
【题目】in favour of, ring up, have sympathy for, protect sb. from..., test outleave sb. aloneor rather, prevent. . from. be absent from

1 It strikes me that nobody is __________ the changes.

2 He is in a temper today, so __________.

3 We must take measures to __________ the disease __________ spreading.

4 After Boeing had the plane built, it was __________ thoroughly.

5 He didn't know how to do his homework because he __________ class yesterday.

6 A man who often __________ others will be done favour to.

7 He went home very late last night, __________ , in the early hours this morning.

8 As Senior Two students, we have the ability to __________ being addicted to the Internet.

9 My classmate __________ me __________ saying that the school football team had had three victories this month against other schools.


【解析】【1 in favour of

2 leave him alone

3 prevent from

4tested out

5was absent from

6 has sympathy for

7 or rather

8 protect ourselves from

9 rang up


【题目】An underwater robot that can hear the calls of whales, and to help ships to avoid them, has just been successfully tested in the Bahamas.

The scheme relies on a fish-shaped glider that moves freely through the ocean. It can dive down as far as 200 meters below the surface and direct itself by shifting a weight from fore to aft. A microphone attached to the bottom of the glider can pick up calls from all whales, including the high frequency call of the beaked whale, which until now has been difficult to detect. The glider returns periodically to the surface to radio its data back to base, or if that's too far away, it can call a satellite phone and send its information anywhere in the world.

"We are entering a new era of underwater sensing' says Jim Theriault of Defence Research and Development Canada, in Dartmouth, Nova Scotia who ran the trial. "We can put a glider in the Bahamas and monitor it in Nova Scotia.

The hope is that naval or other ocean-going operations that use sonar (声呐)will be able to more easily track where whales are, and so avoid using their noisy equipment when they are close by. There is circumstantial evidence that sonar can upset whales and a number of strandings (搁浅)have been seen shortly after naval sonar operations. “We're trying to lower the potential risk by knowing the animals are there says Theriault.

1 The shape of the underwater robot is like __________

A. a man

. a fish

C. a snake

D. a turtle

2 The underwater robot is built to __________.

A. help whales move to the Bahamas

B. help whales give birth to their young

C. help ships avoid whales

D. help humans kill more whales

3 To radio its data back to base, the robot has to __________

A. dive down as far as 200 meters below the surface

B. stay deep in the water

C. call a satellite phone

D. come to the surface periodically

4 The best title for this passage is __________ ”.

A. Whales are in danger

B. Whales are difficult to find

C. Robot built to kill whales

D. Robot built to spy on whales

5 Which of the following statements is FALSE?

A. Whales can be disturbed by naval sonar operations.

B. Whales can be disturbed by noisy equipment.

C. Whales can be disturbed by noisy ocean-going operations.

D. Whales' strandings have nothing to do with naval sonar operations.








A.上片开头五句写景:小沟、长江、柳堤、苇岸、烟村、早市。描绘出一辐开阔辽远,祥和而富有生 机的风景画。


C.下片开头六句运用仙话寄托的笔法:词人此时被贬黄州,他想象着浮丘仙人式的、瑶池 境般的沉醉生活,再现了众青鸾穿着摇曳铢衣,进入壶中天地歌舞的缥缈美景。这反映出他遭逢大变,灵肉煎熬,想要逃避现实的心态。




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