

1.I like to have ice cream for d________.

2.The boy was________(尖叫)with pain.

3.It’s impossible to cut a________(菠萝)with such a dull knife.

4.It’s very r ________ of her to leave without telling us.

5.I don’t mind. I________,I am delighted to help.

6.Everybody________(鞠躬)as the queen walked into the room.

7.It’s either a g________diamond, or a very good fake.

8.I gave the dog some lovely s________, but he just looked down his nose at it!

9.I hope I remembered to ask the b________not to cut my hair too short.

10.He cleaned the car with an only________(抹布).


l. dessert 2. screaming 3. pineapple 4. rude 5. Indeed

6. bowed 7. genuine 8. steak 9. barber 10. Rag



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