

材料 农民在乡里造反,搅动了绅士们的酣梦……我初到长沙时,会到各方面的人,听到许多的街谈巷议。从中层以上社会至国民党右派,无不一言以蔽之曰:糟得很。”……“糟得很,明明是站在地主利益方面打击农民起来的理论,明明是地主阶级企图保存封建旧秩序,阻碍建设民主新秩序的理论……一切革命同志须知:国民革命需要一个大的农村变动。辛亥革命没有这个变动……现在有了这个变动,乃是革命完成的重要因素。









材料一 黄宗羲认为古代君主不以一己之利为利,而使天下受其利,不以一己之害为害,而使天下释其害。但自秦以后,君反客为主,视天下人民为人君囊中之私物。”“以我之大私为天下之大公视天下为莫大之产业,传之子孙,受享无穷然则为天下之大害者,君而已矣。君臣关系应该以天下万民为事故我之出而仕也,为天下,非为君也。为万民,非为一姓也。封建法制是一家之法而非天下之法也,都出于君主一人一姓的利欲之私何曾有一毫为天下之心哉


材料二 在卢梭看来,社会秩序乃是为其他一切权利提供了基础的一项神圣的权利,然而这项权利决不是出于自然,而是建立在约定之上的纵然个别意志与公意在某些点上互相一致并不是不可能的,然而至少这种一致若要经常而持久却是不可能的;因为个别意志由于它的本性就总是倾向于偏私,而公意则总是倾向于平等如果人民单纯是唯唯诺诺地服从,那么,人民本身就会由于这一行为而解体,就会丧失其人民的品质;只要一旦出现一个主人,就立刻不再有主权者了,并且政治体也从此就告毁灭。





In this season for thanks and giving, even the most thoughtful children may not offer much gratitude for what they receive. And you’d be wise not to expect it. All the research I’ve done has convinced me that it’s not going to happen.

As parents, we don’t consider our holiday gifts an “exchange relationship” since we know the time, money, and effort we put in to buy them. But kids have a different view. One mom told me that when she asked her 16-year-old son to thank her for buying him a cellphone, he said, “But that’s what moms should do, isn’t it?”

From a teenager’s view, it’s a parent’s responsibility to take care of the family, and playing Santa is part of the job. According to Yarrow Dunham, Yale’s assistant professor of Psychology, “When teenagers code it that way, a gift is no longer something given freely and voluntarily it’s just mom and dad’s living up to their obligation.

Kids can’t know how blessed they are unless they have a basis for comparison. We need to give our children the gift of a wider world view. Take them to a soup kitchen instead of to the mall. Become the secret Santa for a needy family. Show by example that gratitude isn’t about stuff which ultimately can’t make any of us happy anyway. It’s about realizing how lucky you are.

Set up a family ritual at bedtime where kids describe three things that made them grateful. When kids go off to college, you can text them a picture of something that inspires your appreciation each week. Whether it’s a friend, a snowflake, or a sunset, the spirit of the photos will help you and them see the world differently.

Teaching children to focus on the positive and appreciate the goodness in their lives is perhaps the greatest gift we can give them. And we can all learn together that the things that really matter aren’t on sale at a department store.

【1】Children express no thanks for gifts because _______.

A. they regard them as an “exchange relationship”

B. they think badly of the gifts

C. children are not as considerate as adults

D. gifts are not what they expect

【2】Parents should make the kids know how blessed they are by _______.

A. buying them a cellphone

B. becoming the secret Santa for a needy family

C. taking them to a soap factory instead of to the mall

D. texting them a picture of something that inspires your appreciation each week

【3】To make children grateful for what they have, parents should _______.

A. set an example to children

B. teach them not to care about gifts

C. ask children to cook themselves

D. describe things they are grateful for

【4】As far as the author is concerned, no gifts are greater than _______.

A. helping kids see the world differently

B. learning together things that matter

C. teaching kids to think positively

D. making kids realize they are lucky

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