





注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

It is five years now since I graduate from college. Last Saturday, the class that I was on held a get-together, which took us a long time prepare. It was indeed not easy to get in the touch with everybody and set a well time for all of us. We all enjoyed this day greatly, remember the time we spent together or the people we were familiar with. It was a pity which some of us were not present as we had gone abroad for further study. But they called back or sent greeting card from different places.


【1】 graduate graduated

2 on in


4去掉get in the touch 中的the

5 well→ good

6 remember→ remembering

7 or and

8 which→ that

9 we→ they

10 card→ cards



【1】 graduate graduated 考查时态。毕业是一发生在过去的事情,故用过去时。

2 on in 考查介词用法。在具体的哪个班级使用介词in

3 prepare前面加to 考查固定句型用法。固定句型it takes sb. some time to do sth.,表示某人花费多长时间做某事

4去掉get in the touch 中的the 考查固定词组。get in touch with sb.与某人取得联系。

5 well good 考查形容词。time是名词,应该使用形容词修饰,well作形容词是表示健康的,与句意不符。

6 remember remembering 考查非谓语动词。remember与we构成主动关系,用现在分词表伴随

7 or and 考查固连词根据语境可知,前后为并列关系,不是选择关系,故用and

8which that 考查主语从句。it作形式主语,that引导真正的主语从句。

9 we they 考查代词用法。与上文一致,这里指他们中一些人。

【10 card cards 考查名词的数。根据上下文可知这里应该使用复数形式。




【1】 The polluting river gives off a terrible smell.


【2】 The pilot asked all the passengers on board to remain seating as the plane was making a landing.


【3】 I’m very pleasing with my own cooking because it looks nice and smells delicious.


【4】 His right hand got burning in that big fire.


【5】 As we joined the big crowd I got separating from my friends.


【6】 I have been to some English-spoken countries.


【7】The children examining at the hospital yesterday were seriously ill.


【8】 She had little sense of direction, so she often got losing when she was out.


【9】 Don’t you know the girl worn a red skirt?


【10】 Don’t use words, expressions, or phrases knowing only to people with specific knowledge.


【11】 A great number of students questioning said they were forced to practice musical instruments.


【12】 Look over there—there’s a very long path leads up to the house.


【13】. With the government’s aid, those affecting by the earthquake have moved to the new buildings.


【14】 Because her parents are in their fifties, Mary doesnt feel like to study abroad.


【15】 The famous singer came into the stadium, following by a number of fans.



Modern man has cleared the forests for farmland and for wood, and has also carelessly burned them. More than that, though, he has also interfered (干涉) with the invisible bonds between the living things in

the forests. There are many examples of this kind of destruction. The harmfulness of man's interference can be seen in what happened many years ago in the forest of the Kaibab plateau (凯亚巴布高原) of northern Arizona. Man tried to improve on the natural web of forest life and destroyed it instead.

The Kaibab had a storybook forest of large sized pine, Douglas fir, white fir, blue and Engelmann spruce. In 1882 a visitor noted," We, who... have wandered through its forests and parks, have come to regard it as

the most enchanting region it has ever been our privilege (特权) to visit." This was also the living place of the Rocky Mountain mule deer. Indians hunted there every autumn to gather meat and skins. The forest also had

mountain lions, timber wolves and bobcats that kept the deer from multiplying too rapidly.

Then, in 1906, President Theodore Roosevelt made the Kaibab a national game preserve. Deer hunting was forbidden. Government hunters started killing off the deer's enemies. In 25 years' time, 6,250 mountain lions, wolves and bobcats were killed. Before the program, there were about 4,000 deer in the Kaibab, by 1924, there were about 100,000.

The deer ate every leaf and twig they could reach. But there was not nearly enough food. Hunting of deer was permitted again. This caused a slight decrease in the deer herd (鹿群),but a far greater loss resulted from starvation (饥饿) and disease. Some 60 percent of the deer herd died in two winters. By 1930 the herd had dropped to 20,000 animals. By 1942 it was down to 8,000.

【1】 The destruction of the environment of the Kaibab resulted from _____.

A. turning the forest into cultivated land

B. interfering with natural cycle of forest life

C. forest fires caused by man's carelessness

D. cutting the trees for building materials

【2】"Engelmann spruce"(Para. 2) is most likely the name of _____.

A. a tree

B. an animal

C. a mountain

D. a game

【3】 The number of the deer in the Kaibab had increased enormously in _____ years' time.

A. 25

B. 6

C. 18

D. 12

【14】 Years later, large numbers of deer in the Kaibab died mainly because of _____.

A. the cold

B. the organized kill

C. the shortage of food

D. the poor management

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