
【题目】(2011·寿光市第二次模拟) Being poor, they had to build a__________ shelter out of tree trunks.

A. common

B. normal

C. primitive

D. formal


【解析】考查形容词辨析。句意为:由于贫穷,他们不得不用一些树干建造了一个简陋的棚子。primitive 简陋的normal 正常的common强调范围概念,意思是普遍的;平常的formal 意思是正式的


【题目】 The Healthy Habits Survey(调查)shows that only about one third of American seniors have correct habits. Here are some findings and expert advice.

1.How many times did you brush your teeth yesterday?

·Finding:A full 33% of seniors brush their teeth only once a day.

·Step:Remove the 300 types of bacteria in your mouth each morning with a battery-operated toothbrush. Brush gently for 2 minutes, at least twice a day.

2.How many times did you wash your hands or bathe yesterday?

·Finding:Seniors, on average, bathe fewer than 3 days a week. And nearly 30%wash their hands only 4 times a day-half of the number doctors recommend.

·Step:We touch our faces around 3,000 times a day-often inviting germs(病菌)to enter our mouth, nose, and eyes. Use toilet paper to avoid touching the door handle. And, most important, wash your hands often with hot running water and soap for 20 seconds.

3. How often do you think about fighting germs?

·Finding:Seniors are not fighting germs as well as they should.

·Step:Be aware of germs. Do you know it is not your toilet but your kitchen sponge(海绵)that can carry more germs than anything else? To kill these germs, keep your sponge in the microwave for 10 seconds.

【1】 What is found out American seniors?

A. Most of them have good habits.

B. Nearly 30%of then bathe three days a week.

C. All of them are fighting germs better than expected .

D. About one third of them brush their teeth only once a day

【2】 Doctors suggest that people should wash heir hands .

A. twice a day

B. three times a day

C. four times a day

D. eight times a day

【3】Which of the following is true according to the text?

A. We should keep from touching our faces.

B. There are less than 300 types of bacteria in the mouth.

C.A kitchen sponge can carry more germs than a toilet.

D. We should wash our hands before touching a door handle.

【4】 The text probably comes from .

A. a guide book

B. a popular magazine

C. a book review

D .an official document

【题目】The idea for a science experiment can come from an unusual place. After watching a YouTube video of a dancing bird named Snowball, a scientist in California decided to study the ability of animals to keep the beat.

Bird lovers have long claimed that their pets have rhythm, and there are many videos of dancing birds online. Until now, scientists have suspected that humans are the only animals that can accurately keep rhythm with music.

Thanks to Snowball, that scientific opinion is changing. Snowball is a cockatoo, a kind of parrot, and his favorite song is "Everybody" by the Backstreet Boys. When he hears the song, he moves his feet and rocks his body with the tempo, or pace of the music, as though he is the only bird member of the boy band.

Aniruddh Patel is a neuroscientist, or a scientist who studies how the brain and the nervous system contribute to learning, seeing and other mental abilities. He works at the Neurosciences Institute in San Diego. After seeing Snowball's dance online, Patel visited the cockatoo at the bird rescue facility he's called home for two years. The scientist played "Everybody" for Snowball and also played versions of the song that were sped up or slowed down. Sometimes, Snowball danced too fast or too slowly. Often, when there was a change in tempo, Snowball adjusted his dancing to match the rhythm. In other experiments, scientists have observed the same abilities in preschool children.

Patel isn't the only scientist who has studied Snowball's moves. Adena Schachner, who studies psychology at Harvard University, also wanted to know more about the dancing bird. Schachner's team played different musical pieces for Snowball and a parrot named Alex, as well as eight human volunteers. The scientists observed that the birds and the humans kept time to the music with about the same accuracy.

Schachner and her team watched thousands of YouTube videos of different animals moving to music. Not all the animals could dance, however. From watching the videos, the scientists observed that only animals that imitate sounds, including 14 parrot species and Asian elephants, accurately moved in time to music.

【1】 The underlined words "that scientific opinion" in the third paragraph refer to the theory that __________.

A. birds like Snowball have the ability to keep the beat

B. humans are the only animals that can accurately keep rhythm with music

C. the brain and the nervous system contribute to some mental abilities

D. bird pets can have their special rhythm under human's instruction

【2】 From the fourth paragraph we may know that __________.

A. Patel is the only scientist who has studied Snowball's moves

B. Snowball is able to adjust his dancing to match the rhythm

C. Snowball cannot dance to the versions of the song "Everybody"

D. it is the brain and the nervous system that control the mental abilities

【3】 The idea of studying animals' ability to keep the beat comes from __________.

A. bird lovers' discovery

B. humans' musical sense

C. the same abilities in children

D. videos of dancing birds

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