     Tom gets up at half past seven in the morning. He has an egg and some milk for his breakfast.
Then he begins to go to school slowly. When he is on his way to school, he is thinking, "I told my
teacher my mother was ill on Monday morning. I told him my bike was wrong on Tuesday. What
do I tell my teacher today?"
    Tom thinks over but he doesn't find a good idea before he gets to school. "May I come in?" Tom
shouts at the door of the classroom .
    "Oh, my boy, "says Mr Green. "Please look at the clock on the wall. What time is it now?"
    "It's ten past eight, " answers Tom.
     Mr Green is not happy. "You are late for class three times this week. If all the students are like you,
the clock is no use, I think. "
     "You are right, Mr Green, " says Tom. "If we don't have the clock, how do you know I am late for
1. Tom has breakfast ______.     
A. at school     
B. at the station     
C. at home
D. in a restaurant
2. Tom has ______ for breakfast.     
A. eggs and milk     
B. chicken and bread     
C. hamburgers and fish
D. noodles and rice
3. On his way to school, Tom is ______.     
A. singing     
B. running     
C. talking
D. thinking
4. Tom is late for school ______ this week.     
A. five times     
B. four times     
C. three times
D. once
5. There is a ______ a on the wall of the classroom.     
A. map     
B. clock     
C. card     
D. bird
     It was Sunday morning. Little Jim was  1 . He had no classes. After breakfast, Jim said to his
mother, "Mom, can you go to the beach   2   me?"
    "OK, dear. I want to go there. Too, " his mother said. "Let's take some food. If we are   3 , we
can eat it. " "Good idea!'' said Jim. They decided to take a  4  there. They each had a seat because
there  5  many people on the bus.
    On the beach, Jim and his mother had a great   6 . They played beach volleyball and had a   7  in
the water. Jim made two new friends there. One is Mike and   8   is Carol. After getting home, Jim  9
 a letter to his cousin Cathy and told her  10  he and his mother did on that day.
(     )1. A. at home
(     )2. A. at      
(     )3. A. quiet  
(     )4. A. car    
(     )5. A. weren't
(     )6. A. look    
(     )7. A. day    
(     )8. A. other  
(     )9. A. asked  
(     )10. A. what  
B. at school
B. for      
B. hungry  
B. train    
B. are      
B. class    
B. tour    
B. the other
B. visited  
B. why      
C. on the beach
C. in          
C. shy        
C. bus        
C. wasn't      
C. place      
C. swim        
C. others      
C. studied    
C. when        
D. in the park
D. with      
D. relaxed    
D. bike      
D. is                                        
D. time      
D. dinner    
D. the others
D. wrote      
D. how        
     It was a Saturday in May. When Mrs Black opened the door and looked out, she smiled and said,
"It's going to be a beautiful day." She woke her little son up at eight thirty and said to him, "Get up, Tod.
We're going to the zoo today. Wash your hands and face, brush your teeth and have breakfast quickly.
We are going to New York by train."
    Tod was six years old. He was very happy now because he liked going to the zoo very much, and he
also liked going by train. He said, "I dreamed (做梦) about the zoo last night, Mummy, "
     His mother was in a hurry, but she stopped and smiled at her little son, "And what did you do in the
zoo in your dream?" Tod laughed and answered, ''You know. Mummy! You were there in my dream,
too. "
1. Mrs Black decided to go to the zoo mainly (主要的) because ______.     
A. it would be Sunday the next day     
B. it was going to be a sunny day     
C. Tod hadn't been to the zoo yet
D. she had nothing to do on Saturday
2. At half past eight that morning ______.     
A. Tod was dreaming about the zoo
B. Tod was woke up (被叫醒)
C. Tod was washing his face
D. Tod was still in bed.
3. Why was Tod happy that day?
A. He liked New York very much.
B. It was his sixth birthday.
C. He was going to take a train.
D. He didn't have to go to school. 
4. What did Tod do in the zoo in his dream?
A. He saw a lot of animals.
B. He played with a monkey.
C. He saw some beautiful birds.
D. The story doesn't tell us. 
5. From the story we know that ______.
A. Tod dreamed about the zoo every night.
B. Tod was Mrs Black's small daughter.
C. Mrs Black didn't know what Tod did in the dream.    
D. Mrs Black forgot that she and Tod had been in the zoo the night before.
     The sun is shinning and it's very hot.   1   many people don't want to go out after   2  . Mrs. West has
to (不得不)   3   her father at the air-port. Her father doesn't feel well he wants to see a   4   in the city
     Now she's   5   in the street. There   6   no trees and she feels very   7  . But she's too   8   and can't
walk fast (快). Suddenly she finds (发现) a   9   walking behind her. She gets angry (生气). "Why are
you walking  10  me, boy?" She asks the boy. "It's cooler".  The boy answers.
(     )1. A. But      
(     )2. A. breakfast
(     )3. A. watch    
(     )4. A. nurse    
(     )5. A. walking  
(     )6. A. be        
(     )7. A. cold      
(     )8. A. happy    
(     )9. A. boy      
(     )10. A. on      
B. Because    
B. dinner      
B. meet        
B. waiter      
B. lying      
B. is          
B. coo1        
B. fat        
B. man        
B. in front of
C. So        
C. supper    
C. help      
C. policeman
C. running  
C. are      
C. relaxed  
C. short    
C. woman    
C. behind    
D. Then        
D. lunch      
D. ask        
D. doctor      
D. angry      
D. am          
D. hot        
D. tall        
D. dog        
D. across from              
      A man was walking through a forest (森林). He had a few  1    in his hand. In the forest there were
 a lot of monkeys (猴子). It was hot, so he decided to  2   a rest under a tree. He put a capon his head 
and lay down to   3 .     
     When he woke up, he couldn't find his caps."  4  are my caps?" he cried and looked up. He saw some monkeys in the tree. Each had a cap on its  5      
    "Give back my caps!" shouted the man to the  6 . But the monkey didn't understand him. They only 
jumped, danced and laughed.      
    "  7  can I get back my caps?" he thought hard. At last he had an  8 . He took off his cap and threw 
it on the  9 . The little monkeys did, the baby is sleep  the same thing. The man quickly picked up
(拾起) all the caps    10   went on (继续) his way.
(     )1. A. caps (帽子)
(     )2. A. sleep
(     )3. A. shop  
(     )4. A. What  
(     )5. A. back  
(     )6. A. monkeys
(     )7. A. Who  
(     )8. A. egg  
(     )9. A. tree  
(     )10. A. and  
B. potatoes
B. drink    
B. sleep    
B. Whose    
B. head    
B. people  
B. When    
B. orange  
B. ground  
B. but      
C. toys
C. practice
C. tell
C. Where
C. hand
C. others
C. What
C. idea
C. table
C. so
D. sunglasses
D. have      
D. talk      
D. How      
D. arm      
D. madam                                     
D. How      
D. apple    
D. river    
D. or        
     Mrs. Hunt comes back from work. She tells Mr. Hunt about a nice dress. "I see it in the shop every
day." she says. "And...."
    "And do you want to buy it?" asks Mr. Hunt. "How much is it?"
    "It's  two  hundred  and  sixty  dollars,"Mrs. Hunt answers.
    "Is two hundred and sixty dollars for a dress? That's too much!"says Mr. Hunt.
    But every evening when she comes back, Mrs. Hunt only talks about the dress. So at last Mr. Hunt
says , "Oh , you can buy it! Here's the money! ". Mrs. Hunt is very happy. The next evening, Mr. Hunt
wants to have a look at the nice dress, but Mrs. Hunt says. "I don't want to buy it. "
     "Why not?" he asks.
     "Well, it is still in the window of the shop after a week. So I think no one wants this dress. And I
don't want it, either."
1. Mrs. Hunt sees the nice dress ______.     
A. at a bus stop     
B. in her factory     
C. in a shop
D. at her friend's home
2. Mrs. Hunt tells Mr. Hunt about the dress because she wants him to ______.     
A. have a look     
B. buy it for her     
C. make one like that
D. borrow it from the shop
3. Mr. Hun thinks the dress in the shop is ______.     
A. very small     
B. too long     
C. very cheap
D. too expensive
4. Which of the following is RIGHT?      
A. Mr. Hunt doesn't want his wife to buy the dress.     
B. Many other people also want the dress.     
C. Mrs. Hunt likes another dress in the shop.
D. Mr. and Mrs. Hunt come back from work together (一起) every day.
5. Mrs. Hunt doesn't want to buy the dress at last because she thinks ______.     
A. it is much too expensive     
B. it is not very new     
C. it is much too old
D. it is not very good
     Two children, Jack and Bill,  1  next door to a lady, called Mrs King. She is a cook and is good at 
 2  cakes. The children can smell (闻) them when she cooks.     
     "How can we get some   3 ?"Jack says to Bill. "We can't just go and ask for  4 . That's impolite (不礼貌). " "I know what we can  5 ." Bill says. "Corne  6   me. "The children go to the front door of Mrs 
King's  7 . They knock(敲) on the door. When Mrs King opens the door, The boys say, "Hello, will 
you  play  8  us?"     
    Mrs King laughs. "All right." She says. "What  9  do you want to play?"     
    "We want to play 'Zoo'. " Bill says, "We want to  10   the animals. You can be the keeper (饲养员). 
You give us some food to eat. "
(     )1. A. is  
(     )2. A.makes
(     )3. A. food
(     )4. A. some
(     )5. A. make
(     )6. A. for
(     )7. A. family
(     )8. A. for
(     )9. A. game
(     )10. A. be
B. live
B. eating
B. apples
B. any  
B. have
B. along
B. home
B. to
B. match
B. as  
C. there are
C. does    
C. cakes
C. nothing
C. do      
C. to    
C. room    
C. with    
C. soccer  
C. go      
D. have    
D. making  
D. breakfast
D. little  
D. help    
D. With                                  
D. house    
D. in      
D. zoo      
D. for      
     A man was looking for things of old times. One day he came to a village and found a blue bowl
which looked very old. The bowl was on the ground and a cat was drinking milk from it. A farmer, the
owner (主人) of the cat, was lying beside the bowl. In order not to draw the famer's attention (引起农
夫的注意)to the value (价值)  of the bowl,the man said to him in a soft voice,"What a nice cat you
have! Won't you sell it to me?"
    "How much would you give me for it?" the farmer opened his eyes and asked.
    "Twenty dollars. Would it be enough?
    A few minutes later, the farmer agreed. After he paid the farmer,the man said, "My cat will certainly
feel thirsty. May I take the bowl so that the cat can have milk?
    But the farmer said,"I'm sorry I can't give it to you. Thanks to the bowl, I have already sold twenty
1.The man liked _____.
A. collecting (收集) old things
B. travelling from village to village
C. meeting farmers         
D.  buying cats
2. Why did the man want to buy the cat? Because _____.     
A. it was very lovely      
B. the cat cost more money than the bowl      
C. he thought he could easily get the boll if he bought the cat      
D. he hadn't got enough money to buy both the cat and the bowl
3. After he bought the cat, the man asked for the bowl, because he thought _____.     
A. the bowl should go with the cat     
B. the bowl had a beautiful color     
C. the farmer didn't know the value to the bowl
D. the cat could not live without the bowl
4. The farmer kept the bowl so that he could _____.
A. let another cat use it   
B. sell more cats
C. sell more bowls       
D. use the bowl himself
5. From the story we can see that the farmer _____.
A. had only one bowl    
B. was very poor
C. didn't like cats       
D. had got much money with the "help"of the bowl
 0  8765  8773  8779  8783  8789  8791  8795  8801  8803  8809  8815  8819  8821  8825  8831  8833  8839  8843  8845  8849  8851  8855  8857  8859  8860  8861  8863  8864  8865  8867  8869  8873  8875  8879  8881  8885  8891  8893  8899  8903  8905  8909  8915  8921  8923  8929  8933  8935  8941  8945  8951  8959  159627 

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