

A.汤(bāo 吓(dòng 带血( 整齐一(huà

B.chà 大梁(tiǎo 心声(wèi

C.肘(chè 味( 女座(chǔ 吃卯粮(yín

D.定( 疮(cuó 恹(yāng 气方刚(xuè





谢弘微,陈郡阳夏人也。父思,武昌太守。从叔峻,司空琰第二子也,无后,以弘微为嗣。弘微本名密,犯所继内讳,故以字行童幼时精神端审时然后言所继叔父混名知人见而异之谓思曰此儿深中夙敏方成佳器有子如此足矣 弘微家素贫俭,而所继丰泰,唯受书数千卷,遣财禄秩,一不关豫。混风格高峻,少所交纳,唯与族子灵运、瞻、曜、弘微并以文义赏会。尝共宴处,居在乌衣巷,故谓之乌衣之游。瞻等才辞辩富,弘微每以约言服之,混特所敬贵,号曰微子。义熙八年,混以刘毅党见诛,妻晋陵公主以混家事委以弘微。弘微经纪生业,事若在公,一钱尺帛出入,皆有文簿。高祖受命,晋陵公主降为东乡君。自混亡,至是九载,而室宇修整,仓廪充盈,门徒业使,不异平日,田畴垦辟,有加于旧。中外姻亲,道俗义旧,入门莫不叹息,或为之涕流,感弘微之义也。性严正,举止必循礼度,事继亲之党,恭谨过常。太祖镇江陵,弘微为文学。母忧去职。居丧以孝称,服阕逾年,菜蔬不改。兄曜历御史中丞,元嘉四年卒。弘微蔬食积时,哀戚过礼,服虽除,犹不啖鱼肉。弘微少孤,事兄如父,兄弟友穆之至,举世莫及也。弘微口不言人短长,而曜好臧否人物,曜每言论,弘微常以它语乱之。九年,东乡君薨,资财钜万,园宅十余所,奴僮犹有数百人。弘微一无所取,自以私禄营葬。曰:亲戚争财,为鄙之甚。今分多共少,不至有乏,身死之后,岂复见关。十年,卒,时年四十二。上甚痛惜之,使二卫千人营毕葬事。追赠太常。





















When I was nine,my parents divorced (离婚) and our house was to be taken away. My dad,with whom my four younger siblings (兄弟姐妹) and I lived,spent countless hours filling out housing forms,calling shelters,and looking for places to stay. Although Dad had four siblings,none offered us a hand until we could get back on our feet.Family problems had caused them to go in separate directions,and,as a result,none were very close.

In spite of all this,my dad told us that we should stick together. His motto was All of us or none of us even if we were just going to the supermarket. He especially stressed the importance of family during these hard times.He told us not to worry because wed get through this together.He promised that if we stuck together,wed be all right.

Naturally,like any nineyearold,my mind wandered to playing cops (警察) and robbers and whatever else nineyearolds think about.His heartfelt (衷心的) words seemed to go in one ear and out the other. However,seven years have passed since that time.As my dad promised,we have stuck together and ended up all right.We stayed at a friends house until my dads many forms produced results and we received housing in a nice neighborhood.

Now I can understand the importance of my dads words.I also know that no matter what happens,I can depend on my siblings.Sure,we have our disagreements like any other kids,but we all know we can all depend on each other.That is what family should mean,and that is what matters most to me.

【1】When the parents divorced,the main problem for the father to settle was to________.

A.get enough food for daily life

B.find a suitable house to live in

C.get in touch with his siblings

D.find a job to support the family

【2】By saying All of us or none of us,the authors father meant________.

A.some of the siblings could go to the supermarket

B.friendship is always the most important thing

C.all or none of them could go to the supermarket

D.the family should stick together in hard times

【3】What matters most to the author?

A.Believing in the parents. B.Getting a nice house.

C.Depending on the siblings. D.Leading a comfortable life.

【4】What would be the best title for the passage?

A.Stick together

B.Fathers advice

C.My siblings D.Lifes lesson

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