

A. agree with, agree to, agree on

【1】 The boy and his girl friend have__________, the date for their wedding.

【2】 This suggestion is very practical, so I think that our headmaster will __________it.

【3】 The wet weather doesn't __________ the old people who suffer from a certain disease.

【4】 This is just my personal idea, and I hope that you will__________it.

B. actual, practical

5 He charged me more than 500 dollars for the repairs of the house, but its __________ cost is much lower.

6It is obvious that his __________experience worked in the experiment, so he succeeded in finishing it.

7The measures that the government has taken are very__________ ,and the price of houses promises to fall in the near future.


【解析】A. 【1】 agreed on

【2】 agree to

【3】 agree with

【4】 agree with


5 actual

6 practical

7 practical


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