
【题目】Hi Cindy,

Please don't worry if you feel a little strange around boys.You are in the process of ____ from a little girl into a young woman and there are ____ called hormones(荷尔蒙)that are changing not only your body but your ____.For example,you say you used to feel at ease ____ boys and you would usually run and fight one another for ____.That was Cindy,the little girl.Cindy,the ____ woman,doesn't want to fight boys or even run with them ____ your interests are changing.That is what is making you feel strange and it is also ____ to the other girls around you and also to the boys.Your life is ____ a different stage but you should understand that this is ____ normal,and something that will pass quickly.

I think you should try again to ____ around boys.You can still talk with them about ____you like including sports,movies,websites and celebrities(名人).I ____ that you not try to fight with them,however,because the ____ are becoming much bigger and stronger.I think you will find that you will ____ being with boys but that your feelings will be different from the ____ they used to be.I know you are not supposed to have a ____ while you are still in school in China,but if you start to find some boys very handsome and you are strongly ____ to some of them,don't be surprised.____,this is all very normal.For now,you should ____ your school work,though you will find that some boys are attracted to you.This will b a new adventure for you and my best advice is to relax and enjoy it.

Good luck!


【1】 A. starting B. surviving C. changing D. ranging

【2】 A. cells B. nutritions C. objects D. chemicals

【3】 A. head B. mind C. life D. study

【4】 A. against B. for C. with D. without

【5】A. fun B. honor C. good D. praise

【6】A. brave B. young C. smart D. unique

【7】A. before B. when C. until D. because

【8】A. referring B. appealing C. happening D. pointing

【9】A. setting B. entering C. reflecting D. representing

【10】A. perfectly B. possibly C. hardly D. nearly

【11】A. play B. fool C. date D. relax

【12】 A. somebody B. anybody C. anything D. something

【13】A. demand B. recommend C. command D. determine

【14】 A. girls B. adults C. kids D. boys

【15】 A. enjoy B. hate C. avoid D. regret

【16】 A. model B. standard C. way D. style

【17】A. girlfriend B. boyfriend C. degree D. job

【18】A. attracted B. opposed C. exposed D. accustomed

【19】 A. Rather B. Besides C. Afterwards D. Again

【20】 A. depend on B. decide on C. concentrate on D. agree on





















【解析】【1】此处表示你正处在从小女孩到少女的转变之中,故用change frominto结构。



【4】feel at ease with sb.表示与某人相处感到很放松

【5】for fun是固定词组,表示闹着玩

【6】从文章36空后提示知,小女孩Cindy慢慢成长为少女。而与此同时,因为(because)兴趣在变,所以年轻女子(young woman)身份的Cindy再也不愿意跟男孩子一块儿奔跑追逐了。














【20】现在你要把精力集中在学习上,用concentrate on。depend on表示依靠;decide on表示决定;agree on表示认同


【题目】Do you spirits soar (猛增) on a sunny day? Do you relax at the sound of flowing water?

Some scientists suggest that these contacts with nature are good for your health. In one study, hospital patients with a view of trees had shorter hospital stays and less need for pain medications. Another study indicated that prisoners with a view of the outdoors had fewer doctor visits.

Why the desire for nature? Maybe were programmed to need it, since our ancestors survival was so dependent on their connection with nature, suggests biologist E.O.Wilson.

Want to find out if contact with nature improves your outlook on life? Try a few of these ideas.

Hang out a bird feeder and watch the birds that visit it.

Sit down in the backyard or a nearby park. Close your eyes. What do you hear? Birds singing? The wind in the trees? Crickets(蟋蟀) chirping?

Find an anthill. Sit down and watch the ants work.

Take a walk right after a rainstorm. What looks different? Smells different?

Go barefoot on a sandy beach.

Open the curtains and the window, if the weather allows it.

On a windy day, watch the trees.

Go to a creek, river or park fountain. Listen to the sound of water in motion.

Camp out in the backyard or at a nearby state park. Use a tent or sleep on the ground.

Find a wide-open space to study the stars. Learn about the different constellations(星座).

Raise a garden. Or plant some seeds in a flowerpot.

Go hiking with your family. Talk about all of the colors you see in nature.

Take a camera and capture your nature experience.

【1】From Paragraph 2 we can learn that ___ .

A. prisoners dont like to go to the doctor when ill

B. trees can be used as pain medications

C. prisoners should often get out of prison to some into contact with nature

D. contacts with nature are very helpful for hospital patients

【2】According to E. O. Wilson, we desire nature probably because ___ .

A. it can help us feel relaxed

B. we have inherited from our ancestors who were dependent on nature

C. people have lived with nature for thousands of years

D. contacts with nature can improve a persons outlook on life

【3】The author gives us many ideas in order to let us ___.

A. find out if contacts with nature improve our outlook on life

B. hear birds sing and watch ants work

C. talk about the colors we see in nature

D. capture our experience in nature

【4】From the passage, we can learn that ___。

A. studying the constellations is important to everyone

B. you can know all the colors only by going hiking

C. nature is quite important to us

D. walking in a rain storm can be very helpful

【4】What is the best title of the passage?

A. Go Hiking With Your Family

B. Let Nature Nurture You

C. Visit Your Doctor Less

D. Watch the Tree More Often

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