


The Grand Ole Opry, in Nashville, Tennessee, has always been American’s most important concert hall for country music. Every Saturday night the place is filled with country music ___.

One ____ in January 1967, it was a very ___ night at the Opry and for the first time a __ man was an attraction (吸引力). ___ music has always been thought of as “white music”. For many, it was a strange ___ to see Charley Pride step ____ the Opry stage. Some people felt ____ about whether a black man could sing country songs. ___ Charley’s smooth voice quickly ____ over the Opry ____. Charley was so good that before long, he was country music’s biggest ____.

Like many country singers, Charley was ___ on a farm. He spent his youth milking cows and picking cotton. But he knew he wasn’t going to make ___ his career (事业). Later, he became a baseball player.

Charley made it to a major league team. But he didn’t stay on for more than one season.

In the winter, after the baseball season, Charley ____ at a local nightclub. One evening, Red Sovine, a great country music star, ____ Charley sing and told Charley to forget about ___ and go for a singing career.

Charley took the ____ and became a true hit-maker. His ___ were always near the top on the list. Some were number one all over the country.

Today Charley Pride is ____ one of the biggest stars in country music. But he says his real wish is to own a baseball team.

【1】A. people B. sound C. fans D. songs

【2】A. Saturday B. day C. time D. concert

【3】A. cold B. special C. dark D. successful

【4】A. young B. famous C. strong D. black

【5】A. Classic B. Country C. Popular D. Light

【6】A. look B. sight C. event D. evening

【7】A. to B. up C. for D. onto

【8】A. unsure B. curious C. bad D. excited

【9】A. Then B. As C. But D. So

【10】A. brought B. won C. flowed D. carried

【11】A. hall B. crowd C. concert D. singers

【12】A. winner B. player C. star D. fan

【13】A. known B. raised C. trained D. found

【14】A. singing B. music C. sports D. farming

【15】A. sang B. played C. fought D. worked

【16】A. made B. heard C. helped D. let

【17】A. music B. jobs C. baseball D. agriculture

【18】A. career B. change C. order D. advice

【19】A. fans B. pictures C. records D. concerts

【20】A. still B. again C. even D. yet






















【解析】本文讲述黑人歌手首次在新泽西重要的音乐厅The Grand Ole Opry演唱乡村音乐,他的歌声吸引了那儿的观众,获得了成功。

【1】C 到音乐厅来听乡村音乐的人应是乡村音乐的fans(歌迷)。而music people意为音乐人,不合文意。

【2】A 上文出现了every Saturday,因此此处用one Saturday。

【3】B 从后文看,黑人歌手首次在这里演唱,而且又非常成功,因此这一天是特别的一天。

【4】D 由8空后面的a black man可知此处答案为black。

【5】B 因为第一段已经提到了country music,并且下文也提到了,所以此处应用country。

【6】B 句意:对于许多人来说,Charley Pride走上Opry舞台是很奇怪的一幕。因为乡村音乐一向被认为是白人音乐,但Charley Pride是一个黑人,所以这一幕很奇怪。sight表示场景,幕,景象

【7】D step onto the stage走上舞台;如果用介词to,则表示走向舞台。此处用onto更合文意。

【8】A 由于黑人歌手首次在这里演唱乡村歌曲,对此一些人感到没有把握。

【9】C 上句说人们对他是否能演唱成功心存疑虑,这句说他的嗓音把音乐厅的人们争取过来,两句是转折关系,故选C项。

【10】B win over……争取过来,符合语境。flow over在……上面流过;think over仔细考虑。

【11】B 他的歌声吸引了那儿的观众,即crowd。hall大厅;concert音乐会;singers歌手。

【12】C 既然人们喜欢听他的音乐,他自然就成了明星。star表示明星。由文章最后一段首句也可知选C项。

【13】B 依据下句He spent his youth milking cows and picking cotton.来判断,他是在农场被抚养长大的。raise抚养。

【14】D 从全文看,他当过棒球手并希望拥有一支棒球队,后来又成为乡村音乐歌星这说明他最初就没打算把务农当作自己的职业。

【15】A 由后面的sing可以得出答案,Charley在当地一家夜总会唱歌。

【16】B 由Red Sovine让Charley去从事唱歌这一行业,说明他听了Charley唱歌。因此应选择heard。

【17】C 他先干农活,后打棒球,那么该忘记的应是最近的职业,即baseball player。

【18】D 本句表示他接受了对方的建议。career事业;change变化;order命令;advice建议。take the advice意为接受建议

【19】C 下文说排名在前,有的甚至全国第一,作为歌星,最能体现其价值和能力的是唱片。

【20】A 用still表示Charley过去是乡村音乐歌星,现在仍是。



My favorite English teacher could draw humor out of the driest material. It wasnt forced on us either. He took Samuel Johnsons dictionary, Addisons essays, and many other literary wonders from the eighteenth century and made them hilarious, even at eight oclock in the morning. The thing that amazed me most was that the first time I read these works on my own some of them seemed dead, but the second time, after his explanation, I couldnt believe that I hadnt seen the humor. The stories and poems and plays were suddenly filled with allusions(典故) and irony and hilarious moments. I learned more from him than from any other teacher.

My least favorite English teacher also made people laugh. Some students found him to be wonderfully funny. Many others did not. He assigned journals over a six week period, to be written in every day. At the end of the six weeks I had a notebook full of bits and pieces about my ideas, short stories, reactions to what we had read, and so on. Our teacher announced that we would be grading each others journals. Mine was passed to Joe, that class clown, who always behaved in a funny or silly way. He saw it fit to make joke of and said, This writing isnt fit to line the bottom of a birdcage. Our teacher laughed at that funny remark. It hurt me so much that the anger from it has driven my writing and teaching ever since.

So what makes the difference? Humor is one of the most powerful tools teachers or writers have. It can build up students and classes and make them excited about literature and writing, or it can tear them apart. It is true that humor is either productive or counter-productive and self-defeating.

【1】 The passage mainly discusses _____.

A. teaching

B. literature

C. humor

D. knowledge

【2】 The underlined word hilarious in Paragraph 1 probably means _____.

A. funny

B. tiring

C. inspiring

D. brilliant

【3】 With his favorite English teacher, the writer found it most amazing that _____.

A. his teacher was very learned

B. his teacher was very humorous

C. the works by Johnson and Addison were very humorous

D. few were able to find humor in works by Johnson and others

【4】 The English teacher the writer disliked most _____.

A. was not able to make students laugh

B. hurt his students feelings

C. didnt let his students do the grading

D. had no sense of humor


Please Don’t Be Afraid To Travel On Your Own

You want to travel. You make an unclear plan. 【1】___________ But either way, you’re leaving in six months time. You start doing research every single night.

Of course, as this will be your first ‘real’ travel experience, you naturally prefer to travel with other people. 【2】_________ But the first friend you ask, perhaps your closest friend, turns you down and so you move on to the next friend. 【3】________ The third friend, the fourth friend and even that guy that you don’t really like say no as well.

【4】__________You hope that one of your friends will change their mind and decide to join you. Maybe you decide to forget about your trip altogether, fully believing that you can only travel so far away from home with a friend or travel companion (同伴) by your side.

Don’t give up just yet. Here’s my advice to you. You may be on your own when you board that flight to Bangkok or Mexico City, but believe me, once you arrive, you’ll never actually be alone. That’s how travel works. Unless you stare at the ground and never talk to anyone, you’re going to meet people when you travel, lots and lots of people from all over the world. 【5】___________

A. Don’t give it up.

B. Maybe you’ll fly to Thailand or to Mexico.

C. Meeting new people is one of the worst things to do.

D. But they too, tell you they have no interest to join you at all.

E. They will be interested in meeting and hanging out with you.

F. So you start asking your friends to join you in your journey.

G. Maybe you decide to put off your trip for another six months.



An American teacher walked up and down in a classroom while she was teaching stress management to her students. As she 1 a glass of water, everyone 2 they would be asked the "half empty or half-full" question.

3 , with a smile on her face, she asked, "How 4 is this glass of water?"

Answers called out 5 from eight to twenty ounces (盎司).

She quieted the students down and then replied, "The absolute weight doesn’t 6 . It all depends on how long I hold it. If I hold it for a minute, it’s not a 7 . If I hold it for an hour, I’ll have an ache in my 8 . If I hold it for a day, my arm will feel 9 and paralyzed(麻痹的,瘫痪的). In each case, the 10 of the glass of water doesn’t change, but the longer I hold it, the heavier it becomes. Do you know why?"

All the students kept silent and listened carefully, lost in thought.

She continued, "Our 11 and worries in life are like that glass of water. Think about them for a while and 12 happens. Think about them a bit longer and they begin to 13 . And if you think about them all day long, you will feel paralyzed 14 to do anything."

It’s important to remember to 15 your stresses. As early in the evening as possible, put all your 16 down. Don’t carry them through the evening and into the night. Remember to put the glass down!

More often than not life gets terrible 17 we think too much. And the moment you remove your burden, you’ll find yourself feeling much more 18 .

So rather than moping around (闲逛) and feeling sorry for yourself, 19 doing something about it. After all, life is too short to 20 yourself to anything that’s not making you happy.

【1】A. served B. raised C. drank D. demanded

【2】A. argued B. wondered C. agreed D. expected

【3】A. Meanwhile B. Anyhow C. Instead D. Therefore

【4】A. heavy B. much C. full D. little

【5】A. replied B. ranged C. read D. remained

【6】A. affect B. drop C. work D. matter

【7】A. success B. point C. problem D. skill

【8】A. arm B. hand C. neck D. back

【9】A. steady B. sensitive C. numb D. nervous

【10】A. weight B. shape C. function D. size

【11】A. surprises B. stresses C. joys D. doubts

【12】A. everything B. anything C. something D. nothing

【13】A. fade B. hurt C. change D. adjust

【14】A. uncertain B. afraid C. unable D. available

【15】A. catch up with B. take charge of C. put up with D. let go of

【16】A. burdens B. thoughts C. hardships D. feelings

【17】A. till B. wen C. unless D. though

【18】A. excited B. worried C. satisfied D. relaxed

【19】A. keep B. start C. finish D. risk

【20】A. help B. throw C. abandon D. commit

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