

My first day of high school was like any other’s: registering, finding new classmates, meeting new teachers, and seeking new friends.

During lunch, I ran into my first snag(困难) of the day. At the dining hall, as the checkout(付款处) lady asked for my money, I realized that I had forgotten my lunch money. When I told her about it, I heard a voice behind me. I turned around and there stood a teacher telling her he would pay for my lunch. He told me his name, Mr Pete Walker, and said, "If you get a chance, you should take my history class." I recognized his name, and told him I was in his class later that day. Mr Walker befriended me on the very first day of school at a very crucial time of the day lunch!

He always told us we should do more than we ever thought. He pushed us to do all things better. He coached many sports, and sponsored many after-class activities. If we were interested in something, he would find a way to expose us to it by inviting speakers, taking us on field trips, or obtaining information for us.

Two years later, my junior year in school was clicking along nicely when one day I was riding my motorcycle and I was hit by a car. I spent six days in hospital and was at home in bed for two weeks before returning to school. Mr Walker stopped by the hospital each day with my work from my teachers. Once I was at home, he would bring my work too.

After high school, I attended the United States Army Airborne School in Fort Benning, Georgia. I knew my parents would be there the day I graduates, but they brought an unexpected guest. They came across Mr Walker at lunch several days before and told him I was about to graduate. His visit, however, was not a surprise to me.

【1】At the dining hall, .

A. the lady didn’t want to charge the author for his lunch

B. the author knew Mr Walker was right behind him

C. Mr Walker didn’t know the author was his student

D. the author decided to invite Mr Walker to lunch

【2】 The story in Paragraph 4 showed that Mr Walker was .

A. caring B. strict C. skilled D. learned

【3】What happened on the author’s graduation day?

A. His parents met Mr Walker by chance.

B. His family invited Mr Walker to lunch.

C. Mr Walker brought an unexpected guest.

D. His parents came together with Mr Walker.

【4】 What can we infer from the last sentence of the passage?

A. The author had invited Mr Walker to his graduation ceremony.

B. The author’s parents had informed him of Mr Walker’s visit.

C. Mr Walker had a very close relationship with his students.

D. Mr Walker went to visit the author frequently.








小题1细节理解题。根据第二段中的"I recognized his name, and told him I was in his class later that day."可知Walker先生当时不知道"我"是他的学生。


【3】细节理解题。根据最后一段中的"I knew my parents would be there the day I graduates, but they brought an unexpected guest."可知"我"的父母是在"我"事先不知道的情况下带Walker先生一起来参加"我"的毕业典礼的。




Born in Lahore, Pakistan, Komal Ahmad’s parents decided to move the family to Las Vegas when she was very young. Her mother studied to become a nurse and quickly increased the family’s income. She later attended UC Berkeley. Komal was interested in becoming a naval doctor and was part of ROTC in college. She always wanted to serve her country. She didn’t realize then that "serving" her country would later become food-related.

It was 2011, when Komal Ahmad, a senior in college at the time, walked past a young man on the street who was begging for food. She invited him to sit down for a meal. At the same time, a few feet away, the dining hall was throwing away pounds of delicious food. Witnessing this, Komal knew she was meant to do something about the situation. Komal started a student group that recovered food from campus and distributed it to local non-profit organizations.

As rewarding as this was, something bothered her. One day, she got a call from the dining hall manager, who had 500 sandwiches left over from an event. Komal needed to pick them up before they spoiled(变质). She rented a car, loaded it with the food, and called non-profit organizations. She found takers for only 25 sandwiches. Knowing it shouldn’t be that hard to help people, she extended her rental reservations in order to push the sandwiches. Then the light bulb moment she was waiting for: what if there was an app that could pair people who had food with people/span> who needed it? And thus, Copia was born.

Companies use the app to report when they have leftover food. When charity agencies first register with Copia, they indicate how many people they need to feed, and on what days. The app distributes the leftover food, delivered by trained food handlers.

1 How had Komal planned to serve her country?

A. By being a naval nurse. B. By helping the navy medically.

C. By teaching in ROTC. D. By solving food-related problems.

2Who inspired Komal to take action?

A. Her mother. B. The dining hall manager.

C. A naval doctor. D. A beggar.

3What troubled Komal about the student group?

A. Its inefficiency in redistributing wasted food.

B. Limited leftover food to help the homeless.

C. People’s unwillingness to take leftover food.

D. The difficulty of finding food sources.

4 What is stressed in the last paragraph?

A. The creation of Copia. B. The influence of Copia.

C. The way Copia functions. D. The development of Copia.


When Alice started to cycle home from Jennys house, she wasnt nervous. She was certainly not afraid of the dark. _【1】_, it was only a 15-minute ride home. But halfway there, she began to wish that she hadnt been so __【2】_.

As she rounded a sharp bend, it suddenly __【3】__ cold very cold. Alices breath became puffs of white cloud and her legs were so cold that it became hard to ride.

With her heart beating fast, she struggled so hard to move __【4】_ that she didnt hear the car which suddenly appeared beside her. She stopped by the road. The big black car also __【5】__. Slowly, the passenger-window began to slide down. Alice held her breath. In the soft light inside the car, something __【6】__. Then, the light brightened and Alice was staring at a sweet, grey-haired old lady. Hello, dear, said the old lady. I need __【7】__. Im afraid Im lost. I need to find the nearest airport. I must be there in the next five minutes.

Airport? You __【8】__ are lost, Alice said. You need to go back five kilometers __【9】__ you reach the T-junction. Turn left and __【10】__ for about another 10 kilometers to the main highway. From there, just follow the __【11】__ to the airport. But Im afraid theres no __【12】__ youll get there in five minutes!

Thank you very much, dear, replied the old lady. t worry Ill __【13】__ in time.

The __【14】__ moved up and the car started off. A little way ahead, it __【15】_ and with headlights flashing, it drove past Alice. But then, something __【16】__ happened. The car began changing. First, its color __【17】__from black to silvery-grey. Then, the wheels began disappearing, but the car continued to move forward, __【18】_ just above the ground. As the car __【19】_ into the dark sky, the big red tail-lights grew larger and larger and glowed more and more brightly. With a faint whistling __【20】_, the car was gone in seconds, leaving Alice shaking her head in disbelief

A However B Besides C Therefore D Otherwise

A brave B excited C curious D stubborn

A fell B seemed C proved D grew

A aside B around C forward D backward

A arrived B stopped C stayed D started

A gathered B existed C dropped D moved

A help B gas C rest D water

A necessarily B normally C basically D certainly

A if B until C unless D as

A drive B walk C follow D march

A address B signs C notices D guidance

A doubt B room C time D way

A have it B get it C make it D finish it

A door B window C headlight D wheel

A passed B rushed C turned D continued

A strange B sensitive C imaginable D horrible

A developed B appeared C spread D faded

A rlling B floating C drawing D flashing

A pointed B returned C broke D rose

A tune B voice C sound D tone

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