

Using many symbols makes ________ to put much information on a single map.

A. possible

B. it possible

C. that possible

D. it is possible


【解析】make something possible使……成为可能。这里用it作为形式宾语,动词不定式作真正的宾语。


【题目】I stood in the living room doorway, extremely surprised. I found my grandmother was dancing.

Her body bent beautifully, her arms were raised high, and her legs obeyed her . As long as I could remember, her legs were when she walked, and she was always (3) by a walking stick. Grandma was once a star of the dancing world. And then she had a(n) and all was over. I had read that in a(n) newspaper.

I asked,"Have your legs got well,Grandma?" What she answered me a second timeher legs had been well all her life and she had all these years. I asked about the . Grandmother told me the following .

She and my grandfather were to get married when my grandfather had to go to war. It was the most time of her life after he left. She was so of losing him. The only way she could stop herself from getting mad was to dance. She put all her energy and time into and she became very good and famous. But one day she received a from my grandpa, saying he had lost one leg in a battle (战斗)and asking her to him.

After reading the words, she made a(n) . She traveled away from the city. When she returned, she told the reporters she had been in an accident in another city and that her legs would never recover to allow her to dance. No one (17 ) the storyshe had learned to walk a person with broken legs. Then she went to see my grandfather, who, of course, decided to stand up again to her.

"I was sure I would lose him if I continued dancing, so I chose love. You see, your grandpa has never made me regret my ," grandma smiled.

【1】 A. slowly B. firmly C. suddenly D. perfectly

【2】A. long B. stiff C. smart D. soft

【3】 A. supported B. followed C. protected D. driven

【4】 A. baby B. operation C. accident D. cold

【5】 A. modem B. foreign C. old D. small

【6】A. shocked B. puzzled C. disappointed D. comforted

【7】 A. prepared B. pretended C. waited D. hoped

【8】 A. excuse B. result C. detail D. reason

【9】 A. tip B. advice C. article D. story

【10】A. terrible B. cheerful C. interesting D. common

【11】 A. proud B. confident C. afraid D. sure

【12】 A. singing B. talking C. dancing D. walking

【13】A. book B. letter C. newspaper D. magazine

【14】A. forget B. help C. follow D. change

【15】A. mistake B. apology C. effort D. decision

【16】A. finally B. completely C. exactly D. luckily

【17】A. doubted B. knew C. believed D. told

【18】A. beyond B. with C. like D. unlike

【19】A. catch sight of B. take advantage of

C. take hold of D. take care of

【20】 education B. ability C. choice D. fame

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