


Bill Whites father is a lawyer. In his ____ time, he likes to get out in the country and take some ____ of animals.

For a long time, Bill had wanted to go with his father on one of his ____. But his father didnt take Bill along with him ____ he was fifteen.

He and Bill drove to the farm ____ by his uncle in the afternoon. They ____ the night there, so that they could ____ out early the next morning. Uncle Steve and his son Larry, who was sixteen, were going to go out with them.

It was still dark when Bill heard the alarm ____ the next morning. He wondered why it was running so early. He couldnt remember ____ he was. He turned over ____ and looked at the clock. It was 5 oclock. Then he ____ that he was at the ____ and that he was going out to take pictures with his father. He jumped out of bed and got ____ quickly.

He ran downstairs. The others were already in the ____. Uncle Steve was cooking bacon (腊肉) and eggs. There was a pot of coffee on the stove. It ____ good.

They ate breakfast quickly. They didnt talk ____, because they didnt want to ____ up the other people in the house. They filled a bottle ____ hot coffee and took some sandwiches _____ Aunt Grace, Uncle Steve's wife, had made for them. They gathered their camera ____ and started out.

【1】A. busy B. spare C. enough D. limited

【2】A. foods B. draings C. paintings D. pictures

【3】A. trips B. buses C. animals D. mountains

【4】A. after B. when C. until D. unless

【5】A. led B. ended C. dreamt D. owned

【6】A. cost B. spent C. slept D. took

【7】A. start B. begin C. walk D. step

【8】A. telephone B. machine C. computer D. clock

【9】A. where B. how C. who D. what

【10】A. quickly B. sleepily C. quietly D. suddenly

【11】A. imagined B. pronounced C. forgot D. remembered

【12】A. mountain B. town C. farm D. station

【13】A. dressed B. ordered C. eaten D. prepared

【14】A. bathroom B. kitchen C. study D. bedroom

【15】A. seemed B. felt C. tasted D. smelled

【16】A. many B. soundly C. much D. highly

【17】A. wake B. go C. put D. come

【18】A. of B. with C. in D. by

【19】A. that B. what C. after D. before

【20】A. cover B. supply C. operator D. equipment
























【1】B 形容词辨析。A. 忙碌的;B. 空闲的;C. 足够的;D. 有限的。他在空闲时间经常外出。

【2】D 考查名词辨析和上下文串联。A. 食物;B. 素描, 绘画, 绘图 C. 画; D. 照片根据下文12空后的take pictures说明Bill爸爸经常出去拍照片。

【3】A 名词辨析。A. 旅行;B. 公交车;C. 动物;D. 大山。指Bill想和父亲一起参加这样的旅行。

【4】C 固定连词。A. after……后面;B. when当……时候;C. until直到……;D. unless除非not ... until ... 直到……才。直到15岁,Bill的爸爸才带他去。

【5】D 动词辨析。那个农场属于他叔叔。

【6】B 动词辨析。cost / take的主语不能是人。spend的主语可以是人。他们在那里住一晚上。

【7】A 固定词组由最后一段的最后一句中的started out 可知,此处指他们第二天很早就可以出发了。start out意为出发

【8】D 名词辨析。A. 电话;B. 机器;C. 计算机;D. 闹钟。指闹钟响了起来。

【9】A 语法分析。A. 哪里,B. 怎样;C. 谁;D. 什么本句是宾语从句,指他记不得自己在什么地方了。

【10】B 考查副词和上下文串联。A. 快地;B. 瞌睡;C. 安静地;D. 突然。很早起来,那么他肯定是很困,sleepily,故B正确。

【11】D 动词辨析。A. 想象;B. 发音;C. 忘记;D. 记得。然后他记得自己来到叔叔的农场了。

【12】C 名词辨析。A. 山;B. 城镇;C. 农场;D. 车站解析同上然后他记得自己来到叔叔的农场了。

【13】A 固定用法。get dressed穿好衣服。B. 命令;C. 吃;D. 准备。指他很快就穿好衣服。

【14】B 考查名词和上下文串联。A. 浴室;B. 厨房;C. 书房;D. 卧室。根据下文他们在准备早饭,说明他们是在厨房里。

【15】D 词义辨析。A. 似乎;B. 感觉;D. 品尝;D. 闻起来。他们在准备,不是品尝。咖啡闻起来好闻

【16】C 副词辨析。A. 多(修饰可数名词);B. 合理地健康地;C. 多(修饰不可数名词或是动词);D. 高度地指他们交谈不多,是因为怕吵醒其它人。

【17】A 动词辨析。A. 醒来;B. 去;C. 放;D. wake up吵醒。解析同上:怕吵醒其它人。

【18】B 固定词组。fill ... with ... ……装满……,指他们把热水瓶装满热咖啡。

【19】A 语法分析。这个定语从句中关系代词that指代sandwiches作为made的宾语。

【20】D 名词辨析。A. 封面;B. 供应;C. 接线员;D. 设备。指他们拿起照相机设备出去拍照片。


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