
【题目】I recently returned from a trip to Walt Disney World where my wife and I celebrated our 40th wedding anniversary. While traveling ____ at 35,000 feet I could not help but be grateful to the people who ____ to the incredible flying machine. Looking out of the ____ , I could see a wide expanse of both earth and sky where limits were not seen in direction or space.

Rivers, valleys, mountains, and colors entered my mind ____ I sat and gazed at a scene that most passengers missed as they either slept or ____ what was beside them. What if they ____ being unaware of the world around them? What if they began to gather with focused intent to make a better world, to change the air, and to find ____ among nations? I saw out of my window nothing that ____ conflict or strife(斗争). ____ I saw was a world, a beautiful blue and white world, which surpassed the beauty of my wildest ____.

I ____ the plane and saw few people take the time to look and see that wonder. Some were reading worrisome news while ____ tended to their children. The stewardess(空中小姐) went about her duties in a(n) ____ kind of way. “What would you like to drink?” “What kind of snack would you like?” was her world.

What if we ____ just one minute to focus on the __ of this world and its people? What if we began to remove the walls that separate us __ each other and the outside world? What if peace was the focus of our __ for just that small amount of time? Would our world change? I feel the __ are found in the questions themselves. Why not begin to use focused intent to change, and __ the world of our dreams? It will __ only a few minutes each day. What a difference that would make!

【1】A. over B. back C. through D. abroad

【2】A. referred B. pointed C. used D. contributed

【3】A. door B. window C. seat D. glass

【4】A. before B. since C. as D. though

【5】A. ignored B. appreciated C. valued D. realised

【6】A. refused B. continued C. stopped D. risked

【7】A. conflict B. fault C. peace D. wonder

【8】A. read B. suggested C. said D. created

【9】A. How B. What C. Which D. That

【10】A. imagination B. expression C. mind D. confusion

【11】A. took up B. turned up C. went though D. looked around

【12】A. another B. others C. the other D. the others

【13】A. different B. automatic C. common D. unusual

【14】A. set aside B. set off C. set about D. take off

【15】A. kindness B. wildness C. beauty D. politeness

【16】A. off B. between C. with D. from

【17】A. desire B. thought C. attention D. dream

【18】A. answers B. problems C. ways D. changes

【19】A. increase B. improve C. renew D. control

【20】A. cost B. spend C. kill D. take





















【解析】【1】根据上文returned from a trip可知这是在归途的飞机上。

【2】Contribute to意为“对…有贡献”,符合原文语境“感激那些对这不可思议的飞机做出贡献的人。”





























乔治·桑就是一种思想,她从肉体中超脱出来,自由自在,虽死犹生,永垂不朽。啊,自由的女神! 乔治·桑在我们这个时代具有独一无二的地位。其他的伟人都是男子,惟独她是伟大的女性。










(姚远 译)(选自漓江出版社《洋文观止》)






















































【题目】life comes in a package. this package includes happiness and sorrow, failure and success, hope and despair. life is a learning process. experiences in life teach us new lessons and make us a better person. with each passing day we learn to handle various situations.


love plays a pivotal role on out life. love makes you feel wanted. without love a person could go hayward and also become cruel and ferocious. in the early stage of our life, our parents are the ones who shower us with unconditional love and care, they teach us about what is right and wrong, good and bad. but we always tend to take this for granted. it is only after marriage and having kids that a person understands and becomes sensitive to others feelings. kids make a person responsible and mature and help us to understand life better.

happiness and sorrow

materialistic happiness is short-lived, but happiness achieved by bringing a smile on others face gives a certain level of fulfillment. peace of mind is the main link to happiness. no mind is happy without peace. we realize the true worth of happiness when we are in sorrow. sorrow is basically due to death of a loved one, failure and despair. but these things are temporary and pass away.

failure and success

failure is the path to success. it helps us to touch the sky, teaches us to survive and shows us a specific way. success brings in money, fame, pride and self-respect. here it becomes very important to keep our head on out shoulder. the only way to show our gratitude to god for bestowing success on us is by being humble, modest, courteous and respectful to the less fortunate ones.

hope and despair

hope is what keeps life going. parents always hope their children will do well. hope makes us dream. hope builds in patience. life teaches us not to despair even in the darkest hour, because after every night there is a day. nothing remains the same we have only one choice keep moving on in life and be hopeful.

life teaches us not to regret over yesterday, for it has passed and is beyond our control. tomorrow is unknown, for it could either be bright or dull. so the only alternative is work hard today, so that we will enjoy a better tomorrow.

【1】In the passage, the author compares life to ________.

a package

joy and sorrow

failure and success

hope and despair

【2】In which section can readers probably read the passage?





【3】How is the passage organized?

In order of rules.

In order of frequency.

By making comparision.

In order of importance.

【4】Whats the general meaning of the last sentence of the whole passage?

If you work hard, youll have a better life in the future.

When choosing between todayandtomorrow,youd better enjoy tomorrow.

What you only can choose is to work hard today rather than tomorrow.

Enjoying a better tomorrow is your only choice.

【5】Whats the purpose of the passage?

To encourage people to love each other.

To tell people how to deal with happiness and sorrow.

To remind people of keeping having a beautiful dream.

To give readers some information about life.

【题目】 Have you heard or read stories about people who are sick and have been healed by listening to music? Is it a miracle or a successful form of medicine? Can listening to music relieve pain?

Around the world, music therapy(疗法) is being used to treat different medical conditions and illnesses. Some of the ways people use music therapy are to reduce pain, such as in childbirth or during cancer treatments, or to stimulate brain activity after an injury or money loss. Music therapy has also been successful in aiding children to overcome disabilities. Children can move their bodies with the music and stamp along to the beat.

Why is music a useful therapy? Music is soothing and relaxing, but it also stimulates our brains. Emotionally and physically, we respond to the sounds of music. But the complexity of music (the different tempos, rhythms, melodies and harmonies) provokes(激发) the biggest response. Thus, classical music is most typically used for therapies due to complex sounds and patterns. Although rap or hip hop might be fun to listen to, its unlikely that such styles of music would produce the same kind of therapeutic effect. Playing a musical instrument rather than simply listening to music can also be therapeutic for some people, helping relieve stress and anxiety.

Have scientists been able to prove that music can heal disease? Music has been shown to reduce pain in cancer patients by increasing the release of endorphins(内啡肽). Endorphins are the bodys natural painkillers, and when we listen to music, our brains respond by releasing these natural painkillers. It has also been known to contribute to the brain development of the babies who have just been born and even babies still in the mothers womb. Certain, types of music have also been found to lower blood pressure and slow a persons heart rate. Many people are hopeful that music could replace the need for some medications(药物) that are normally used to treat certain illnesses. At present, music therapy is used in a variety of settings such as hospitals, rehabilitation centers, nursing homes, day cares and schools.

Although music therapy is not yet considered a mainstream treatment, it is recognized more and more as a useful addition to traditional treatment. So next time you are feeling low or stressed out, put on some relaxing music and let the music heal you.

Title: Music That 【1】

The 【2】 of music therapy

To treat different medical conditions and illness

To reduce pain

to 【3】 brain activity

To overcome 【4】

How does music therapy 【5】 ?

Music is smoothing and relaxing; it stimulates our brains; classical music is a 【6】 due to its complex sounds and patterns. Playing a musical instrument is also useful in 【7】 stress and anxiety.

Scientific proofs

Music has been shown to reduce pain in cancer patients by increasing the release of endorphins. It has also been known to contribute to the brain development of the 【8】 babies. Certain types of music have also been found to lower blood pressure and slow a persons heart rate.


Music therapy is recognized as a useful 【10】 to traditional treatment.











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