
【题目】More and more people are annoyed at the continually rising house prices. They want to know who is to blame for it. Local governments, developers and speculators share a vested interest in it. People who are really in need of homes are most likely to suffer heavy losses.

Many local governments depend on selling land to keep its normal operation. The higher land prices, the more money. Therefore, developers back the local governments by buying land at high prices. In return, the governments make favorable policies to help the developers. For example, drive all the possible home buyers to this nasty market. They even encourage large numbers of speculators to catch more people.

Rising house prices have already become the fence which divides the Chinese society. It has caused widespread dissatisfaction. The government will lose the support of the common people if leaving house prices out of control. Besides, rising house prices will stop us building the new country side as the present policy actually forbid people to flow freely from cities to the countryside.

Collecting taxes on houses can fundamentally solve this problem. On one hand, it will discourage the speculators. On the other hand, it will offer a stable tax resource apart from reducing the sales cost of the developers. Secondly, stop the developers selling the houses before completion. If so, the developers will certainly try their best to sell all their houses once completed. And this will also lower speculators' expectation of price rising, which will decrease speculations.

【1】 The only victims of rising house prices are __________.

A. governments

B. real home buyers

C. developers

D. speculators

【2】 The local governments reward the developers by __________.

A. offering enough land

B. allowing sales in advance

C. providing enough buyers

D. making favorable policies

【3】 We can infer from the passage that continually rising house. prices will __________.

A. benefit the government

B. draw more home buyers

C. help the housing industry develop soundly

D. affect the sound development of the Chinese society

【4】 Collecting taxes on houses has all the following effects except __________.

A. making the developers do their best to sell their houses

B. cutting down speculations

C. supplying a stable tax resource for the government

D. decreasing the sales cost

【答案】【1】 B

【2】 D

【3】 D



【2】事实细节题。从第二段中的In return, the governments make favorable policies to help the developers. 可知,地方政府常给房产开发商以优惠的政策,所以答案选D项。


【4】逻辑推理题。从文章最后一段可知,征收房产税,能打击炒房客 (B) ,给政府增加税收 (C) ,降低房价 (D) 。只有A项没有提到,所以答案选A项。


【题目】I stopped at a red light only a mile or so from my goal of my brother’s house. We were planning to ______ down together to North Carolina to be with my father who was critically ill.

As I ______ at the stop light, I noticed Sharper’s Florist over to the left. It was the same ______ I had stood as a young man nervously ______ some roses for my date floods of ______ went through my mind. I noticed the liquor (酒) store straight ahead where my father and I had been many times before, ______ the beer of the week. We both liked German beer.

The light finally turned ______. And I made my left turn and went through the ______ section of our hometown. I remembered how each thanksgiving my ______ would be together, including my parents and my brother. I also remembered how my father would ______ some time every thanksgiving, making sure there was no one ______ in the neighborhoods surrounding where we lived. I can remember as a young boy going with him to ______ some food. I was scared. I had ______ been into this part of town this deeply before. But my father seemed ______ and went about his business.

The people seemed to know him and _____ accepted what he came to offer. My father seemed able to give away the food in a way that honored those he was giving to. He would ______ at each place and talk a little.

My father wanted to be sure ______ had food. If there were people he found who didn’t have food, he would ______ and get more. That’s the kind of man he was.

I pulled into the driveway of my brother’s home. I got out of the ______ and my brother Joel was there to meet me. We hugged and Joel said Dad had ______ just an hour ago. How I hoped I could see him for the last time! But I had no chance.

【1】 A. turn B. drive C. walk D. slow

【2】 A. waited B. thought C. rested D. looked

【3】A. mark B. place C. way D. sign

【4】 A. picking out B. making out C. pointing out D. turning out

【5】 A. warnings B. complaints C. tears D. memories

【6】 A. selling B. drinking C. buying D. producing

【7】A. yellow B. green C. red D. dark

【8】 A. high B. low C. poor D. rich

【9】 A. friends B. family C. brother D. classmates

【10】 A. spend B. waste C. plan D. pass

【11】 A. cold B. afraid C. thirsty D. hungry

【12】 A. eat B. seek C. send D. cook

【13】 A. almost B. never C. nearly D. really

【14】 A. calm B. nervous C. angry D. quiet

【15】 A. carefully B. easily C. gratefully D. hardly

【16】 A. stop B. move C. continue D. run

【17】 A. no one B. everyone C. someone D.anybody else

【18】 A. step forward B. stand out C. walk down D. go back

【19】 A. kitchen B. room C. car D. bus

【20】 A. passed away B. lain down C. gone out D. gotup

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