

The images were shocking: Allison Samowitz and her twin sister, Jillian were watching the 2010 BP oil spill (溢出)on TV with their 【1】 sinking. "We live right 【2】 the beach, and we heard many stories of how sea birds and sea creatures 【3】 because of sea pollution and how the spill 【4】 the ocean's ecosystem," says Allison. "It was just devastating (毁灭性),and we were 【5】 it would happen here." The 【6】 towns along the Gulf of Mexico didn't feel that far away from their little Golden Beach anymore. They decided to do 【7】 for the nature conservation.

The sisters studied the 【8】 habits of their friends and neighbors. "We're a(n) 【9】 town of 260 homes, and we found out only 20 percent of them 10 !” Allison says.

Moved to act, they first organized a town fair with demonstrations about how 【11】 people could make lasting changes to the environment. They 【12】 local companies to join them and the fair 【13】 a crowd of about 200 people. On the scene were trucks and booths (货摊)where volunteers and company workers accepted 【14】 electronic equipment, eyeglasses, clothes and books—all for recycling.

The girls are planning another 【15】 this year. "It's an education campaign," says Allison. "People don't know, but there are so many simple things they can do every day that can 【16】 the nature."

Allison now reports on the environment for her school's television station. Both girls devote their spare 【17】 to various recycling projects around the town,such as giving old toys to children's charities and collecting 【18】 clothes for the people in need.

And should anyone think that they're awfully single-minded, they are 【19】 . The sisters have many 【20】 other interests: ballet, volleyball,singing and deep-sea diving with their dad. "They're basically optimistic," said their dad.

A. boats B. ships C. habits D. hearts

A. for B. on C. above D. with

A. lived B. died C. appeared D. survived

A. promoted B. maintained C. controlled D. affected

A. sure B. sorry C. afraid D. certain

A. historical B. industrial C. official D. coastal

A. something B. anything C. nothing D. everything

A. conservation B. contribution C. pronunciation D. nutrition

A. famous B. ancient C. large D. small

A. recycled B. fished C. worked D. waited

A. clever B. normal C. ordinary D. cautious

A. ordered B. reminded C. warned D. persuaded

A. collected B. informed C. attracted D. moved

A. used B. repaired C. polluted D. broken

A. game B. concert C. competition D. fair

A. damage B. benefit C. ruin D. endanger

A. time B. part C. money D. effort

A. new B. fashionable C. worn D. expensive

A. mistaken B. right C. silly D. friendly

A. wealthy B. strange C. popular D. healthy

【答案】【1】 D

【2】 B

【3】 B

【4】 D

【5】 C

【6】 D

【7】 A

【8】 A

【9】 D

【10】 A

【11】 C

【12】 D

【13】 C

【14】 A

【15】 D

【16】 B

【17】 A

【18】 C

【19】 A

【20】 D


【1】 文章第一句讲到溢油事件的景象令人震撼,故可判断她们的心情非常沉重。

【2】 on the beach 意为“在海边”。

【3】 她们听到过许多有关海鸟和海洋动物因为海水污染而死去的故事。

【4】 affect在此意为“影响”,符合句意。

【5】 “我们”担心这样的悲剧可能在“我们”这里重演。

【6】前面on the beach有提示。coastal意为“海边的”,符合句意。

【7】 他们决定为环境保护做点事情。

【8】 后面提到了她们的调查结果(只有20%的家庭对废物回收利用),故可判断她们研究了居民的环保习惯。conservation意为“环保,保护,保守”,符合句意。


【10】 第三段中all for recycling有提示。

【11】 ordinary 普通的”,符合句意。

【12】 她们说服了当地12家公司参加这次活动。persuade “说服”,符合句意。

【13】 attract意为“吸引”,符合句意。

【14】 used在此意为“用过的”,符合句意。

【15】 上文 they first organized a town fair 有提示。

【16】 他们不知道他们每天可以做一些简单的事情,这些事情对大自然有益。benefit意为“对……有益处”,符合句意。


【18】 前面一句old toys有提示。她们回收旧衣服,资助那些贫困的人。worn在此意为旧的”,符合句意。

【19】 后面讲到这对双胞胎还有许多其他爱好,所以如果有人认为这对双胞胎头脑简单,兴趣单一就大错特错了。

【20】这对双胞胎还有许多其他健康的爱好。healthy “健康的”,符合句意。


【题目】A guitarist was pleasantly surprised to hear from New York City police that his valuable guitar had been found. It disappeared almost a year ago when he got out of a taxi and forgot to take the guitar with him. Laurence Lennon, 44, said he was running late that day. He was talking to his manager on his cellphone when he rushed out of the taxi. He said that he gave the driver $60 and told him to keep the change. He walked through the front doors of the concert hall, still talking on the phone to his manager.

Upon discovering his loss, Lennon used his cellphone to call the police. The policewoman asked him for the name of the taxi company, the number of the taxi, and the name of the driver. He said that she must have been joking.

She told Lennon that he could apply for a missing item report online. Lennon asked for address. It was www.nypd.gov/toprotectandtoserve/haveaniceday. She told him that finding the guitar might take a couple of years for finding guitars was not as important as finding murderers and marijuana (大麻)smokers. Then she told him to have a nice day.

“This year has been depressing,” said Lennon. “I had to put off the recording of two new CDs. I’ve been using borrowed guitars. And I was losing hope of ever recovering my guitar.”

Lennon was reunited with his $100,000 guitar yesterday. The guitar had been discovered in the corner of a coffeehouse only two blocks from where Lennon had lost it. Lennon had offered a $10,000 reward for its return. He said he would give the reward to the coffeehouse owner, who had informed the police.

【1】 Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?

A. Careless guitarist surprised.

B. Valuable guitar found.

C. Coffeehouse owner rewarded.

D. Taxi driver still unknown.

【2】 In the first paragraph, the author explained ________.

A. how costly the guitar was

B. how important the concert was

C. why the guitarist was late

D. why the guitar was left behind

【3】 By saying “she must have been joking” in Para 2, the guitarist probably means ________.

A. it was impossible for him to answer her questions

B. there must have been something she felt funny

C. she didn’t believe at all that he had lost his guitar

D. she must have felt that his behavior was funny

【4】 In the policewoman’s opinion, finding the lost guitar _________.

A. was not important at all

B. wouldn’t be done online

C. could be a long time hunting

D. only depended on the driver

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