
【题目】 Using too much water or throwing rubbish into our rivers are clear ways that humans can

Put our water supply in danger, but we also affect our water supply in less obvious ways.

You may wonder how paving(铺砌) a road can lead to less useable fresh water . A major

Part of the water we use every day is groundwater. Groundwater does not come from lakes or rivers. It comes from underground. The more roads and parking lots we pave, the less water can flow into the ground to become groundwater.

Human activity is not responsible for all water shortages(短缺). Driver climates are of course more likely to have droughts(干旱) than areas with more rainfall ,but in any case, good management can help to make sure there is enough water to meet our basic needs .

Thinking about the way we use water every day can make a big difference, too. In the United States, a family of four can use 1.5tons of water a day! This shows how much we depend on water to live ,but theres a lot we can do to lower the number .

You can take steps to save water in your home .To start with ,use the same glass for your drinking water all day .Wash it only once a day .Run your dishwasher (洗碗机)only when it is full。Help your parents fix any leaks in your home . You can even help to keep our water supply clean by recycling batteries instead of throwing them away.

【1】 Which of the following is most likely to lead to less groundwater ?

A. Using river water .

B .Throwing batteries away .

C. paving parking lots .

D. Throwing rubbish into lakes .

【2】 What can be inferred from the text ?

A. All water shortages are due to human behavior .

B. It takes a lot of effort to meet our water needs .

C. There is much we can do to reduce family size .

D. The average family in America makes proper use of water .

【3】 The last paragraph is intended to .

A. show us how to fix leaks at home

B. tell us how to run a dishwasher

C. prove what drinking glass is best for us

D. suggest what we do to save water at home

【4】 The text is mainly about .

A. Why paving roads reduces our water

B. how much we depend on water to live

C. why droughts occur more in dry climates

D. how human activity affects our water supply

【答案】【1】 C

【2】 B

【3】 D

【4】 D

【解析】 这是一篇关于用水问题的议论文。本文告诉我们,尽管大量用水和污染水源使人类用水处于危险境地,但是人类一些小型的活动也对用水问题有着巨大的影响。本文详细描写了生活中容易造成浪费的一些用水问题,并提出了相应的建议。

【1】 细节理解题。根据The more roads and parking lots we pave, the less water can flow into the ground to become groundwater可知选C。

【2】 细节理解题。根据第一段话good management can help to make sure there is enough water to meet our basic needs及下文描述,可知要满足我们的用水需求需要很大的努力,故选B。

【3】细节理解题。根据You can take steps to save water in your home及本段描述,可知本段主要是针对如何节水提出建议,选D。



【题目】Both warm-blooded and cold-blooded desert animals have ways to escape the desert heat. Warm- blooded desert animals, such as rats and mice, rest during the day, often staying in cool underground burrows. At night they search for food. Animals that are out during the day, such as cold-blooded lizards and snakes, are active only for short periods. As their body temperature rises, these reptiles(爬行动物 move into the shade in order to cool down. In the early evening, when the sun grows weaker, the reptiles become more active and begin their search for food again.

Getting enough water to survive is a major problem for all desert animals. Some desert animals, like desert birds, manage to find water holes. Other desert animals, such as the kangaroo rat and the related jerboa, get water only from the food that they eat. Because these animals eat mainly dry seeds, they must survive on a tiny amount of water.

Most deserts have only a small number of frogs and toads because these animals must be near water to survive. Yet even these creatures have adapted(适应) to desert conditions. When small amounts of water collect in temporary streams, the desert-living frogs and toads become active. After a rainfall, they lay their eggs. The eggs grow into tadpoles in a few days and into adults in just four weeks. When the puddles(水坑) dry up, the adult frogs or toads dig into the ground. Their metabolism(新陈代谢) slows, and they stay beneath the ground until the next rain, which may be as good as a year away. Until then, their bodily activities continue at a reduced rate.

The camel often called the ship of the desert is one of the most successful desert animals. Camels can go for long periods without water, but eventually they must drink. When water becomes available to them after a long drought, they may drink 95 liters of water or more. When water is not available, what helps camels survive the desert heat is the fat stored in their humps(驼峰). A camel’s hump contains about 12 kilograms of fat. Fat is rich in hydrogen. As the fat is digested, hydrogen from the fat combines with oxygen in the air that the camel breathes. The result is H2O, or water. Each kilogram of fat that a camel digests produces about a liter of water.

【1】 Desert animals are usually more active at night because _____.

A. it is cooler at night

B. it is easier to find water

C. they like the dark

D. they are less likely to be attacked at night

【2】 Which of the following desert animals can get water only from the food?

A. The camel.

B. The kangaroo.

C. The frog.

D. The rat.

【3】 Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A. All the desert animals rest during the day.

B. All the desert animals don’t rest during the day.

C. Cold-blooded desert animals are out most of the day.

D. None of the cold-blooded desert animals go out during the day.

【4】 The title for this passagecould probably be _____.

A. Hot Deserts

B. Desert Animals

C. How Desert Animals Get Water

D. Ways To Escape the Desert Heat

【5】The underlined word “burrows” in the first paragraph can be replaced by _____.

A. holes

B. caves

C. rooms

D. openings

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