


A.土层薄 B.降水变率大 C.坡度大 D.植被覆盖率低


A.调节大气温度 B.提高土壤肥力

C.增大空气湿度 D.增加日照时数


【1】 C









Early one morning, I was fast asleep and my cat Tink woke me up, which had never happened before. It was totally 1 : she slept downstairs and never came into the 2 .

I slowly sat up feeling 3 because Id been out late the night before, but then I 4 something was wrong. White smoke spread across the room.

I woke up my partner Russ 5 and we jumped out of bed. 6 we painfully got through the thick smoke, I was still trying to 7 exactly what was going on, and the danger only really 8 me when I went out onto the landing.

I made a 9 to the firefighters, who told us to leave the house right away. We had no 10 though it was painful to leave our belongings behind. And we 11 Tink had slipped out of the house, too.

Within minutes, six fire engines arrived. 12 our house was covered with water until the firefighters were 13 that the fire was out. However, our assumption that Tink was safe began to 14 by now. We believed that she had 15 to escape, but there was no 16 of her. Russ told a firefighter and he went back into our house to 17 her.

Finally Tink appeared with him, completely weak and draped(使松垮地垂下) over his arm. We thought she was dead 38 she wasnt breathing and her tongue was hanging out. I felt 19 . Then the firefighter put an oxygen mask on her and 20 she took a breath and coughed. She was alive!

【1】A.uncharacteristic B. unnecessary C. acceptable D. wrong

【2】A.dining room B. sitting room C. bedroom D. kitchen

【3】A.annoyed B. confused C. discouraged D. tired

【4】A.realized B. remembered C. admitted D. suspected

【5】A.in a mess B.in a panic C.in shock D.in advance

【6】A.If B. Since C. Though D.As

【7】A.leave out B. give out C. figure out D. work out

【8】A.hit B. surrounded C. threatened D. frightened

【9】A.promise B. call C. reference D. difference

【10】A.idea B. time C. chance D. choice

【11】A.declared B. concluded C. assumed D. pretended

【12】.A.Again B. Soon C. Still D. Already

【13】A.satisfied B. pleased C. proud D. ready

【14】A.develop B. recover C. fade D. function

【15】A.managed B. struggled C. decided D. failed

【16】A.lack B. sign C. hope D. doubt

【17】A.pick up B. take in C. search for D. attend to

【18】A. if B. although C. unless D. because

【19】A.touched B. disappointed C. heartbroken D. ashamed

【20】A.unbelievably B. accidentally C. unwillingly D. immediately


Being successful in an exam is not just about studying hard and knowing the subject inside out. 1

Research has shown that the calmer the mind, the better its ability to register and remember information. 2 When the mind is relaxed, it is in the "state of alpha", where your brain waves are at about seven to fourteen cycles per second, the most helpful state for studying.

Choose a quiet place for studying and have everything handy that you need: books, pens, something to drink. 3 In this case, you can see yourself being congratulated by your family, friends and teachers. Enjoy the experience. And now you should be completely charged up and ready to absorb and keep important information.

4 It is a good idea to make a list of all the important things you have to learn, in order of importance, and estimate how much time you need for each one. Add it all up and compare this with how much time you have available. This will tell you if you have time to read slowly and carefully, or if you can only skim; also it will show you how many times you can afford to look over the same information.

Because stress can have a negative effect on your memory, it’s important to stay calm during tests. 5 Breathing exercises during the examination, for example, can be extremely effective in helping you relax and reverse your stress response: just take deep breaths, and let the stress coe out when you exhale(呼气).

A. Learn to both read between lines and skim.

B. Ensure that you sleep and eat well before a test.

C. Relax your body and mind and imagine the day of the results.

D. There are some stress relief techniques that can help to calm you down.

E. There are other things that you can do to help ensure you get good grades.

F. Every time you sit down to study, give yourself five minutes to calm your mind.

G. Depending on what you want to study, and how much you have to cover, plan your time.

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