

【1】The road after the explosion(block)


【2】A conflict between the two countries(break)


【3】 , you should do it well(now)


【4】The car the hotel(pull)


【5】His friends as soon as they knew he had recovered from illness(cheer)


【6】Though this is we expected, it is still worth reading(as)


【7】A big truck was out of control and a big tree(crash)


【8】They noticed a plastic bag (float)


【9】He didn’t catch the train(enough)


【10】She is kind and children(gentle)



【1】was blocked up

2 broke out

3 Now that you have decided to do it

4 pulled up in front of

5 cheered up

6 not so good a book as

7 crashed into

8 floating in the sky

9 run fast enough to

【10always gentle with





In July 1994 Jupiter, the largest planet in our solar system, was struck by 21 pieces of a comet(彗星). When the fragments (碎片) landed in the southern part of the grand planet, the explosions were watched by scientists here on earth. But what if our own planet was hit by a comet?

The year is 2094. It had been announced that a comet is heading towards the earth. Most of it will miss our planet, but two fragments will probably hit the southern part of the earth. The news has caused panic.

On 17 July, a fragment four kilometers wide enters the Earth's atmosphere with a huge explosion. About half of the fragment is destroyed. But the major part survives and hits the South Atlantic at 200 times the spend of sound. The sea boils and an enormous wave is created and spreads. The wall of water rushes towards southern Africa at 800 kilometers an hour. Cities on the African coast are totally destroyed and millions of people are drowned. The wave moves into the Indian Ocean and heads towards Asia.

Millions of people are already dead in the southern part of the earth, but the north won't escape for long. Tons of broken pieces are thrown into the atmosphere by the explosion. As the sun is hidden by clouds of dust, temperatures around the world fall to almost zero. Crops are ruined. Wars break out as countries fight for food. A year later civilization has collapsed. No more than 10 million people have survived.

Could it really happen? It has already happened more than once in the history of the earth. The dinosaur was on the Earth for over 160 million years. Then 65 million years ago they suddenly disappeared. Many scientists believe that the Earth was hit by a space fragment. The dinosaurs couldn't survive in the cold climate that followed and they became extinct. Will we meet the same end?

【1】Which of the following is NOT true according to the author's description of the disaster in 2094?

A.The whole world becomes extremely cold.

B.All the coastal cities in Africa are destroyed.

C.The whole mankind becomes extinct.

D.The visit of the comet results in wars.

2Why does the author mention dinosaurs at the end of the passage?

A.Because they could only live in the warm climate.

B.Because they once dominated the earth.

C.Because their extinction indicates future disasters.

D.Because dinosaurs and humans never live in the same age.

3In writing the passage, the author intends to________.

A.give an accurate description of the possible disaster in the future

B.prove that humans will sooner or later be destroyed

C.tell the historical development of the earth

D.warn of a possible disaster in the future

4It can be concluded that the passage is most probably part of a(n)_______

A.horror story

B.news report

C.research paper

D.article of popular science

【题目】Our first winter in Canada was the happiest we have ever experienced. We were living in the countryside then and had just arrived from Hong Kong that autumn. One evening in mid-December snow began to fall. When we looked out of the window and saw that it was snowing, we all cheered. It was the first snow we had ever seen and we were excited. We could hardly wait for the snow to stop so that we could go out to play. Next morning when we woke up, it was still snowing. We switched on the radio and learned that more than ten inches of snow had fallen during the night and that since the roads were blocked, there would he no school that day. We jumped up and down for joy and beg mother to let us go outside to play in the snow, She said we could go out after breakfast if we dressed warmly and promised to come back as soon as we felt cold. When we went out, the snow had almost stopped. The roads, paths, gardens, and playgrounds were all hidden under a white blanket of soft snow. It was the most beautiful sight we had ever seen. Just then, we saw some neighbors’ children coming out to play. We ran over to join them. Together we built a snowman and a snow house. After that, we took turns sliding down a hill on a large piece of carboard. We were having so much fun when supper time came. Mother almost had to force us to go in and eat.

【1】The children in the story had come from Hong Kong ________ before the event described in the story happened.

A. a year

B. the summer

C. a few weeks

D. the winter

【2】The children were jumping with joy when they saw the snow because ________.

A. they would go to school the following day

B. it was the first time they had seen snow

C. their mother would buy them warm clothes

D. they liked cold winter

【3】When the children asked their mother to let them go out to play, she ________.

A. asked them to go to school

B. refused to let them go outside

C. told them to switch on the radio.

D. told them to wait until after breakfast

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