

--- You neednt take an umbrella. It isnt going to rain.(2013北京)

--- Well, I dont know. It do.

A. might

B. need

C. would

D. should


【解析】考查情态动词。第一个人说不会下雨,第二人回答I dont know,因此可知,到底下不下雨是不能肯定的事情,故使用might表推测有可能



Stay on the brighter side of life

One very important component of optimism is gratitude or feeling grateful. In fact, there is a strong connection between a grateful attitude and a heightened sense of well-being. Appreciate all the positives in your life by starting a gratitude journal in order to remember what youre grateful for. ___【1】___

Feeling down? Instead of feeling sorry for yourself waiting for the universe to throw you a bone, try acting like youre happyeven if you arent. A sincere smile and a forced smile will cause the same chemical reactions in your brain, so you can actually fool your mind into feeling better by making it react chemically as if things were going well. __【2】___ Reassure yourself that everything is good even if you dont feel it.

__【3】__ If youre stuck in traffic, then everything else must be going horribly too, says Anne Parker, a wellness counselor. By blowing negative events out of proportion, youre setting yourself up for feeling down all day. Instead, acknowledge that youre stuck in traffic, but also bring to mind something good, like the beautiful scenery outside the window. That way, youll get in the habit of forbidding negative circumstances from blanketing your whole day.

Swearing to lose 20 pounds or to run a marathon seems like goals leading to happiness, but they take time to achieve. ___【4】__ You may even end up admitting that you have been defeated. However, if you focus on the small milestones that occur along the way, you will feel positive about your progress, which will give you the strength to keep going.

__【5】___ Try making someone elses day better. A report by United Healthcare and Volunteer Match found that volunteers are 72% more likely to characterize themselves as optimistic compared with non-volunteers. Plus, 89% of volunteers say that volunteering has improved their sense of well-being, and 92% say that it enriches their sense of purpose in life.

A. Try to help someone in need.

B. Want to give your attitude a lift?

C. People tend to think in an either-or way.

D. Act in an optimistic waysmile, laugh, tell a joke.

E. Youll fail to appreciate more important things in your life.

F. By focusing on not having accomplished them yet, you will start to feel down on yourself.

G. By remembering the pleasant things in your life, you can actually turn a negative attitude around.

【题目】 Top lists are lecturing people on everything from 100 places to visit to 100 books to read. Arent you just tired of being told what to do with your time?

Now you have a list to end all lists!

Take a look at the following two examples from the list of 101 thins not to do:

Swim with Dolphins?

Swimming with dolphins is one of the worlds most profitable tourist activities. However, every dolphin will welcome having their busy, tiring day interrupted by tourists screaming pushing around them in the water. Worse yet, when dolphins get too near to the boats loaded tourists, they could get caught up in ropes and killed by propellers(螺旋桨).

Heres a little secret. Dolphins look like smiling at you, but actually theyre just opening mouths.

Go to see the Mona Lisa?

There must be something about the mysterious smile. The 6 million people who visit the lady in the Louvre every year cant all be wrong, after all. But they can be quite annoying, standing in front of you, holding up their cameras to prevent you from seeing anything. In fact, it is hard for you to see the painting clearly because you have to stay away from it for security reasons. After queuing for hours, many tourists can remain in front of the painting only for 15 seconds most.

If the mysterious lady in the picture knew her fate, she wouldnt just be smiling, shed be laughing.

So, still long to see the Mona Lisa? If you want to find out more about the list, read 101 Things NOT to Do Before You Die. Visit www. not2dobeforeidie. co. uk and buy the book at a 20% discount.

【1】According to the passage, swimming with dolphins .

A. is the worlds most popular tourist activity

B. gives fun to both tourists and dolphins

C. will make tourists busy and tired

D. can cause danger to dolphins

【2】What does the author think about going to see the Mona Lisa?

A. It is wrong to go and see the mysterious smile.

B. It is not as satisfying as expected.

C. Fifteen seconds in front of the painting is enough.

D. Queuing for hours is worthwhile.

【3】The list of 101 things not to do is made most probably because its author .

A. thinks it boring to do the things suggested by other lists

B. believes other lists are not humorous enough

C. intends to persuade people to read more lists

D. wants to provide a list different from other lists

【4】 What is the main purpose of the passage?

A. To advertise a book.

B. To introduce a website.

C. To comment on popular lists.

D. To recommend tourist activities.

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