     Marianne, a schoolgirl, was learning to play the piano, and day after day her father stood behind her
as she practiced.
      How very patient and loving 1 was, and how cleverly he showed Marianne  2 to play some difficult
pieces! She was making progress, and that was excellent.
     And there, almost last in the big chair, sat Wolfgang, her four-year-old 3 , who never had to be told
to 4 quiet when Marianne was  5 .
     One evening at sundown the father patted Marianne's shoulder, 6 she had dome very well. At the
moment Wolfgang climbed on his father's knee and begged to play the pretty 7   Marianne had now
     What a 8 that was! Picking his baby son, the father 9 , tapped the nose and said, "Look at your
small 10 . You must wait, like man. You must wait!"
      There was no end, and Marianne had to tell her mother about Wolfgang wanting to 11 one of the
classics. After  12 Marianne helped clear away the dishes when the father lit his pipe (烟斗).
      But the pipe went out. He was on his feet.
      "Listen! Marianne is playing that piece 13 than ever!"
      But Marianne was washing pots in the kitchen.
      His wife following, he went upstairs, the lamp in one hand, his pipe in 14 ,he pushed open the door,
and there was little Wolfgang  15 in the darkness.
      "I love it so!" whispered the child.
      It was the beginning of Mozart's life of music.
(     )1. A. her father  
(     )2. A. what        
(     )3. A. friend      
(     )4. A. keep        
(     )5. A. singing    
(     )6. A. speaking    
(     )7. A. piece      
(     )8. A. joke        
(     )9. A. shouted    
(     )10. A. feet      
(     )11. A. listen to  
(     )12. A. class      
(     )13. A. worse      
(     )14. A. another    
(     )15. A. lying      
B. her mother  
B. where      
B. brother    
B. make        
B. practicing  
B. talking    
B. one        
B. story      
B. cried      
B. nose        
B. play        
B. school      
B. badly      
B. the other  
B. standing    
C. the daughter  
C. when          
C. sister        
C. go            
C. playing      
C. saying        
C. toy          
C. lie          
C. laughed      
C. face          
C. buy          
C. that          
C. better        
C. other one    
C. playing      
D. the son    
D. how        
D. neighbor    
D. look        
D. telling    
D. telling    
D. game        
D. success    
D. watched    
D. han ds      
D. hear        
D. dinner      
D. well        
D. another one
D. watching    
     Little Peter is a boy of nine. He began to go to school when he was six , and now he is in Grade
Three. He lives not far from the school, but he is often late for class. He likes watching TV in the
evening and goes to bed late, so he can't get up on time in the morning.
     This term, Mrs. Black, Peter's aunt , works in Peter's school. She is strict with Peter and often
tells the boy to obey the school rules and come to school on time. Yesterday morning Peter got up late.
When he hurried (赶紧) to school , it was a quarter past eight . His aunt was waiting for him at the
school gate .
     "You are ten minutes late for the first class , Peter , " Mrs. Black said angrily. "Why are you often
late for class ? " "Every time , when I get to the street corner (街道拐角), I always see a guidepost (路标). It says SCHOOL-GO SLOWLY ! "
1. Peter is in school for ______ years.
A. one and a half      
B. two      
C. three      
D. six
2. Peter is often late for school because ______.
A. he likes watching TV          
B. he doesn't like to go to school
C. he sleeps well at night
D. he can get up early in the morning
3. Mrs. Black is a ______.
A. worker      
B. teacher    
C. mother    
D. policewoman
4. The first class begins at ______.
A. ten to eight      
B. eight      
C. five past eight      
D. a quarter past eight
5. The guidepost is for ______.
A. drivers      
B. Peter      
C. students      
D. teachers
     Mr. John was at the window of a train in    1   . He was going to Washington, and now he was    2   .
The train began moving, and an old worker    3    the window. Mr. John shouted angrily at the    6   ,
" I gave you my luggage (行李) an hour ago,    5    you didn't put it in the train. Why isn't it here, and
where did you    6    it?" The old man smiled at Mr. John and said, "I looked    7    you here and there,
but I didn't    8    you. Your luggage isn't as foolish    9    you are. You are in the wrong    10   . This
one is going to New York."
(     )1. A. the street 
(     )2. A. tired   
(     )3. A. came to  
(     )4. A. boy                  
(     )5. A. so     
(     )6. A. lost    
(     )7. A. over    
(     )8. A. find    
(     )9. A. so     
(     )10. A. window   
B. the station     
B. busy          
B. left             
B. woman           
B. and                           
B. put            
B. at              
B. look for         
B. but            
B. luggage       
C. Washington    
C. happy       
C. opened          
C. worker        
C. or                                   
C. found       
C. for              
C. find out    
C. for             
C. train    
D. the factory  
D. angry       
D. closed  
D. driver      
D. but       
D. forgot                        
D. after          
D. bring  
D. as         
D. station 
     Once there was a boy called Dick. He was poor. His father and mother were dead and he had no
friends to help him.
     One day he heard some men talking. "I shall go to London, for London is a big city and its streets
are covered with gold (黄金). Everyone in London is very rich."
     Then Dick said. "I shall also go to London and become rich."
     Some days later. Dick saw a cart (马车) on the side of the road. He said to the man who was on
the cart, "Where are you going?" The man answered. "I'm going to London." "Will you take me to
London with you?" asked Dick. The man said ."I will."
      When Dick arrived in London, he saw that the streets were not made of gold. There were very
many houses along the side of the streets. Dick got down. and the man and the cart went away.
       Dick stood in the street. He had no house to go to, no food to eat and no friends.
l. Why did the man on the cart get to London?
A. He wanted to take Dick there        
B. He was asked to find gold there.
C. The story doesn't tell us.
2. Dick went to London because _____.
A. his parents had died    
B. he wanted to be rich     
C. London was covered with gold  
3. From this passage we can see that the man on the cart was very _____.
A. kind      
B. rich      
C. old
4. Which is not true?
A. Everyone in London is very rich.        
B. London is a big city with a lot of houses.
C. Dick didn't become rich in London.
5. This passage mainly tells us something about _____.
A. the family of Dick's      
B. A poor boy Dick        
C. the city of London
Dear friends ,
      My name is Frank. I am from America. Here is a picture of our class. We are in Class 3, Grade 7. The name of our school is St John's High School. We are learning Chinese in our school. Our Chinese teacher's name is Joy Wang. Can you see her in the picture?
      You can see my friends in the picture , too. Jimmy is tall and has black hair. He is good at playing basketball. He is on the school team. Mary is short and is wearing a yellow dress. She is good at math. Sandra has long hair. She can speak French. Sally is a black girl. She has short hair. She likes swimming. She is on the
swimming team. I like music. Can you find me? I'm the boy with glasses. Maria is new here. She is from
Hong Kong. She has black hair and black eyes. She speaks English well, and she is very good at computer. Nick is big. He has small eyes. He is fun. He can play football.
     Send(寄) me a picture of your class and tell me about your friends !
                                                                                                                                              Yours ,
What he/she is good at
What he/she has
What he/she likes
small eyes
 0  8740  8748  8754  8758  8764  8766  8770  8776  8778  8784  8790  8794  8796  8800  8806  8808  8814  8818  8820  8824  8826  8830  8832  8834  8835  8836  8838  8839  8840  8842  8844  8848  8850  8854  8856  8860  8866  8868  8874  8878  8880  8884  8890  8896  8898  8904  8908  8910  8916  8920  8926  8934  159627 

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