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On the Earth Day, my classmates and I decided to do everything for our school. We were divided into three group. The first group picked up rubbish and put it in plastic bags. The second group painted the walls of the classrooms, where had been so dirty. The third group planted many trees in the courtyard under our teachers¡¯ help. I helped dig the holes on the ground, put the trees in the holes, fill the holes with soil. Later on, we water the trees. It was a tired day but we felt happily. Let¡¯s devote ourselves to protect our earth!


On Earth Day, my classmates and I decided to do for our school. We were divided into three . The first group picked up rubbish and put it in plastic bags. The second group painted the walls of the classrooms, had been so dirty. The third group planted many trees in the courtyard our teachers¡¯ help. I helped dig the holes on the ground, put the trees in the holes, fill the holes with soil. Later on, we the trees. It was a day but we felt . Let¡¯s devote ourselves to our earth!


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