
【题目】Michelle kwan was born on July 7,1980,in Torrance,California.The daughter of Hong Kong immigrants(移民),Kwan watched her older brother play ice hockey as a kid.She began skating when she was five,and entered and won her first figure skating competition at seven.She won the world title in the 1994 World Championships at the age of 13,and earned a spot as an alternate(候补者)for the 1994 Olympic Games.Kwan went on to capture the world title in 1996,1998,2000,2001 and2003.

At the Nagano Winter Olympics in 1998,Kwan was believed to win gold,but ended up with a disappointing silver medal when fellow US skater Tara Lipinski surprisingly took first place.Shortly before the Salt Lake City Winter Olympics in 2002,Kwan,who was then the reigning world champ,surprisingly fired both her choreographer(编舞者),Lori Nichol,and longtime coach,Frank Carroll.Once again, she failed to get the gold medal when she finished third behind Irina Slutskaya of Russia and US skater Sarah Hughes, who took first.

As a student at the University of California in Los Angeles,Kwan has continued to compete since her defeat(战败)in Salt Lake City.In Febuary 2006, she was unable to take part in the Olympic Games in Torino, Italy because of a serious injury.Though Michelle Kwan did not compete during the 2006--2007 figure skating season; she has turned down an offer to work for NBC Sports and says she is not retiring.

【1】 The underline wordcapturein the first paragraph means ___.





【2】 What happened to Michelle Kwan in 2002?

A.Her coach didnt want to train her any onger

B.She went to study at the University of California

C.She failed to take part in the Olympic Games in Torino, Italy

D.She failed to win the gold medal in the Olympics again

【3】 Which of the following may NOT be a world champ?

A.Lori Nichol

B.Michelle Kwan

C.Tara Lipinski

D.Sarah Hughes

【答案】【1】 B


【3】 A

【解析】【1】词义猜测题。根据第一段的She won the world title in the 1994 World Championships...Kwan went on to...可知这里是指她继续赢得世界冠军的头衔。

【2】细节理解题。根据第二段的Once again,she failed to the gold medal...可知她在2002年冬奥会上再一次与奥运金牌失之交臂。

【3】推理判断题。根据surprisingly fired both her choreographer,Lori Nichol可知Lori Nichol只是一个编舞者,而Michelle Kwan、Tara Lipinski、Sarah Hughes都获得过世界冠军。


【题目】Many English students did not realize that phrases such as get off of and she was stood were grammatically incorrect. Its feared that the use of social networking websites and mobile phone text messaging is damaging childrens literacy(读写) skills.

Ministers have also complained that many young people spend too much time playing video games and watching TV instead of reading books.In the lastest study,Cambridge Assessment,one of the countrys biggest examination organizations,surveyed more than 2,000teenagers in 26 English secondary schools.

They were presented with various phrases and asked to mark out those with non-standard English. Only 41 percent realized that an adjective had been used in place of an adverb in the phrase come quick.

Fewer than six-in-ten pupils correctly identified get off of and she was stood as ungrammatical. Around a quarter of students failed to spot errors in the phrases it wasnt me who done it , couldnt hardly move, Tom had gotten cold and three mile. At least a fifth failed to recognize that more easier was incorrect. And most one-in-ten students failed to spot the use of a double negative in the phrase I didnt break no vase

Ian McNeilly,from the National Association for the Teaching of English, told the Times Educational Supplement, For a lot of peoplenot just young peopletheir daily use of English is in new media,where non-standerd grammatical constuctions are more acceptable.Thats unavoidably going to lead to an increased lack of awareness of more standard constructions.

Dr Beth Black,author of the latest report,said,It is possible that these less well-recognized nonstandard English forms will find their way into standard English,especially given the view that teenagers are linguistic innovators(语言创新者) who bring about change in standard dialect.

【1】 According to the first paragraph, what do people worry about?

A.Text message cost students too much money

B.students cant use standard English grammer

C.Students are annoyed through social networking websites.

D.Students become violent by playing video games

【2】 From the result of the survey, about 10 percent of the students failed to___.

A.understand the correct use of the tense

B.know the proper place of an adjective

C.know the use of the adverb

D.find the misuse of a double negative

【3】 According to Ian McNeilly, which of the following caused the spread of non-standard grammer?

A.Poeple use English in new media

B.People spend little time reading books

C.People didnt learning grammar well at school

D.Poeple are too careless in their writing

【4】 From the last paragraph, we can infer that___.

A.standard English will probably be destroyed by teenagers

B.teenagers are likely to become experts in English language

C.non-standard English forms will probably be widely accepted

D.people will probably not use the standard English grammar

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