
【题目】【1】 The twins are so alike that their parents mistake one __________ the other.

【2】 The books in the library are classified __________ subject.

【3】 She was dismissed __________ her job for disobeying the company's safety regulations.

【4】 It makes her very angry when he says that men are superior __________ women.

【5】 She passed herself __________ as an experienced actress, which couldn't cheat the audience.

【6】 Your coat is so much like mine that I put yours on __________ mistake.

【7】 Peter was robbed __________ his car and mobile phone.

【8】 Generally speaking, those who pay attention to physical exercises are __________ good health.


【解析】【1】 for

【2】 by

【3】 from

【4】 to

【5】 off

【6】 by

【7】 of

【8】 in


【题目】 Pete Rose was a great baseball player. Though I have never met him, he taught me something _____ that changed my life.

Pete was being ______ in spring training the year he was about to break Ty Cobb's all-time hits record. Suddenly one reporter asked him, "Pete, you only need 78 hits to reach your nearest ______. How many at-bats(击球)do you think it'll take you to get the 78 hits?" Without hesitation, Pete just ______ at the reporter and said,"78." The reporter yelled back, "Ah, come on, Pete, you don't think you'll get 78 hits in 78 at-bats, do you?"

Mr. Rose calmly ______ his philosophy with the reporters who were ______ waiting for his reply to the claim." Every time I ______ up to the plate(击球区),I ______ to get a hit! ______ I have it in mind,I have no right to step into the batter's(击球手)box! It is ______ expectation that has enabled me to get all of the hits in the first place."

When I thought about Pete Rose's ______ and how it applied to everyday ______,I felt a little embarrassed. As a business person,I was hoping to increase my ______. As a father,l was hoping to be a good dad. As a married man,I was hoping to be a good husband. The truth was that I was a fairly good salesperson,I was not so ______ a father,and I was an okay husband. I immediately decided that being okay was not ______! I wanted to be a great salesperson,a great father and a great husband. I ______ my attitude to a positive one,and the results were ______.I was fortunate enough to win a few sales trips,I won Coach of the Year in my ______ baseball league,and I share a loving relationship with my wife,Karen,with whom I am ______ to enjoy the rest of my life!

______,Mr. Rose!

【1】 A. reliable B. enjoyable C. valuable D. unbelievable

【2】 A. admired B. interviewed C. watched D. trained

【3】 A. decision B. record C. level D. goal

【4】 A. stared B. shouted C. glared D. pointed

【5】 A. enjoyed B. shared C. discussed D. reviewed

【6】 A. anxiously B. nervously C. cheerfully D. impatiently

【7】 A. climb B. jump C. drive D. step

【8】 A. seem B. fail C. expect D. compete

【9】 A. Though B. Unless C. Because D. When

【10】 A. abrupt B. simple C. positive D. considerate

【11】 A. plan B. idea C. ability D. behaviour

【12】 A. agenda B. exercise C. work D. lire

【13】 A. sales B. skills C. experiences D. experiments

【14】 A. wise B. kind C. mean D. bad

【15】 A. explicit B. helpful C. enough D. practical

【16】 A. changed B. added C. devoted D. contributed

【17】 A. hopeful B. amazing C. funny D. disappointing

【18】 A. sons B. wifes C. friends D. customers

【19】 A. supposed B. expected C. encouraged D. determined

【20】 A. Good luck B. Best regards C. Thanks D. Congratulations

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