






An old couple in the seventies loved traveling. Every time they went away, they always left any money and a note on the table for a potential thief. This time they are taking a two-month trip to Guangdong to celebrate this year Spring Festival. They left a note which says, "I know you have suffered a lot this year. You must eager to go home to see your parents. Please take the money and buy a ticket. " In fact, a thief did break in a few years ago .He took out the money butleft everything else untouching. When asked how they did so, the husband said, "I believe people are born kindly .We should reach out a helping hand when somebody is in trouble.¡±


An old couple in the seventies loved traveling. Every time they went away, they always left


any money and a note on the table for a potential thief. This time they are taking a two-month

some were

trip to Guangdong to celebrate this year Spring Festival. They left a note which says, "I know you

year¡¯s said

have suffered a lot this year. You must¡Ä eager to go home to see your parents. Please take the


money and buy a ticket. " In fact, a thief did break in a few years ago .He took out the money but

left everything else untouching. When asked how they did so, the husband said, "I

untouched. why

believe people are born kindly .We should reach out a helping hand when somebody is in trouble.¡±


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