

When I was going home to India last year, I called up my mother to ask if she wanted anything from China.

When India had not opened up its markets to the world, I carried suitcase loads of dark glasses and jeans. Thankfully, we can get all these anywhere in India now.

Still, her answer surprised me, “Green tea.”

As long as I can remember she didn't even drink Indian tea.

I dutifully bought a big packet of Longjing and headed home to hear the story. My mother and her brother, both regular newspaper readers, believed that Chinese green tea was the wonder drug for all illnesses.

At the turn of the century,China was not really familiar to the average Indians. It was a strange country.

How things change! And how soon!

Now every town of any size seems to have a “China Market”. And everyone is talking about China.

The government of India has planned to send a team to China to see how things are done. A minister once said that India must open the doors for more foreign investments(投资) and such a step would “work wonders as it did for China”.

But it's a two way street. I just heard about a thousand Shenzhen office workers who have gone to Bangalore to train in software. Meanwhile, all the Indian IT majors are setting up a strong presence in China.

No wonder that trade, which was only in the millions just ten years ago,was expected to hit about $15 billion for last year and$20 billion by 2008, a goal set by both governments.

No wonder,my colleague wrote some weeks ago about this being the Sino-Indian(中印) century as the two countries started on January 1 the Sino-Indian Friendship Year.

But what is still a wonder to me is my mother drinking Chinese tea.

【1】 Why did the mother ask for Chinese green tea?

A.She was tired of Indian tea.

B.She had a son working in China.

C.She believed it had a curing effect.

D.She was fond of Chinese products.

【2】 What do we know about the Indian IT industry?

A.It will move its head office to Shenzhen.

B.It is seeking further development in China.

C.It has attracted an investment of $15 billion.

D.It caught up with the US IT industry in 2008.

【3】In the text the author expresses ________.

A.his concern for his mother's health

B.his support for drinking Chinese green tea

C.his surprise at China's recent development

D.his wonder at the growth of India's IT industry






【1】 根据第五段最后一句话可知作者的母亲认为中国绿茶可以治百病。


【3】 纵观全文可知,作者对中国的发展变化惊讶不已。因此C项正确。




Going online to do research when you’re writing papers and doing projects is natural thing to do. 1 Knowing how to evaluate and choose online resources can help you avoid headaches and wasting time.

How can you make researching online as easy and effective as possible? Before you begin your research, make a list of the kinds of sites that are best for your topic. Is the website reliable and up to date? 2 Government sites ending in . gov and educational sites ending in .edu usually are safe bets. Established news-related sites are OK, too, but be sure that you’re using the original source. If a newspaper article mentions another source, like an organization or website, go directly to that source to find the information.

3 They can be good resources, but it’s always best to check with your teacher to make sure he or she considers the site appropriate. Wikipedia. Org is popular and ranks highly in search results, but it can be edited by anyone, whether a person has accurate knowledge of the topic or not. 4

On commercial websites ending in .com, check to see if the site has advertising. 5 And bogs, personal websites and social media sites are more likely to give personal opinions rather than facts.

A. Check to see if the author is identified and sources are given.

B. That’s why it helps to know the best sites for your needs.

C. But all of the choices at your fingertips can seem overwelming sometimes..

D. Sites ending in .org are usually run by non-profit organizations.

E. Many schools block access to images or websites that may be valuable to your research

F. At most schools, using Wikipedia as a source is not a good way to build credibility.

G. If it does, it may be biased(有偏见的), since it’s trying to sell a product

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