
【题目】Not having 【1】 and planned better, Lala felt very worried about the preparations for her feast. So she turned for home quickly with her 【2】 of nuts and fruits.

When she was near home, a delicious smell 【3】 her progress and she became dizzy with hunger. She saw her mother and aunts 【4】 the deer and pig meat over the fire. Just then Dahu, her 【5】 , as well as the best 【6】 , came back with several 【7】 . Later he began his task: he 【8】 his scrapers until they were sharp enough to 【9】 the meat and to scrape the fish. Soon, the first of the guests began to arrive. Lala hoped it was going to be just as 【10】 as last year.


【解析】【1】looked ahead

【2】 collection

【3】 arrested

【4】 preparing

【5】 husband

【6】 toolmaker

【7】 fish

【8】 sharpened

【9】 cut up

【10】 wonderful


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