






In recent years, ads are playing important part in our daily life.No matter where we go, you can find them. Some ads told us about new products, and some ads deal with widespread social concerns, such as, ¡°Yes to life, no to drugs¡± and ¡°Knowledge change life.¡± All of these ads are of greatly help to us, and we can learn a lot by follow the advice they give us. Unfortunately, some ads are not true, they either spread false information or cheat consumer in one way or another. However, in spite of the fact that ads can help with us, we should also watch out for them from time to time.


In recent years, ads are playing ¡Äimportant part in our daily life.No matter where we go, you

an we

can find them. Some ads told us about new products, and some ads deal with widespread


social concerns, such as, ¡°Yes to life, no to drugs¡± and ¡°Knowledge change life.¡± All of these


ads are of greatly help to us, and we can learn a lot by follow the advice they give us.

great following

Unfortunately, some ads are not true, they either spread false information or cheat consumer in

which consumers

one way or another. However, in spite of the fact that ads can help with us, we should also watch out


for them from time to time .


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