

【1】When does the man decide to return?

A.On Saturday the 10th.

B.On Sunday the 11th.

C.On Friday the 10th.

【2】How long will the flight take?

A.Two and a half hours.

B.Three hours.

C.Three and a half hours.

【3】Who is the woman speaker?

A.A travel agent.

B.An operator.

C.A ticket collector.






W:Hello,Supertravel.How can I help you?

M:I’d like some information about flights to Italy.

W:Where do you want to go?

M:Rome.I want to leave on Tuesday the 6th of May and come back on Saturday the 10th.

W:It’ll be much cheaper if you stay the Saturday night and come back on Sunday the 11th.

M:OK then,I’ll go from the 6th to the 11th.I’d like to fly early in the morning if possible.

W:There’s a flight leaving London at 8:30 on the 6th,getting to Rome at 12:00,and then for the return flight,there’s one leaving at 9:00 getting to London at 12:30.Is that OK?

M :Yes,that’ s fine.Did you say I’ll get to Rome at 12:30 on the 6th of May?

W:No,at 12:00.You leave at 8:30.

M:And the flight back gets in at 12:30 on the 11th?

W:That’s right.

M:How much does it cost?


M:OK,that’s fine. I’d like to book a return ticket for those flights.

W:Can I have your name please?

M:Yes,Robert Brown.

W:And your credit card details.

M:Yes,it’s a Visa Card...



材料一 目前俄国的特点是从革命的第一阶段过渡到革命的第二阶段,第一阶段由于无产阶级的觉悟性和组织性不够,政权落到了资产阶级手中,第二阶段则应当使政权转到无产阶级和贫苦农民阶层手中。……不要议会制共和国,而要从下到上由全国的工人、雇农和农民代表苏维埃组成的共和国。


材料二 列宁认为,不能采取一般的暴力方式推翻资产阶级临时政府。因为这样做会同支持临时政府的苏维埃发生对立,会脱离群众。列宁提出的口号是不给临时政府以任何支持全部政权归苏维埃。然后再在苏维埃内部开展斗争,把小资产阶级政党排除出苏维埃,建立无产阶级专政。列宁认为革命之所以能够和平发展,因为武器掌握在人民手中,没有外力压制人民。


材料三 中央委员会认为,俄国革命的国际形势(德国海军中的起义,这是世界社会主义革命在全欧洲增长的最高表现;其次,帝国主义为扼杀俄国革命而媾和的威胁)和军事形势(俄国资产阶级和克伦斯基之流已经明确地把彼得格勒让给德国人),无产阶级政党在苏维埃中获得了多数,再加上农民起义和人民转而信任我们的党,以及第二次科尔尼洛夫叛乱显然已在准备,——这一切把武装起义提到日程上来了。



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