

1)李密《陈情表》中 表明家门冷落,人丁稀少。













【题目】Four years ago, I went to the U. S. A. to improve my English. My plan was to be in Seattle for one month then go to Japan to study Japanese for 3 month. Once in Japan I felt I was lacking something and not my new life. I decided to return back to Seattle in search for new skills and training.

Upon my return to the U. S. A. I studied at a school for six months and while doing that I the community college market in Seattle. After costs, programs, distance to the city of Seattle and I decided to attend the Graphic Imaging and Printing Technology program by Seattle Central Community College.

I hold a four-year degree in Advertising I thought that learning about printing give me the chance to gain hands-on experience and myself to the advertising industry in the Seattle area. This is exactly happened. Besides discovering an excellent field to adding my in advertising ,I was also offered a job by the International Education Department at the college. Then, the experience suddenly became more touchable and my decision to study in the U. S. A. started to make very good .

first as an office assistant and then as a member of the marketing team at the college gave me customer service, office, and very good advertising development skills. Within the first year of working at the college I had the chance my ideas and actually start to get them . The remaining two years as an SCCC worker opened up a new horizon in my life.

1 A. own B. first C. original D. private

2 A. and B. or C. while D. but

3 A. other B. another C. the other D. another one

4A. get used to B. used to C. used D. used to live in

5A. printing B. industry C. language D. marketing

6 A. researched B. searched C. looked D. entered

7 A. compared B. comparing C. judged D. determining

8 A. price B. conditions C. surroundings D. convenience

9 A. offered B. performed C. offering D. supplying

10 A. however B. then C. therefore D. yet

11 A. used to B. ought to C. would D. should

12 A. bring B. take C. introduce D. carry

13 A. which B. that C. as D. what

14 A. field B. enterprise C. study D. income

15 A. real learning B. true learning C. learning real D. learning true

16 A. go in for B. go back to C. get down to D. get along with

17 A. sense B. effect C. influence D. result

18 A. To work B. Working C. Having worked D. Being worked

19 A. carrying on B. to carry out C. showing D. to show

20 A. to produce B. to be produced

C. being produced D. produced











【注】①孺人:明代七品官之妻的封号。 ②吴家桥:作者外祖家。


A.年十六来归 来归:出嫁,嫁过来

B.室弃物 靡:没有

C.每至夜分 夜分:半夜

D.僮奴有恩 遇:遇到


A.二子肖母也 久之,能足音辨人

B.抚爱,益念孺人 先妣抚甚厚

C.诸儿见家人泣,随之泣 于其身也,耻师焉

D.十六年有妇 君子博学日参省乎己









【题目】Do American children still learn handwriting in school? In the age of the keyboard, some people seem to think handwriting lessons are on the way out. 90% of teachers say they are required to teach handwriting. But studies have yet to answer the question of how well they are teaching it. One studypublished this year found that about three out of every four teachers say they are not prepared to teach handwriting. Some teachers are teaching handwriting by providing instruction for 10 to 15 minutes a day,and then other teachers who basically teach it for 60to 70 minutes a day which really is pretty much for handwriting.

Many adults remember learning that way by copying letters over and over again. Today's thinking is that short periods of practice are better. Many experts also think handwriting should not be taught by itself. Instead, they say it should be used as a way to get students to express ideas. After allthat is why we write.

Handwriting involves two skills. One is legibility, which means forming the letters so they can be read. The other is fluency writing without having to think about it. Fluency continues to develop up until high school.

But not everyone masters these skills.Teachers commonly report that about one fourth of their kids have poor handwriting.Some people might think handwriting is not important any more because of computers and voice recognition programs.

But Steve Graham at Vanderbilt says word processing is rarely done in elementary school, especially in the early years. American children traditionally first learn to print, and then to write in cursive,which connects the letters. But guess what we learned from a spokeswoman for the College Board,which administers the SAT college admission test. More than 75 percent of students choose to print their essay on the test rather than write in cursive.

1 Which of the following is WRONG for traditional handwriting in the USA?

A. The students are taught by practicing a long period.

B. The letters are repeated many times.

C. Handwriting includes two skills.

D. To write in cursive is taught first.

2 The underlined word “legibility” in Paragraph 3 means __________

A. easy to read

B. complex

C. unexpected

D. unreadable

3 The best title for the passage is __________.

A. How to improve handwriting in school

B. Right or wrong the death of handwriting

C. Handwriting involves two skills

D. Handwriting lessons are on the way out

4 The author's attitude towards whether still to learn handwriting in school is __________.

A. negative

B. objective

C. critical

D. optimistic












【1】下列对文章有关内容的概括和分析,正确的两项是 )(








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