     One bright summer day, boys and girls were having a walk with their teacher near the zoo. They
walked and   1   happily.
     After a while, they came to a   2   over the river, and they took turns to go across it. When they
just reached the middle, there came a great shout of warning behind them. The teacher told them   3  ,
and she turned back and listened. When she heard the voice"   4   !", she knew what would happen.
Before she could do anything she saw a wolf   5   towards the bridge.
     "Children," said the teacher,"Don't worry, don't move   6   cry." Then she ran to the back of the
children   7   the wolf should meet her first.
     The wolf came, and its mouth was widely open. When it passed the teacher, the wolf saw a boy.
It stopped and wanted to snap (咬) at the boy. When the teacher   8   this, she put her right hand into
the wolf's   9   quickly. The wolf was so frightened, and it  10  at once.
      When people heard of it, they all spoke highly of her bravery (勇敢).
(     )1. A. singing
(     )2. A. garden 
(     )3. A. to cry 
(     )4. A. Snake 
(     )5. A. running 
(     )6. A. or     
(     )7. A. too to 
(     )8. A. warned 
(     )9. A. ears   
(     )10. A. died 
B. sing     
B. bank     
B. to shout  
B. Dog     
B. joining   
B. yet       
B. so that   
B. seemed   
B. body     
B. fell over
C. sang      
C. village    
C. not to cry 
C. Bear       
C. arriving  
C. so          
C. as well as  
C. saw        
C. legs    
C. fell down 
D. to sing   
D. bridge      
D. to meet     
D. Wolf         
D. standing  
D. for           
D. as long as  
D. watched       
D. mouth     
D. ran away 
     Mr. Hunt came from a poor family. He had three brothers and two sisters. His father worked
hard but wasn't paid much. And his mother did all the housework at home. They were both able
but they couldn't get enough money for their family.
     Mr. Hunt was in school for only three years and he had to stop to help his parents though he
was good at his lessons. When he was sixteen, he came to the city and began to work in a small
factory. He learned from an old worker and became a skilled worker. The old worker liked him
and married his daughter to him. The young man did not have his own house and had to live with his
parents-in-law. His mother-in-law always thought he was poor and often chattered. So the young
man tried to save everything and hoped to have his own house.
      It was one fine Sunday. The old woman wanted to have a picnic on the top of the hill. She told
Mr. Hunt to drive her car. But sometimes she told him to turn left and sometimes to turn right. The
young man had to listen to her. At a crossing the lights were red but she made him turn left. The
policeman stopped them and told the young man to give his license to him.
     "If I did wrong, sir," said Mr. Hunt, "It was my mother-in-law's fault (过错). She was driving the
car though she sat behind me!"
1. The Hunts were poor because ____.
A. they were lazy
B. they were too weak to work
C. they couldn't make enough money
D. they weren't able enough
2. Mr. Hunt left the school because ____.
A. he didn't like studying
B. his family was poor
C. he wasn't clever
D. he hoped to stay at home
3. ____, so the old man married his daughter to him.
A. Mr. Hunt became a skilled worker
B. Mr. Hunt was friendly to him
C. Mr. Hunt was paid much in the factory
D. Mr. Hunt worked for six years there
4. The old woman was ____ to Mr. Hunt.
A. good
B. bad
C. friendly
D. useless
5. Which of the following is wrong?
A. The old woman herself drove the car that day.
B. It was the old woman's fault.
C. Mr. Hunt hated his mother-in-law.
D. The old woman told Mr. Hunt to run the red lights.
     Mrs. Black is sixty-nine years old. She only has a daughter named Sandra. Mr. Black died twelve
years ago. Mrs. Black was very sad and lived in her house alone. Two years ago her daughter had a
baby. The young woman was busy all the time and had no time to look after her son James. She asked
her mother to live with them.
     The old woman had to sell her house and moved there. She was strong and could do all the
housework. And the family liked her.
      Last autumn Mrs. Black went to do some shopping. A car hit her and her leg was hurt. She had to
be in hospital for three months. She couldn't do anything after she came back. At first her daughter was
kind to her, but soon she began to be tired of (讨厌) her. The old woman wanted to leave, but she had
no money to buy a house and nobody could take care of her. She didn't know what to do.
      One morning Mrs. Black broke a plate. It made her daughter angry. She told James to buy a
wooden (木制的) plate for his grandma. That afternoon James came back with two wooden plates. She
was surprised and asked, "Why did you buy two plates, son?"
     "One is for grandma," answered the boy, "the other is for you! You will also have to use a wooden
plate when you're old, I think."
      The woman heard this and was sad. She cried for long. Now she is kind to her mother as she was
1. Sandra asked her mother to live with them because ______.
A. the old woman lived alone
B. she needed her help
C. the old woman couldn't look after herself
D. the old woman could give her much money
2. The family liked Mrs. Black at first because ______.
A. she was very rich
B. she could watch their door
C. she could do all the housework for them
D. she was friendly to them all
3. Mrs. Black was afraid that ______, so she couldn't leave her daughter's house.
A. she had no house to live in
B. she couldn't look after herself
C. Sandra couldn't go to see her any more
D. A and B
4. James bought a wooden plate for his mother because ______.
A. he didn't love her
B. he liked it
C. he hoped she would be kind to his grandma
D. she often broke the plates at home
5. Sandra is friendly to her mother again because ______.
A. she knows she did wrong
B. she was afraid of her son
C. the old woman is poor
D. it's her duty
     Mr. Smith  1   in a post office three years ago. When he was sixty, he retired. Now he and his
wife stay at home and his children work in  2   city. The old man does all housework and he has nothing
to do at home. He likes neither reading nor  3  games. At first he didn't know how to  4   the free time.
Mr. Hunt   5  was two years older than him asked to go fishing with him.
     "It's a good sport," said Mr. Hunt. "I'm sure you'll soon be  6  in it." "That's easy. Go fishing with me
tomorrow morning and I'll  7  you."
     Mr. Smith decided  8  his luck. The following day the two old friends came to a river and began to
fish. Suddenly Mr. Smith said, "I say,   9  do those little red things cost?"
     "You mean the floats (浮子)? Oh, they're cheap. What made you ask me such a  10 ?"
     "I owe (欠) you for one. Mine has just sunk (下沉)."
(     )1. A. work        
(     )2. A. other      
(     )3. A. playing    
(     )4. A. spend      
(     )5. A. who        
(     )6. A. interesting
(     )7. A. discover    
(     )8. A. trying      
(     )9. A. how many    
(     )10. A. problem    
B. worked    
B. the other  
B. play      
B. take      
B. which      
B. interested
B. teach      
B. to try    
B. how far    
B. answer    
C. works    
C. another  
C. plays    
C. cost      
C. what                                                       
C. interest  
C. follow    
C. tried    
C. how much  
C. question  
     Four girls were at the same school. They were good friends, so they often studied and played
together. They went to school every day by taxi.
     One day one of the girls said, "There is a test this morning. Let's go to school late. Then we won't
have to take the test." "What can we tell the teacher?" One of the girls said. "He'll be angry. We'll need
a good excuse."
     The girls thought for several moments, then one of them said, "Let's tell him that our taxi had a flat
tire (爆胎)." "That's a good idea," the other girls said. "We'll tell him that."
    They arrived at school an hour later. The test was finished.
    "Why are you late?" the teacher asked. "You miss the test." "Our taxi had a flat tire," one of the girls
     The teacher thought for a moment, then he said, "Sit down, one of you in each corner of the room."
The four girls did this. Then the teacher said, "Write the answer to this question on a piece of paper:
Which tire was flat?"
1. The four girls went to school every day by ______.
A. bus
B. taxi
C. subway
2. There was ______ that morning.
A. a test
B. no classes
C. a trip
3. One day the four girls were late for school because ______.
A. they didn't like the teacher
B. there was a car accident
C. they planned to miss the test
4. We can know from the passage that the teacher ______.
A. thought they were good students
B. didn't believe what they said
C. gave his students too many tests
5. The four girls sat down as the teacher said like Picture ______.
      A              B              C
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