

【1】Going without sleep for a long time makes me feel d________ and light-headed.

【2】Many parents opposed the d________ of the classes into different sets.

【3】Mahoney’s p________ was racing, and he felt nervous.

【4】The children were all g________ at the thought of the coming holidays.

【5】When she finished her emotional speech, the audience a________.

【6】After a few years, he became very ________ (熟练的) at drawing.

【7】Suddenly the truck ________ (加速) and shot forward.

【8】The dog ________ (嚎叫) when it was shut in the house.














Canyoning (蹦谷运动)

The sports of canyoning explore the high-energy environment where water meets rock on the coast. Protected by wetsuits and helmets (头盔), people jump from cliffs (悬崖) and waterfalls and discover caves that would not normally be arrived at.

It was first done in the U.K. by TYF Adventure (01437 721611, www.tyf.com) and several thousand people jump from the cliffs near St David’s each year. A half day canyoning trip costs £50 (£30 for children under 16).

Diving (潜水)

Diving is not popular with British people. The difficulties of wild waters are greater because the water is colder and not clear enough, but the coasts of Cornwall, Wales and Scotland have some of the best diving in the world.

The British Sub Aqua Club (0870 112 9133, www.bsac.com) and the Professional Association of Diving Instructors (01580 819688, www.padi.com) run courses teaching the important skills.

Surfing (冲浪)

The best surfing places in the UK are on the southwest coast where it is warmer, especially in Cornwall. The best time of year to surf in the UK is late summer and autumn when water temperatures are warmer.

The British Surfing Association (01479 861256, www.britsurf.co.uk) has a list of famous surf schools around the country.

Rock climbing

The most popular natural rocks in Britain include the Peak District, the Lake District, while large areas of Scotland are a climber’s ideal place. Climbing courses and climbing walls can be found on the website of the British Mountaineering Council (0870 010 4878, www.thebmc.co.uk) which offers a series of short films that take the new climber through a step-by-step guide to visiting a climbing wall for the first time.

【1】If a couple with their child of 15 join in Canyoning for a day, they will pay ______.

A. £130 B. 160 C. 260 D. £320

2To go surfing, you may phone ______.

A. 01479 861256 B. 0870 010 4878

C. 01437 721611 D. 0870 112 9133

3Which of the following is NOT well accepted by British people?

A. Canyoning. B. Diving.

C. Surfing. D. Rock climbing.

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