners on the street

【4】 What can we learn from what Sharon said in Paragraph 3?

A. She and her husband were terribly frightened.

B. She and her husband didn’t call the firefighters.

C. It was that [LU2] relative who first noticed the smoke.

D. She and her husband knew there would be no damage.

【5】 We can infer that Sharon and her husband Phil ____.

A. are very careful

B. lived a very poor life

C. are very thankful to Pepper

D. didn’t like Pepper before the fire







【2】细节理解题。根据第一段的the quick-thinking cat leapt into action and opened the window to allow the poisonous smoke to escape.可知应选D。

【3】细节理解题。根据第二段的Sharon and husband Phil were handed Pepper over four years ago after a neighbor could no longer look after it.可知这只猫是别人送给他们的,故选A。

【4】推理判断题。根据第三段的It was my relative who lives next door that rang us and told us that we’d better get home as there was quite a lot of smoke coming out of our house and the firefighters were here.可推断不是Sharon和她老公报的警。

【5】推理判断题。根据末段的Without him, the fire could have been so much worse.可推断Sharon和她老公很感激这只猫救了他们家的房子。











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