                                                           Died of shock (震惊)
    A very old lady won a million dollars in a lottery(彩票). Her son and her husband heard the news on the
    "How are we going to tell your mother?" the man asked. "The news might kill her." 
    "That's true." said the son. "Perhaps we'd better speak to her doctor about it. He will know how to bring the
news to her gently."
    They told the old lady's doctor about this . 
    "I'm glad you told me," he said, "A shock even a happy one could give her heart attack (打击). Leave it to
me. I'll find a way of bringing the news to her." 
    The doctor thought about the problem for several days. Then decided what he would say.
    He called on the old lady and sat by her. He took her hand in his. "let's play a game ,my dear," "A Let's
Pretend Game (一个假装游戏)." 
    "Oh, yes," said the old lady. "I love playing it." "Good , I'll ask you a question first" the doctor said. "Then
you can ask me one." 
    He pretended to think for a few moments. Then he said, "Tell me , what would you do if you won a million
dollars in the lottery?" 
    "Oh. That's an easy one," the old lady said. "I'd give most of it to you, Doctor. Because you have been so
good to me all these years. Doctor!" 
    But the doctor was lying on the floor. He had died of sock.
1. Why didn't the son and his father tell the lady the good news at once? Because they _______.
[     ]
A. weren't sure it was right
B. didn't want her to die of sock
C. want to kill her first
2. The doctor was also worried that the news would ________.
[     ]
A. make her worried
B. kill him
C. cause a heart attack
3. The doctor went to the old lady's house ________.
[     ]
A. to give her a heart attack
B. to play games with her
C. to tell her the news
4. Why was the doctor lying on the floor? Because ________.
[     ]
A. he hoped the old lady would do the same.
B. It was part of the "Let's Pretend" game.
C. he had died of shock
5. Which of the following is wrong?
[     ]
A. The son took bad care of the old lady's health
B. They wanted to tell her the happy news, but they didn't want to shock her.
C. The doctor tried to tell the news gently.
    It was Monday morning. Cathy left home early that day because she was going to    1   a new job in
Manhattan. She was only 18 and this was her first   2  . When she got to the bus stop, she saw so many
people waiting there that she almost   3   a passing taxi. Later she was   4   that she had waited for the
bus because the traffic was so heavy that even a taxi would not have   5   much earlier. As it was, she
was only few minutes late!
    She took the elevator to the eighth   6   and went to the office where she had been interviewed (面试)
by Mr. Samson two weeks   7  . This was the man she was going to work for. She knocked on the
door lightly and waited, but there was no   8  ! Just then she heard the sound of a   9   voice coming from
the next office. She opened the door and looked   10 . There was Mr. Samson, speaking  11  to all the
other people in the office. He suddenly  12  around and left the room.
    Later in the day, Cathy found out   13  had happened. Because Mr Samson lived forty miles away in
Westchester, he had to take the train to work and would usually arrive at the office  14  nine thirty. This
morning, however, he happened to catch an earlier train, and when he arrived at  15 , not a single person
was working.
(     )1. A. hunt        
(     )2. A. job         
(     )3. A. asked       
(     )4. A. glad        
(     )5. A. returned    
(     )6. A. ground      
(     )7. A. ago         
(     )8. A. sound       
(     )9. A. boy's      
(     )10. A. in         
(     )11. A. warmly     
(     )12. A. got        
(     )13. A. what       
(     )14. A. in         
(     )15. A. the station  
B. start      
B. chance     
B. missed     
B. sorry      
B. left       
B. room       
B. before     
B. help         
B. girl's   
B. out        
B. excitedly       
B. looked     
B. that       
B. about      
B. the office 
C. finish    
C. try        
C. got          
C. surprised   
C. stopped   
C. floor      
C. later      
C. answer        
C. woman's  
C. back        
C. angrily    
C. turned      
C. which       
C. until       
C. Westchester   
D. find        
D. victory       
D. called          
D. disappointed              
D. arrived       
D. office         
D. earlier       
D. noise            
D. man's     
D. up              
D. sadly       
D. walked        
D. it             
D. for            
D. Manhattan  
     Long, long ago there lived in Greece a king whose name was Midas. He was a greedy man and loved
gold better than anything else in the world.
     One day he asked the God (上帝) to give him still more gold. The God decided to punish him and
said:"Very well, in the morning everything that you touch will become gold."
     He got up early the next morning. When he touched his bed, it turned to gold. He began to dress, and
his clothes became gold. Midas was delighted. The king went to have his breakfast. He took a cup of milk,
but it immediately turned to gold. Then he took a piece of bread, and that also changed into gold. Midas
now began to feel unhappy. It was good to be the richest man in the world. but he was hungry, and he
could not eat or drink gold. He went out into the garden. His little daughter Was there. When she saw her
father, she ran up to him. King Midas was very fond of his daughter and he kissed her tenderly. Then and
there she turned into a golden statue (雕塑).
     Midas was now surprised and sad. He begged the God to take away the Golden Touch.
     The God took away his Golden Touch and everything became natural again. Midas never forgot this
lesson. He knew now that gold did not bring happiness.
1. What did Midas ask the God for at first?
A. He wanted to become a king.
B. He asked for a gold bed.
C. He wanted to have more gold.
2. What happened the next morning?
A. Everything he touched became gold.
B. The God gave him gold milk and bread.
C. He can't find his golden daughter.
3. Midas was unhappy because _____.
A. his bed became gold
B. his clothes became gold
C. his milk and bread became gold
4. The Chinese meaning of the underlined word "greedy" is _____.
A. 高大的
B. 富有的
C. 贪婪的
5. Which of the following is true?
A. The king had a wonder breakfast the next morning.
B. The king had nothing for breakfast the next morning.
C. The God gave the king much gold the next morning.
     Tina and Tara are twin sisters. They look   1  , but they also have some differences. Mr. Black is their old
     One day, he came to see his two granddaughters   2   two gifts. When he came into the house he saw Tina
and   3   her one gift. After a while, when he got into the garden he saw   4   granddaughter-"Tara". In fact, that
was Tina. When he gave the other gift to her, she said, "you have given me one." "No, I gave a gift to your   5  
-Tina." "Oh, my grandpa, I am Tina." Just then, Tara came into the garden, too. "Now, grandpa, can you tell me
the differences   6   us?" "'No, I can't. Can you   7   me?" "Yes, look, Tara is a little taller   8   me. Her hair is
longer and curlier, then   9  . Now grandpa, can you see?" "Yes, now I can tell you 10  Tara. Tara, here is the
gift for you." "Thank you for your gift, grandpa." With the words, they all laughed happily.
(     )1. A. the same   
(     )2. A. of       
(     )3. A. made      
(     )4. A. the other 
(     )5. A. brother   
(     )6. A. among     
(     )7. A. tell    
(     )8. A. as       
(     )9. A. hers      
(     )10. A. from     
B. different  
B. and      
B. gave       
B. another    
B. mother     
B. between       
B. speak      
B. like       
B. his       
B. than     
C. like   
C. for    
C. took    
C. other   
C. cousin         
C. in   
C. say    
C. than   
C. yours    
C. like  
D. as       
D. with     
D. sent       
D. Others   
D. sister   
D. around 
D. answer               
D. \       
D. mine       
D. as     
     Evening came. It was time for Mr. Bell to close his shop. He was checking his money. His son Tom,
who was 15, had just gone outside to buy a newspaper. Just then, a big man walked   1   the shop. He had
a gun in his hand.
     When Tom came back, he could hear the man asking his father for   2  . Tom could see the gun in the
man's hand, but the man didn't   3   or hear Tom.
     Tom hurried up the street. He looked for the police,   4   he didn't see any. Then Tom saw an old baseball
bat lying in the street. "Maybe this will help," he thought. He ran   5   with it.
     His father was just giving some of the money to the man. The man was watching Tom's father. Tom
knew he could not   6   any longer. "Now is the time. I must do it now." Tom went up to the man and knocked
him down   7   the bat.
     Tom and his father then ran outside. This time they got the   8   and told them what   9  . The police  10  
went to the shop and caught the man.
(     )1. A. out of     
(     )2. A. paper      
(     )3. A. know       
(     )4. A. but        
(     )5. A. back       
(     )6. A. hold       
(     )7. A. by         
(     )8. A. neighbors   
(     )9. A. happened 
(     )10. A. quick   
B. around         
B. water         
B. catch         
B. so             
B. over           
B. wait           
B. from          
B. police        
B. happens    
B. quickly        
C. into         
C. money        
C. meet        
C. for          
C. away         
C. rest         
C. without      
C. friends      
C. has happened     
C. fast         
D. down          
D. food           
D. see            
D. or           
D. past            
D. watch        
D. with           
D. children      
D. is happening                
D. fastly       
     A man once had a dream about the Black Forest in Germany. In his dream he was walking in the forest
when two men ran out and tried to throw him to the ground. He ran off as fast as he could, but they followed
him. He reached a place where he saw two roads in front of him, one to the right and the other to the left.
Which road should he take? He heard the two men behind him, getting nearer, and at the same time he heard
a voice in his ear. It told him to go to the right, and he did so. He ran on and soon came to a small hotel. He
was received there kindly and given a room, and he was saved from the two men. That was the dream.
     Twenty years later he was really in the Black Forest and as happened in the dream long ago, two men ran
out and tried to throw him down. He ran off, and came to a place with two roads, like in the dream. He
remembered the dream and took the road to the right He soon reached a small hotel, was taken in, and so
was safe. His dream of twenty years before had saved his life.
1. The Black Forest is ________.
A. a place in Germany
B. not a real place
C. invented by the writer
2. When he was walking in the forest, ________ ran after him.
A. two dogs
B. two tigers
C. two men
3. Finally he came to ________.
A. a forest
B. a small hotel
C. another dream
4. It was ________ that saved the man's life 20 years later.
A. a voice
B. the dream
C. someone else
5. The story tells us that ________.
A. a dream may come true sometime
B. people should not believe their dreams
C. dream can save one's life
     The telephone rang. Mrs. Green went to   1   it.   2   was Vicky, her friend. Mrs. Green asked Vicky
to come and have   3   with her and her family that evening. 
        4   a quarter to six, Mr. Green came back home with his children. He saw his wife   5   the window
of the kitchen. She was   6   "What's   7  ?" he asked.
     "I've made a terrible mistake, Jim," She said "I've asked Vicky to come and have dinner with   8   this
     "Well, that's   9   to worry about." Mr. Green said. "We should have a happy  10  together. We haven't
seen her  11  a long time."
     "But I've just found that there isn't enough food in the house. I  12  you to get some meat on your way
home three days ago and you forgot it."
     "Oh, my dear!" said Mr. Green. He stood still  13  his family. Suddenly he walked out of the house and
ran  14  his car. He found some  15  in the car. It had been there for three days.
(     )1. A. answer   
(     )2. A. She      
(     )3. A. breakfast
(     )4. A. On        
(     )5. A. through  
(     )6. A. angry    
(     )7. A. the thing
(     )8. A. we       
(     )9. A. something
(     )10. A. morning 
(     )11. A. in      
(     )12. A. ask     
(     )13. A. in      
(     )14. A. in      
(     )15. A. meat    
B. get           
B. It          
B. lunch          
B. In            
B. though       
B. happy           
B. the matter   
B. me           
B. nothing      
B. noon            
B. since         
B. asked         
B. among        
B. for            
B. apples      
C. clean           
C. He         
C. dinner       
C. For             
C. across     
C. glad           
C. matter     
C. us         
C. anything    
C. afternoon       
C. of           
C. will ask     
C. between    
C. towards      
C. vegetables   
D. ask           
D. They       
D. meal       
D. At             
D. cross     
D. worried        
D. this        
D. you       
D. evening    
D. evening        
D. for        
D. tell         
D. at       
D. out of       
D. milk     
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