


As we slowly drove down the street on that cold December evening we spotted the porch(门廊)light. "This 21 be the house. "I told our "Positive Teens In Action" group with certainty. We 22 in front of an older home with the porch light shining. We gathered up our 23 books, walked up the steps, and 24 on the door. We heard a 25 voice from inside say, "Come in. The door is open. "We opened the door.

There in a rocking chair 26 an elderly woman with a big 27 on her face. "I've been 28 you, "she said weakly. Ruth was one of our "Meals On Wheels" stops I had 29 . I had phoned her and told her about it. Going along with me were the 30 church members who 31 singing carols(歌). We 32 Ruth the basket of delicious food the teens had prepared earlier that evening. Then I asked Ruth what carols she would like to 33 . Ruth was smiling cheerfully when she 34 singing each song.

35 we hugged Ruth good-bye she said to me with tears in her eyes, "The day you 36 I was still in bed. l had just finished 37 . I asked God if it would be possible to have some Christmas carolers come to my home and 38 this year. Thank you for being the 39 to my Christmas prayer. "

Wow, what an awesome 40 to have the opportunity to make Ruth quite content!

【1】A. can B. must C. will D. may

【2】A. pulled up B. sped up C. looked out D. set out

【3】A. guide B. story C. song D. exercise

【4】A. depended B. focused C. rested D. knocked

【5】 A. calm B. weak C. sweet D. loud

【6】A. came B. sat C. saw D. found

【7】A. worry B. embarrassment C. surprise D. smile

【8】A. expecting B. watching C. admiring D. praising

【9】A. presented B. ordered C. arranged D. accepted

【10】A. possible B. usual C. typical D. normal

【11】A. admitted B. allowed C. imagined D. enjoyed

【12】A. handed B. returned C. awarded D. cooked

【13】A. teach B. introduce C. hear D. write

【14】A. joined in B. gave up C. insisted on D. put off

【15】 A. Until B. Though C. Since D. As

【16】A. stayed B. called C. left D. agreed

【17】A. praying B. reading C. crying D. washing

【18】A. play B. eat C. sing D. chat

【19】A. direction B. approach C. road D. answer

【20】A. lesson B. quality C. experience D. dream


【1】 B









10】 B













【1】考查情态动词。根据后面的with certainty可知,此处是很有把握地推测。此处用情态动词表 示推测用法。A. can很可能;B. must一定,准是;C. will将要,不用于表示推测;D. may或许。 故选B。

【2】考查动词短语。根据后面的内容可知,作者一行人进入了房子,所以此处是停车的意思。A. pulled up拔起;停下来;阻止;B. sped up加速;C. looked out注意;照料;当心;D. set out出发;开 始从事。故选A。

【3】考查名词。根据第二段的最后一句可知,作者他们来到这里为Ruth唱歌。A. guide指南;向导; B. story故事;C. song歌曲;D. exercise练习,锻炼。故选C。

【4】考查动词短语。根据后面的Come in. The door is open.可知,作者几个人在敲门。A. depended on依赖,依靠;B. focused on集中精力;C. rested on停留在;依靠;D. knocked on撞击撞出;敲击 (门、窗)。故选D。

【5】考查形容词。根据第二段中she said weakly.可知,老太太身体虚弱,所以听到里面传来一个虚弱的声音。A. calm平静的,镇静的;B. weak弱的;C. sweet甜的;D. loud大声的。故选B。

【6】考查动词。此处指摇椅上坐着一位老太太。A. came来;B. sat坐下;C. saw看见;D. found 发现。故选B。

【7】考查名词。根据后面的内容可知,Ruth 对于我们的到来非常高兴和感激,所以面带微笑欢迎我们。A. worry担心,担忧;B. embarrassment尴尬;C. surprise惊讶;D. smile微笑。故选D。

【8】考查动词。句意:我一直盼着你们来。A. expecting期望,盼望;B. watching观看;C. admiring 钦佩,赞幕;D. praising表扬。故选A。

【9】考查动词。句意:Ruth的家是我安排的上门送餐服务的一站。此处指关于活动的安排。A. presented 提出;呈现;赠送;B. ordered命令;预定;C. arranged安排;D. accepted接受,采纳。故选C。

【10】考查形容词。此处指喜欢唱圣歌的常去教堂的人。A. possible可能的;B. usual通常的;C. typical 典型的;D. normal正常的。故选B。

【11】考查动词。句意:和我们一起来的还有喜欢唱圣歌的常去教堂的人。A. admitted承认;录取;B. allowed允许;C. imagined想象;D. enjoyed喜欢,享受。故选D。

【12】考查动词。根据上文Ruth was one of our "Meals On Wheels" stops可知,Ruth的家是我安排的上门送餐服务的一站,授予我们递给Ruth一篮子美味的食物。A. handed传递,交给;支持;B. returned归还,回来;C. awarded授予;D. cooked做饭。故选A。

【13】考查动词。句意:然后我问Ruth她想听什么圣诞颂歌A. teach教,教学;B. introduce介绍;C. hear 听到;D. write写。故选C。

【14】考查动词短语。此处指她跟着唱每首歌。A. joined in加入;B. gave up放弃;C. insisted on坚持; D. put off脱下,推迟。故选A。

【15】考查连词。句意:我们跟Ruth拥抱说再见时。A. Until直到;B. Though尽管;C. Since自从;既 然;D. As当……时候;尽管;按照。故选D。

【16】考查动词。此处指作者给老太太打电话询问有什么需要帮助的。A. stayed坚持;暂住;B. called 打电话;C. left离开;留下;D. agreed同意。故选B。

【17】考查动词。根据后面的I asked God if…”可知,老太太在做祷告。A. praying祈祷,祷告;B. reading 阅读;C. crying哭;D. washing洗。故选A。

【18】考查动词。句意:我问上帝今年能否让唱圣诞颂歌的人来我家唱颂歌。A. play玩耍;B. eat吃; C. sing唱歌;D. chat聊天。故选C。

【19】考查名词。句意:感谢你使我梦想成真。此处指对asked的回应。A. direction方向;指导;B. approach方法;途径;接近;C. road公路,马路;D. answer回答,答案。故选D。

【20】考查名词。句意:哇哦,能使别人的祷告得以实现是多棒的一次经历呀。A. lesson教训;课;B. quality 质量;品质;特性;C. experience经验;经历;D. dream梦想。故选C。



Eat,drink and be merry. That’s what Spring Festival is all about. But there are millions of people,too,who love to let happiness go up in smoke.

Offering cigarettes to guests is a traditional Chinese way of showing respect for them. A cup of tea and cigarettes are perhaps the most common way of welcoming a guest in China,especially during festive occasions.

No wonder,40 percent of the people surveyed recently said they would smoke at least twice the usual number of cigarettes during the Spring Festival because of all those gatherings and parties. Only 20 percent of the respondents said they would refuse a cigarette when offered one. Why can’t the others do the same?Because they could be seen as being rude,said more than half of the respondents. Fifteen percent feared they could be taken as “someone who cannot get along well with others”.

The Think tank Research Center for Health Development and sohu.com survey shows 61 percent Chinese think offering a cigarette is useful for socializing,and 52 percent have offered cigarettes to others. The study surveyed 3,800 people,64 percent of them men.

One third of those surveyed were smokers,out of which 57 percent said they couldn’t give up smoking because of the offering and accepting culture. “People have accepted offering cigarettes as an effective way of making friends,” research center director Wu Yiqun says.

China has more than 350 million smokers,catering to the tobacco market that is worth 500 billion yuan. “The survey shows we still have a lot of work to do,” Wu says. span>“Since Beijing is trying to make the Olympic Games smoke free,it is time to let people know that offering a cigarette is a bad habit and it should be given up immediately.”

【1】The passage is written with the purpose of________.

A.telling us a custom about the Chinese Spring Festival

B.introducing a way to make friends with Chinese

C.stopping smoking during the Beijing Olympic

D.telling us that offering cigarettes is a bad habit

【2】The third paragraph mainly tells us________.

A.the fact that smokers are greatly increasing during the festival

B.the reason why refusing cigarettes is acceptable

C.the fact that many people have to smoke more cigarettes during the festival

D.it is rude to attend parties without smoking cigarettes

3The writer mentions the 500 billion yuan tobacco market because________.

A.the tobacco market is not developing smoothly

B.the writer thinks that smoking wastes a lot of money

C.smoking is helpful to the tobacco market

D.the tobacco market attracts too many smokers

4We can infer from the passage that________.

A.people will be free to smoke during the Beijing Olympic Games

B.only a few smokers still have the habit of offering cigarettes

C.offering cigarettes is the most effective way for socializing

D.some nonsmokers will even accept the offered cigarettes


For centuries Stonehenge has mystified and enraptured archaeologists and visitors. So maybe it is not surprising that another monumental wonder from prehistory has been overlooked for so long even though it is just a mile away.

Experts have discovered an “extraordinary” line of giant stones that dates back more than 4,500 years. The area around Stonehenge is littered with prehistoric sights but the 90 or more stones, lying 3ft underground, have only just been discovered by sophisticated radar equipment towed by radar equipment.

The buried monoliths are each up to 15ft tall. Instead of being arranged in a circle as they are at Stonehenge, it is thought they once formed a long standing line.

“We are looking at one of the largest stone monuments in Europe and it has been under our noses for something like 4,000 years,” said Professor Vince Gaffney, from the University of Bradford, one of the archaeologists leading the research. “It’s truly remarkable. We don’t think there’s anything quite like this anywhere else in the world. This is completely new and the scale is extraordinary.”

Prof. Gaffney believes the stones may have been planted by the same people who built Stonehenge, but he doubts whether there is a direct link between the two monuments.

These stones were placed along a steep slope, cut into a natural dry valley to form a C-shaped feature.

Precisely why the stones were put there remains a mystery. The archaeologists believe that at some stage the stones were pushed over. This was not done to damage the monument but rather to preserve whatever it was about the stones that seemed so important. “There was a transformation in the landscape that we do not understand,” Prof. Gaffney said. “The stones had significance. These were special places. Societies were organized, as with the great cathedrals, to create these things.”

【1】What have experts found according to Paragraph 2?

A. An observation post. B. Underground stones.

C. An ancient cemetery. D. A sacrificial site.

【2】 What can we know about Stonehenge from the passage?

A. A post history wonder confused archaeologists centuries.

B. The mystery of Stonehenge has been solved.

C. The stones might have some connections with the Stonehenge.

D. It is the largest stone monument all over the world.

【3】Which sentence is TRUE according to the passage?

A. Such stone monument is common all around the world.

B. The stones might serve for a certain purpose.

C. The stones were inserted into a plain.

D. The stones pushed over were to reduce the height of the monument.



Keeping a cool head about fire safety. Sadly, many families lose their homes every year to fires. The causes of these fires vary. Sometimes electrical wiring gets too hot. Sometimes food is forgotten in the oven or a dish towel falls onto a burner.

Sometimes people are careless with matches, candles or cigarettes. Whatever the cause, home fires take familieshome, possessions and sometimes even lives.

Heading Off Trouble: There are many things you can do to prevent fires in your home. Do a safety check with your parents. Make sure that all smoke alarms in the house work. Monthly tests are a good idea. Check to see that toasters are unplugged when not used and that towels, curtains and some other flammable(易燃)things are out of the way of the stovetop and oven. Look at the electrical outlets(插座)to make sure that they are in working order and not overloaded. If you have a fireplace, put a strong screen in front of it to keep fires from coming into the room.

The Great Escape: Even with careful checks, fires can still happen. That is why it is important for families to have a fire safety plan. First, plan two escape routes from every room in the house, if possible. That way, if smoke or flames are coming in one way, there is still another choice. Second, agree on an outside meeting place like a tree or light pole so that everyone will know where to go. Finally, practice your fire escape plan at least twice a year. If your home has a second floor, make sure everyone practices, from a first-floor window, how to use a safety ladder to escape.

A fire can be a scary experience, but being smart about fire prevention, having a plan for fire safety and putting the plan into action in the event of fire can save lives.

【1】 of fires

Hot electrical wiring, food and a dish towel are likely to result in fire. Peoples 【2】 with matches, candles or cigarettes often leads to fire.

【3】 taken to prevent fire

Check your house safety with your parents.

Have tests of fire alarms every 【4】 to check that all smoke alarms in the house work.

Make sure that toasters are unplugged, and that things which 【5】 fire easily are far from the stovetop and oven.

Make sure that electrical outlets are in working order and not overloaded.

Put a strong screen in front of the fireplace.

Escape plan

Make a fire safety plan in 【6】 of fire.

Two escape routes from every room are planned for you to 【7】 from.

An outside meeting place is agreed on.

Fire escape plan must be 【8】 at least twice a year.


Having a knowledge of fire prevention, making a plan for fire safety and putting the plan into action can make a 【10】 .

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