

【1】For what reason did so many people gather on the Golden Gate Bridge?

A.They wanted to use the opening of the bridge.

B.They wanted to walk across the bridge.

C.They wanted to get involved in celebrating the 50th birthday of the bridge.

【2】When did the bridge walk begin?

A.It began at the time when the sun was rising.

B.It began at the time when the sun was setting.

C.It began at the time when the moon was rising.

【3】How long did the party last?

A.It lasted four hours.

B.It lasted the whole day.

C.It lasted half a day.






It was San Francisco’s biggest party.As many as 800,000 people crowded together on the Golden Gate Bridge.They wanted to be a part of the history of the bridge.The crowd broke all the records.There were many more people than anyone had expected. The party was for the 50th anniversary of the bridge opening.The Golden Gate Bridge was famous when it was built.Today,it is a beautiful landmark of San Francisco. The party began with a walk across the bridge that started at sunrise.One woman said,“This is the greatest day in the history of San Francisco.There’s no better day to walk the bridge.” The bridge walk lasted four hours.Many people felt the bridge move in the wind as the crowd walked across. The sunrise walk was just the beginning of a full day of games,concerts and a parade of old cars.Some of the people and cars crossed the bridge on the opening day fifty years ago.Many of the older folks walked across the bridge when it was opened in 1937.Some came back with their grandchildren.



材料一 目前俄国的特点是从革命的第一阶段过渡到革命的第二阶段,第一阶段由于无产阶级的觉悟性和组织性不够,政权落到了资产阶级手中,第二阶段则应当使政权转到无产阶级和贫苦农民阶层手中。……不要议会制共和国,而要从下到上由全国的工人、雇农和农民代表苏维埃组成的共和国。


材料二 列宁认为,不能采取一般的暴力方式推翻资产阶级临时政府。因为这样做会同支持临时政府的苏维埃发生对立,会脱离群众。列宁提出的口号是不给临时政府以任何支持全部政权归苏维埃。然后再在苏维埃内部开展斗争,把小资产阶级政党排除出苏维埃,建立无产阶级专政。列宁认为革命之所以能够和平发展,因为武器掌握在人民手中,没有外力压制人民。


材料三 中央委员会认为,俄国革命的国际形势(德国海军中的起义,这是世界社会主义革命在全欧洲增长的最高表现;其次,帝国主义为扼杀俄国革命而媾和的威胁)和军事形势(俄国资产阶级和克伦斯基之流已经明确地把彼得格勒让给德国人),无产阶级政党在苏维埃中获得了多数,再加上农民起义和人民转而信任我们的党,以及第二次科尔尼洛夫叛乱显然已在准备,——这一切把武装起义提到日程上来了。



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