

A. Be ready for the questions to be asked.

B. Take copies of your resume to the interview.

C. Think about your education and the skills you have learned.

D. Good preparation before the interview.

E. Come to the interview with personal information.

F. Try to get to know more about the company.

【1】Preparation is a big part of the interview process. You will, or you should, spend more time getting ready for the interview than you will at the interview itself. This preparation includes getting to know more about the company and the position you are applying for, and preparing yourself to explain how your valuable qualities make you the best person for the position. And of course, there is the time it takes to make yourself presentable. Job interview can be a stressful situation for many people. The best way to help relieve this stress is to hold a positive attitude and be well prepared. Consider the following tips as you prepare for your interview.

【2】Think of the answers you want to give. Although you will never completely know in advance every question they will ask you, there are questions that get asked in almost every interview. Learn what they are and try to predict what the others might be. Interview questions are usually sourced from the job posting. If they are looking for a particular skill set, make sure you can explain how you will meet that expectation.

【3】Do your best to get information about the company before the interview. Do some research, such as using their website, scanning through annual reports if they publish one, being familiar with the project they are now working on. This will help you to present your answers in the context of what their core business is about.

【4】Most job postings have a list of core duties or responsibilities as well as what qualifications are required. Study these well and prepare your answers accordingly. Think about what education and training you have had and what work experiences you have done that makes you the ideal person for the position. Be thorough in your self-assessment, think broadly about all you have learned and experienced. You may surprise yourself with what skills you have acquired previously.

【5】In most cases, the interviewer will have your resume already, but it never hurts to have some back-up copies just in case. And be sure they are the most current and relevant resume for the position.







【1】考查段落大意。由Preparation is a big part of the interview process.可知这段讲的是:在面试前要好好准备。选D

【2】考查段落大意。由Think of the answers you want to give.可知这段讲的是:要准备会被问到的问题。选A

【3】考查段落大意。由Do your best to get information about the company before the interview.可知这段讲的是:要尽量多了解关于公司的情况,选F

【4】考查段落大意。由Think about what education and training you have had and what work experiences you have done that makes you the ideal person for the position.可知这段讲的是:要想想你受过的教育和学过的技能,选C

【5】考查段落大意。由but it never hurts to have some back-up copies just in case.可知这段讲的是:带几份简历参加面试,选B



Many Americans concerned about air pollution are demanding cleaner and cheaper supplies of energy. The demand has resulted in increased research about ethanol fuel. Ethanol is an alcohol that can be mixed with gas. It burns up most of the pollutants in gas. It replaced some of the chemicals that are known to cause cancer.

Some experts say that in the future ethanol will replace some of the oil imported into America. Today ethanol is less than one percent of the total American fuel supply. The head of the National Corn Growers Association, Kieve Hars, says ethanol will provide twenty five percent of the fuel supply by 2010. The organization is involved in the production of ethanol because it can be made from corn.

One company in American Midwest says it is starting to produce ethanol because of demands from people and from the government. The Congress approved the Clean Air Act in 1990. The company says this means the market for ethanol will expand. The company is a major producer of corn starch (淀粉) that can be used to make ethanol.

At Texas University, Professor Mark Holzapple produces ethanol from materials found in solid waste. He has developed a way to turn materials like paper into simple sugar. He then uses yeast (酵母) to turn the sugar into ethanol. Professor Holzappple says two hundred liters of ethanol fuel can be produced from one ton of solid waste.

A professor at the University of Arkansas, John Geddie, is exploring another way to make ethanol. He is using acids on paper material. He says a large factory could produce ethanol from waste paper about the same cost of that of gasoline.

Environmentalists support the use of ethanol because it turns waste into a useful product. Professor Holzapple says law makers in industrial nations need to support the development of this renewable fuel of the future.


Title: Ethanol: 【1】__________________________ and Cheap Fuel


and uses

A kind of 【2】 __________

It can be mixed with gas.

It helps remove some 【3】 _________ pollutants from gas.

It replaces some chemicals known to cause 【4】 ________.

It will take the place of 【5】 ___________________ .



From starch

From material found in solid 【6】 _________ like paper


The public

Demand the production and use of ethanol

The 【7】 ________________

Approve the Clean Air Act

The 【8】 ________________

Meet the expanding market


【9】 __________________ the development of it


Ethanol, as a renewable fuel, will be produced and used more widely in the world, and it needs the support of law 【10】 ________________.



Eddie has lots of hobbies, but he loves baseball best. So it is his __1__ sport. Eddie plays baseball on a team every year in the spring. He loves to go to baseball __2__.

Every day when it is __3__, Eddies father throws a baseball to Eddie in the backyard. This is the time of day that Eddie __4__ best. He enjoys spending time with his father and he loves practicing baseball.

Eddie __5__ baseball cards throughout the year. He and his father visit the __6__ and buy cards for Eddies collection. Eddie spends hours with his baseball cards. He arranges them in different __7__, and trades them with other baseball __8__.

One day, Eddies father came home with two tickets to __9__ the Atlanta Braves play the next Saturday. Eddie was so __10__. He counted down the days on the calendar.

Finally it was the day of the game. Eddie and his father __11__ to Atlanta early in the morning. Before they watched the match, they __12__ the Braves museum at the stadium and saw a short movie __13__the history of the Atlanta Braves. Eddie enjoyed seeing the museum.

They ate __14__ at the stadium, and soon it was time for the game.

The game was exciting. Eddie tried to __15__ every move the players made.__16__ he watched carefully and practiced a lot, he might just be on one of those baseball cards some day!

__17__ the game, Eddie and his father drove home. They talked about the game. They talked about which __18__ were the best, and which __19__ were the most exciting. Eddie went to sleep that night still __20__ of baseball. His dreams were filled with images from his very special day.

【1】A. popular B. favourite C. only D. main

【2】A. practice B. school C. games D. clubs

【3】A. stormy B. rainy C. sunny D. windy

【4】A. exercises B. likes C. learns D. wants

【5】A. sells B. keeps C. collects D. plays

【6】A. buyers B. museums C. libraries D. stores

【7】A. rooms B. sides C. situations D. groups

【8】A. stars B. fans C. agents D. managers

【9】A. see B. join C. attend D. wait

【10】A. amazed B. excited C. proud D. nervous

【11】A. flew B. walked C. rode D. drove

【12】A. visited B. passed C. arrived D. left

【13】A. on B. off C. in D. with

【14】A. breakfast B. dessert C. lunch D. supper

【15】A. choose B. forget C. watch D. copy

【16】A. Though B. Unless C. When D. If

【17】A. Over B. Before C. During D. After

【18】A. seats B. teams C. players D. cards

【19】A. parts B. games C. movies D. sports

【20】A. thinking B. dreaming C. hearing D. talking


A Gift giving proven to be valuable.

B. Memories from gift giving

C. Moments and events for gift giving

D. Various functions of gift giving

E. Gift giving as a wasteful practice

F. Gift giving as a two-way social activity

Gift Giving


There are many occasions(场合) for giving gifts in modern industrialized societies; birthdays, naming ceremonies, weddings, anniversaries, New Year, It is common to give gifts on many of these celebrations in western cultures. In addition, special events, such as ones first day of school or graduation from university, often require gift giving.


What is happening when we give gifts? Most important, we are exchanging gifts. If someone gives me a gift for my birthday, I know that I am usually expected to give one on his or her next birthday. A gift builds up or confirms a social obligation(义务).


Gifts tighten personal relationships and provide a means of communication between loved ones. People say that a gift lets the recipient(接受者) know we are thinking of them, and that we want to make the person feel special. We want people to feel wanted, to feel part of our social or family group. We give presents to say Im sorry. Sometimes it is difficult for us to find a present that someone will like. Sometimes we give things that we like or would feel comfortable with. In all these cases, the gifts are sending out messages-often very expressive ones.


People tend to talk about presents in a fairly loving way. A woman whose mother had died years ago described the many gifts around her house. These were gifts that her mother had given her over the years: I appreciate these, and they mean something to me, the woman said, because I remember the occasions they were given on, and that they were from my mother, and the relationship weve had. The gifts remain and keep the relationship alive in mind. This woman felt the same way about the gifts she gave to others. She hoped that the recipients would look at here gifts in years to come and remember her.


Emotions(情感)like these suggest that a positive spirit still lies behind gift giving. They prove that the anthropologist Claude Levi-Strauss was wrong to say that modern western gift giving is highly wasteful. Studies in Canada and elsewhere have also shown that this is not the case. Each gift is unique even if so many are given.The emotional benefit for those who exchange gifts is the very reason for the tradition to continue.

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