

When I was thirteen, one day my mom told my family that she had to tell us something. So my dad, my brother and I all sat down on the sofa to begin the discussion.You could feel the atmosphere of the room.It was that something was wrong.Then my mom told us that she had been diagnosed (诊断) with a very serious disease.That was when we all had a moment of and cried.

After that my mom started the and had to travel to the hospital every day.After a week, she began to lose her and so she shaved it all off.My mom would always wear bright-colored scarfs and after a while to buy a wig (假发).Along with losing her hair she lost all her nails.

, I had never seen a desperate look in my mom's eye.I remember one day I went with my mom to the hospital.When we were for her to receive the treatment, we kept telling jokes.We both burst out from time to time.Everyone in the waiting room was so , while we were in the middle of the room, chatting .Neither of us cared people thought of us.

After about a year of the treatment, and all the , one day my mom said she wanted to tell us something important.As my mom was about to speak, a smile on her face.At that moment I knew that it was going to be something very . She told us that she had recovered! At that moment I down in tears.They were tears of joy.At that moment for the first time in a very long time I had a feeling that everything was going to be .Now two years has passed and my mom is of the disease.I am so happy that I have my mom with me every step of the way.My mom (19 me to value every moment in my life and to remain through thick or thin.She has taught me so much and continues to teach me more.

【1】A.tense B.calm C.friendly D.cold

【2】A.necessary B.common C.obvious D.strange

【3】A.regret B.anger C.sorrow D.hesitation

【4】A.appointment B.treatment C.operation D.observation

【5】A.hair B.weight C.energy D.hope

【6】A.liked B.offered C.decided D.afforded

【7】A.Therefore B.However C.Besides D.Finally

【8】A.arranging B.waiting C.wishing D.preparing

【9】A.crying B.quarreling C.talking D.laughing

【10】A.down B.over C.out D.off

【11】A.nervously B.curiously C. happily D.gently

【12】A.why B.when C.where D.what

【13】A.pain B.failure C.advice D.love

【14】A.turned B.formed C.changed D.burst

【15】A.attractive B.active C.exciting D.amusing

【16】A.came B.looked C.bent D.broke

【17】A.fair B.clear C.ready D.fine

【18】A.free B.afraid C.aware D.sure

【19】A.asked B.taught C.persuaded D.admitted

【20】A.determined B.modest C.independent D.positive























【3】根据前一句,妈妈得了很严重的疾病和cried可知我们都很悲伤,故答案选C。D. hesitation:犹豫,不符合句意。

【4】妈妈开始治疗疾病,我们每天都去医院看望妈妈。A.appointment :约会 B.treatment :治疗C.operation手术: D.observation:观察。根据句意可知答案B正确。

【5】根据后一句中shaved it all off和buy a wig (假发)可知一周以后,妈妈开始掉头发,故答案选A。



【8】根据后一句中in the waiting room,可知我们在等待治疗,故答案选B。

【9】根据上下文we kept telling jokes,可知我们时不时的大笑。故答案选D。



【12】我们两个都不在意其他人怎么看我们。根据句意把我们看成什么样的人,做think of 的宾语,故答案选D。


【14】根据句意妈妈脸上出现了笑容。form:形成,A plan began to form in his head.


【16】break down : 感情失控,痛哭起来。eg: Because he was being so kind and concerned, I broke down and cried.故答案选D。


【18】be free of : 免于。eg: I was thankful to be free of the problem. The area will be free of pollution by the year 2020. 妈妈最终摆脱了疾病。根据句意故答案选A。

【19】根据She has taught me so much and continues to teach me more.可知妈妈教会了我珍惜生命中的每一个时刻,故答案选B。

【20】根据上下文可知妈妈教会了我珍惜生命中的每一个时刻和要在生活中的任何时刻都保持乐观。A.determined:坚定的,坚决的; B.modest :谦虚的; C.independent :独立的; D.positive:积极的。故答案选D。


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