

【1】Where does the conversation take place?

A. At an airport.

B. On a plane.

C. At a duty free shop.

【2】What does the man think of the prices of the items in the duty-free shop?

A. Very high.

B. Low.

C. A little high.

【3】Which of the following is right?

A. The man is from the States.

B. The man has arrived in a foreign country.

C. It took him a long time to get through the Immigration






W: Excuse me. I'm with the airport office. I'm doing a survey. Can I ask you some questions?

M: Sure. Go ahead.

W: How do you feel about the arrival area? Were you happy with it?

M: Yes, but it's a long way from the gate to the Immigration.

W: Oh, I'm sorry about that. Well, how about Immigration? How long did it take you to get through?

M: Oh, it's really quick-it took me only about 3 or 4 minutes.

W: Oh, good. OK, then, I see you bought some duty free items. Were you happy with the prices?

M: Well, I thought they were a little high.

W: A little high? Compared to?

M: Oh, to most places in Asia although I will say the prices seem lower here than in the States.

W: I see. Well, how about the general appearance of the airport?

M: Oh, excellent. It's about the cleanest airport I've ever been in.

W: So, all in all it is clean and efficient?

M: Yes, oh, I've got to go, here comes my suitcase.



材料一 秦汉—隋唐前期的城市布局是严格按照坊市分开,坊有坊墙,严禁居民随便出入,朝开晚闭,商业网点很少,而且大部分供奉上层人士。到唐中期,农副产品和手工业产品增多,商品经济有了很大发展,人口也大增,“市”的扩大势在必行,沿街设铺,商业所在地便形成城市的“闹市”区。……到宋代,城市更是彻底打破市坊限制,完全开放,市场高度繁荣。《清明上河图》即集中反映了城市商业繁荣的景象——民坊、店铺交错杂处。


材料二 在中国漫长的封建社会,商贾所从事的商业活动一直被视为“贱业”而为人们所鄙弃。然而,受商品经济发展所带来的经济利益的驱动,宋人首先冲破了“农本工商末”价值观念的束缚,“货殖之事益急,商贾之事益重”,人们不再以经商为耻,社会各阶层纷纷经营商业,出现了“全民经商”的态势。宋代的经商群体已“不再指单一的专职商人,而且,‘全民经商’中的‘民’不再是狭义上的下层民众或被统治阶级,而是包含了相当的上层社会的人群或说统治集团的成员”。




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