

I grew up on a farm outside Port Clinton, Ohio. I was the youngest son, with four brothers and four sisters, plus a girl my folks took in. By the late 60s, most of us were 1 and had families of our own. One day, 2 we were visiting my parents in late summer or early fall, Dad mentioned he’d 3 wanted a Crimson King maple tree for the yard. Mom agreed that they were pretty.

Like many parents, mine were 4 to shop for something, so I 5 this was a great 6 to get them something they’d appreciate. I also thought if they wanted one tree, two would be even better. I 7 the price at work and decided it was a bit more than I could 8 but all of my siblings agreed to give a hand.

In northern Ohio, we don’t plant maple trees at Christmas, so we decided to surprise Mom and Dad with a 9 Christmas in October before the ground froze. We asked my aunt 10 she’d help us with the deception(欺骗), and she called my parents in 11 to say she was coming for a Sunday visit. Then my sisters and sisters-in-law went into 12 , planning a big holiday turkey dinner.

On the 13 Sunday, we all met at my house and loaded the trees in a pickup truck. I 14 as Santa Claus. Then off we went, nine or 10 cars 15 with people and food, plus the pickup.

When the caravan(队伍) 16 my folks’ house, Dad came rushing out of the back door, convinced something was17 . He and Mom were 18 when we told them why we were there.

When Christmas 19 , of course, we couldn’t go to our parents’ house empty handed, so Mom and Dad got double presents that year. Almost half a century later, I still drive by the old farmhouse(农庄) and smile when I see those big, handsome 20 and remember giving a special gift to special people on Christmas in October.

【1】A. divorced B. married C. born D. friendly

【2】A. once B. since C. while D. if

【3】A. casually B. occasionally C. hardly D. always

【4】A. hard B. convenient C. available D. anxious

【5】A. performed B. figured C. promoted D. guaranteed

【6】A. opportunity B. performance C. permission D. access

【7】A. watched B. checked C. noticed D. tested

【8】A. account B. acquire C. afford D. advocate

【9】A. common B. usual C. ordinary D. special

【10】A. if B. why C. that D. what

【11】A. detail B. surprise C. advance D. excitement

【12】A. fashion B. direction C. instruction D. action

【13】A. greeting B. adjusted C. chosen D. predicted

【14】A. looked up B. took up C. turned up D. dressed up

【15】A. covered B. loaded C. surrounded D. crowded

【16】A. arrived at B. reached for C. left for D. headed for

【17】A. adequate B. wrong C. /span>beautiful D. invisible

【18】A. amazed B. delighted C. amused D. confused

【19】A. faded away B. turned around C. rolled away D. rolled around

【20】A. folks B. pickups C. trees D. trucks











10】 A













【1】考查形容词。divorced“离婚的”,married“已婚的”,born“出生的”,friendly“友好的”。后半句内容“and had families of our own”可知,“我们”大部分已结婚成家,故选B项。


【3】考查副词。casually“随便地”,occasionally“偶然地”,hardly“几乎不”,always“一直;总是”。由下 文可知,作者的父亲一直想要棵枫树,故选D项。



【6】考查名词。opportunity“机会”,performance“表演,表现”,permission“允许,许可”,access“接近, 进入”。父亲一直想要枫树,作者认为这是给他们买礼物的好机会,故选A项。

【7】考查动词。watch“注视”,check“核实,核对”,notice“注意到”,test“测验”。由下文可知,作者应 是核实过枫树的价格,故选B项。

【8】考查动词。account“解释”,acquire“获得”,afford“负担得起”,advocate“提倡,主张”。结合后半句 “but all of my siblings agreed to give a hand”可知,价格超过作者能负担的范围,故选C项。

【9】考查形容词。common“常见的,共同的”,usual“通常的”,ordinary“普通的”,special“特别的”。结 合语境,圣诞节应是在十二月,而作者在十月给父母过圣诞节,故应是特别的圣诞节,选D项。

【10】考查连词。if“是否”;why“为什么”;that作为从句引导词,无意义;what“什么”。结合语境,作者 问阿姨是否可以帮助他们,故选A项。

【11】考查固定搭配。in detail“详细地”,in surprise“惊讶地”,in advance“提前”,in excitement“兴奋地”。 结合语境,阿姨提前给作者的父母打电话说是周日去拜访,故选C项。

【12】考查名词。fashion“时尚”,direction“方向,指示”,instruction“指示,说明”,action“行动”。结合后半句“planning a big holiday turkey dinner”,此处应表示作者的姐妹们和妹夫们行动起来了,故选D项。

【13】考查动词。greet“问候,打招呼”,adjust“调整”,choose“选择”,predict“预测,预言”。由结构可知, 该空是动词的过去分词作定语修饰Sunday;结合上文可知,作者和姐妹们是早已选定日期给父母 过这个特别的圣诞节,故选C项。

【14】考查动词短语。look up“抬头看,查阅”,take up“占据,从事”,turn up“到达,露面”,dress up“乔 装打扮”。作者一家人给父母亲过圣诞节,故应是装扮成圣诞老人,故选D项。

【15】考查动词。cover“覆盖”,load“装载”,surround“包围”,crowd“挤满”。结合语境,作者等人给父母 亲过圣诞节,故应是车上载满了人和食物,选B项。

【16】考查动词短语。arrive at“到达”,reach for“伸手去取”,leave for“前往”,head for“前往”。结合后半 句“Dad came rushing out of…”可知,作者等人到了父母家,故选A项。

【17】考查形容词。adequate“充足的”,wrong“错误的”,beautiful“美丽的”,invisible“看不见的”。结合语 境,父亲看到我们许多人突然到来且带着很多东西,认为出现了错误,故选B项。

【18】考查形容词。amazed“感到惊讶的”,delighted“感到高兴的”,amused“感到快乐的”,confused“困惑 的”。结合上文,我们给父母过圣诞节为了他们一个惊喜,故父母亲应是感到惊讶,选A项。

【19】 19.D 考查动词短语。fade away“消退,衰弱”,turn around“转身”,roll away“滚走”,roll around“循环到 来”。结合常识,圣诞节每年都会到来,故选D项。

【20】 考查名词。folk“家人,家属”,pickup“搭车者”,trees“树”,truck“卡车”。结合上文,作者在大约五十年后,开车路过这些高大的枫树时仍会微笑,故选C项。


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