

Losing trust is a two-way street, and so is rebuilding it. Both parties must want to work at rebuilding lost trust.

Forgive yourself. Remember that no one is perfect, whether it is you that are to blame or not. _____【1】___ Forgiving and trusting yourself is also important if you plan on earning to forgiveness and trust of someone else.

Come clean. Tell the truth, the whole truth, especially if the truth is already clear. Moreover, even if there are parts that you can keep hidden without getting caught, you should still tell the whole truth. ____2____

Pushing the blame on someone else will tell the other person that you still do not fully understand the lost trust. ____3___ But an irresponsible person must make the same mistakes over and over again.

Apologize. Even if you do not feel the need to apologize, you should offer the person you hurt a simple “Im sorry for hurting you.” ____4___ Be genuine. Fake apologies often sound fake. Only apologize when you’re truly sorry and truly eager to rebuild the trust that was lost.

____5____ This is one obvious step that can sometimes be ignored. Admit to the other person you realize you broke his or her trust in you, and express your wish to rebuild it.

A. It might be unpleasant for you.

B. State your wish to rebuild trust.

C. Do not put pressure on the other person.

D. A responsible person is able to be trusted again.

E. Only in admitting all your faults can you be forgiven for all of them.

F. Look the person straight in the eyes as you say this to express truthfulness.

G. Accept your failure as a part of the past and try to push forward into the future.


【1】 G

2 E

3 D

4 F

5 B



1 G 上文提到没有人是完美的,要学会原谅自己,此处选择G项接受你的失败成为过去的一部分,尽力展望未来符合语境。

2 E 本段主旨为坦白交代,再结合空格前面语境中提到的要说实话,此处选择E项只有承认错误别人才能原谅自己的过失对上文内容进行总结。

3 D 与下文提到的But an irresponsible person…相呼应,此处选择D项一个负责任的人能够再次被别人信任,与下文语境构成对比。

4 F 上文提到伤害了某人时要真诚地道歉,并且说I’m sorry for hurting you.,此处选择F项当你说这句话时要直视对方的眼睛以表示自己的真诚紧承上文进行论述。

5 B 与下文提到的…express your wish to rebuild it.相呼应,此处选择B项即要表明自己重获信任的愿望引起对下文的论述。


【题目】Bobby had tried to climb to the top of the snowy mountain for at least thirty times. But he had always ______. At first, he climbed very well, but as he went on, he became weak and often looked at his worn-out shoes ______ looking up. Finally, when the clouds gathered around him, he understood he wouldn’t be able to ______ the top that day. He would sit down to rest and then ______.

One day, he went up the mountain ______ by old Peeper, the town optician (配镜师). Halfway to the top, Peeper gave him a pair of ______ sunglasses. “If it starts clouding over, put these glasses on. They’ll ______ you,” said Peeper before he went back. Bobby accepted the ______.

Just as nearly always seemed to happen, bad luck ______ in the form of cloud cover. Bobby remembered Peeper’s ______ and put on the glasses. He could ______ see the clouds with the glasses on, but they seemed so light that he could see the top of the mountain ______ the clouds. And so Bobby kept climbing, leaving the clouds behind, and ______ arrived at the top of the mountain. He felt great. But as he took off the glasses, he was ______ the mountain below was surrounded by a sea of clouds. Bobby didn’t remember the clouds being as ______ as that, so he looked more closely at the sunglasses, and ______ everything.

Peeper had made a light picture on the glasses, in the ______ of the snow-covered mountain top. It was made in such a way that Bobby could only ______ it if he looked upwards.

Bobby ______ that the only obstacle (障碍) to getting to the top of the mountain had been his own discouragement. He thanked Peeper for using that little ______ to help him understand that his aim was not impossible.

【1】 A. waited B. failed C. finished D. rested

【2】 A. along with B. because of C. except for D. instead of

【3】 A. reach B. find C. miss D. measure

【4】 A. look up B. go on C. give up D. run away

【5】 A. attracted B. protected C. controlled D. accompanied

【6】 A. special B. beautiful C. big D. expensive

【7】A. save B. help C. follow D. test

【8】 A. material B. pity C. design D. gift

【9】 A. stood B. changed C. returned D. disappeared

【10】 A. plans B. words C. thoughts D. points

【11】A. still B. never C. only D. ever

【12】 A. beside B. under C. before D. through

【13】 A. personally B. finally C. necessarily D. nearly

【14】 A. frightened B. angry C. surprised D. disappointed

【15】A. thick B. pretty C. white D. small

【16】A. proved B. explained C. remembered D. understood

【17】A. middle B. form C. way D. place

【18】 A. feel B. copy C. see D. touch

【19】 A. realized B. agreed C. imagined D. told

【20】A. experiment B. chance C. shock D. trick

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