     A neighbor of mine, while visiting his mother in Boston, took her to a shoe store to buy a new pair of
shoes. While she was trying on different styles (款式), my neighbor took the manager aside. "When she
picks out a pair that she likes," he said, "just tell her that the price is 12 dollars. I'll pay the regular (正常的)
price. I don't care how much it is."
     The following week, my neighbor was walking by the shoe store and the manager recognized (认出) him
and called him in.
      "What's the problem?" asked my neighbor as he entered the store.
      "Wasn't my check any good?"
      "That's not it," answered the manager," The problem is that your mother is bringing all her friends in for
those 12-dollar shoes!"
1. My neighbor went to Boston ________.
A. to buy shoes for his mother
B. to see his mother
C. to pay for the shoes he had bought for his mother
D. to see the manager of the shoe store
2. The regular price my neighbor had paid must be _______.
A. 12 dollars
B. lower than 12 dollars
C. higher than 12 dollars
D. unknown to himself at all
3. It seems very probable that my neighbor wanted to _______.
A. please his mother
B. cheat his mother
C. cheat the manager
D. please his mother's friends
4. The manager called my neighbor in when he saw him because______.
A. he didn't have enough shoes for his customers (顾客)
B. my neighbor's mother had taken a wrong pair of shoes
C. there was something wrong with his check
D. he found it hard to satisfy his customers
5. What do we know about the character (个性) of my neighbor's mother?
A. She would like to buy expensive things.
B. She would like to buy cheap things.
C. She would like to help others when they're in trouble.
D. She would like to have her son pay for her shopping.
       When we were having an English test this morning, I felt somebody was watching me a little too
closely, I turned my   1   quickly and saw Jack, who sat right behind me. My eyes caught   2   and he
said very quietly, “I hope you studied for this   3  !” “What am I doing to do?” I thought to
myself. I   4   cheating (作弊)in exams. Beaides,  I’d studied   5   for the test. Clearly Jack
hadn’t.  During the exam, I tried several ways to guard my answers so that Jack wouldn’t be
able to see them. When the exam  6    ,I felt I should let him know cheating was  7   . And I didn't
want to destroy(破坏)our friendship. My mind   8   the right words. “Sorry,Jack,   9   you
know how I feel about cheating.”  I said slowly and gently ,”  May-be I could help you   10   
before the next test.” “OK, Bob,” he smiled weakly. “It might not be easy ,but I’ll have
a try.”
(     )1. A. head     
(     )2. A. hers      
(     )3. A. exam      
(     )4. A. suggest  
(     )5. A. slow      
(     )6. A. ended    
(     )7. A. good     
(     )8. A. agreed with
(     )9. A. and      
(     )10. A. drive   
B. hand      
B. his          
B. job       
B. like        
B. slowly      
B. began     
B. wrong        
B. searched for
B. also       
B. move      
C. eraser  
C. ours   
C. book   
C. hate   
C. hard  
C. went on
C. easy  
C. took up
C. so     
C. count  
D. pencil        
D. yours          
D. chance        
D. finish        
D. hardly        
D. took place    
D. difficult      
D. looked at      
D. but            
D. study                   
     Mr. Brown and his wife had a small bar near a railway station. The bar didn't close ___1___ midnight
because people came to drink while they were ___2___ for trains. So the business was good. At two
o'clock one morning, a man was ___3___ sitting at the table in the bar. He was ___4___. Mr. Brown's
young wife wanted to go to ___5___. She looked ___6____ the bar several times, but the man kept
sleeping. Then at last she went to her ___7___ and said to him, "You have tried to wake that man several
times, and he isn't drinking __8____. Why haven't you sent him away? It's too ____9___. "Oh, no, I
don't want to send him away," he answered ___10___ a smile. "You know, each time I woke him up, he
gave me five pounds. Then he went to sleep again."
(     )1. A. until    
(     )2. A. getting
(     )3. A. only    
(     )4. A. drinking
(     )5. A. home    
(     )6. A. in      
(     )7. A. room    
(     )8. A. anything
(     )9. A. cold    
(     )10. A. by    
B. while  
B. looking
B. still  
B. talking
B. school  
B. at      
B. bed    
B. either  
B. dark    
B. in      
C. as        
C. asking    
C. just      
C. sleeping  
C. bed      
C. for      
C. either    
C. everything
C. late      
C. with      
D. when      
D. waiting    
D. also      
D. thinking  
D. work      
D. around    
D. husband    
D. too        
D. early      
D. for        
       Mr. and Mrs. Moore were invited to a Christmas party at a hotel one year. They   1   their car outside and went in. Mr. Moore had never got drunk (醉) before,  so he was   2   not to drink too much,    3   his
friends asked him to drink more   4   . 
       During the party, Mrs.Moore found that she had    5    to bring her bag, so she asked her husband to go out to the car and     6   it for her.  He    7   so,  but on his way back to the hotel gate,  he heard a car
horn(喇叭) blowing near his own  car. He thought   8    might be in need of help and went over to the car with the   9    . He found a small black bear sitting in the driving-seat and blowing the horn. 
       When Mr. Moore   10   the party,  he told several people about the bear,  but of course they did not
believe him and thought he was drunk. When he took them out of the hotel to   11   that his story was   12   , he found that the car with the    13   in it had gone. There were so many   14   about Mr. Moore's black bear during the next week that he at last put an advertisement(广告)in the newspaper; "If anyone saw a
black bear blowing the horn in a car outside the Century Hotel    15   the evening of Christmas Day, please tell…"
       Two days later   16   Mrs. Richards called him and said that she and her husband had left their pet
(宠物) bear in their car outside the Century Hotel for a few minutes that evening, and that   17   he had
blown the horn. 
       Mrs. Richards did not   18   to think there was anything   19   about that. "Our bear likes blowing
car horns," she said, "and we don't    20   when we are not driving the car."
(     )1. A. pulled  
(     )2. A. polite  
(     )3. A. whether  
(     )4. A. all along
(     )5. A. learned  
(     )6. A. buy    
(     )7. A. said    
(     )8. A. one    
(     )9. A. noise  
(     )10.A. was sent to
(     )11.A. show    
(     )12.A. interesting
(     )13.A. horn    
(     )14.A. laughs  
(     )15.A. for    
(     )16.A. the    
(     )17.A. quickly  
(     )18.A. mean    
(     )19.A. useful  
(     )20.A. agree  
B. stayed    
B. careful    
B. until    
B. once again  
B. known    
B. get      
B. went      
B. someone    
B. voice    
B. was seated at
B. notice    
B. correct    
B. bear    
B. shouts    
B. at      
B. a      
B. completely  
B. have    
B. strange    
B. like   
C. left  
C. glad  
C. or    
C. just then
C. remembered
C. send  
C. did    
C. his wife
C. cry    
C. got rid of
C. require  
C. true  
C. bag    
C. smiles  
C. in    
C. /    
C. maybe  
C. know  
C. common  
C. mind  
D. hid            
D. afraid          
D. though          
D. for ever        
D. forgotten      
D. return          
D. thought        
D. the bear        
D. shout          
D. got back to    
D. promise        
D. exciting        
D. driving-seat    
D. calls          
D. on              
D. some            
D. almost          
D. seem            
D. bad            
D. worry          
       Tom arrived at the bus station quite early for Paris bus. The bus for Paris would not leave until five
to twelve. He saw a lot of people waiting in the station. Some were standing in line(排队), others were
walking around. There was a group of schoolgirls. Their teacher was trying to keep them in line. Tom
looked around but there was no place for him to sit.
       He walked into the station cafe(咖啡馆). he looked up at the clock there. It was only twenty to
twelve. He found a seat and sat down before a large mirror(镜子) on the wall. Just then, Mike, one
of Tom's workmates came in and sat with Tom.
       "What time is your bus?" asked Mike.
       "There's plenty of time yet," answered Tom.
       "Well, I'll get you some more tea then," said Mike.
       They talked while drinking. Then Tom looked at the clock again. "Oh! It's going backward(倒行)!"
he cried. "A few minutes ago it was twenty to twelve and now it's half past eleven."
       "You're looking at the clock in the mirror." said Mike. Tom was so sad(难过). The next bus was
not to leave for another hour. Since then Tom has never liked mirrors.
1. Tom went into the station cafe because ________ .
A. Mike asked him to have a cup of tea
B. it was quite early and he could find a seat there
C. he didn't like to stay with the schoolgirls
D. he wanted to have a drink with his workmate there
2. What time was it in fact when Tom looked at the clock in the mirror?
A. Half past twelve  
B. Twenty past twelve
C. Half past eleven  
D. Half past one
3. From the story we know that when we look at a clock in a mirror, we will find  
A. the time is right  
B. it's going slower
C. it's going backward  
D. it's going faster
4. Which of the following is true?
A. Tom arrived in Paris on time
B. The next bus would leave in half an hour
C. After that Tom didn't like clocks any longer
D. Tom looked at the clock in the mirror only once
5. Which of the following is the title(题目) of the story?
A. The Mirror of the Station
B. Not A Careful Man
C. Missing A Bus
D. The Clock In The Mirror
         When I was 18,one morning, my father told me to drive him into a town ,about 18 miles away. I had
just learned to drive , so I__1___ with pleasure. First we came to the town. Then I took the car to a nearby garage (汽车修理厂) to have it ___2___and promised(答应) to pick Dad up at 4 p.m. Because I had a
few____3___ to spend ,I decided to go to the ___4___.However I became so interested in the films that I
forgot the ___5___.When the last film finished ,it was 6 o'clock.    
          I was afraid Dad would be ___6__and never let me drive again ,so I drove back ___7___ to meet
Dad and made an excuse for my being late. I’ll never forget __8__ he gave me .“I'm disappointed (失望的) that you feel you ___9___lie  (说谎) to me, Jake .I am angry ,not with you but with myself. I have failed
___10__ I have brought up (抚养) a son who can not even ____11___the truth to his own father .I am
going ___12____ home now and think seriously about where I have gone wrong all these years.”    
         Dad began walking along the road. I begged ___13___, telling him and drove___14___him for 18
miles ,at a speed of 5miles an hour .It was the most___15___lesson.I have never lied to him ever since.
(     )1. A. said    
(     )2. A. repaired  
(     )3. A. weeks    
(     )4. A. restaurant
(     )5. A. time    
(     )6. A. glad    
(     )7. A. slowly    
(     )8. A. the laugh    
(     )9. A. will    
(     )10. A. though    
(     )11. A. talk    
(     )12. A. drive    
(     )13. A. by the way
(     )14. A. behind  
(     )15. A. difficult

B. agreed  
B. stopped  
B. days    
B. supermarket  
B. car    
B. angry  
B. quietly
B. the cry
B. have to  
B. if    
B. speak  
B. walk    
B. all the way    
B. before    
B. interesting 

C. answered    
C. produced    
C. hours    
C. cinema      
C. garage    
C. kind      
C. easily    
C. the look    
C. would    
C. because    
C. say      
C. run      
C. in the same way
C. with      
C. unforgetful

D. replied            
D. locked              
D. minutes            
D. bookshop            
D. Place              
D. polite              
D. quickly            
D. the smile          
D. used to            
D. when                
D. tell                
D. ride                
D. in a different way  
D. in front of        
D. successful          

       A young man once asked Albert Einstein, the great scientist,  1  the secret of success(成功) is. The
scientist told him that the secret of success is   2   work. A few days later the young man asked him the
same question again. Einstein was very  3   . He did not say   4   , but wrote  5    words on a piece of
paper and handed it   6   the young man. The young man looked at the piece of paper.    7   it was
written: A=X+Y+Z.
       "What does this   8  ?" asked the young man.
       "A means success,"   9    the old scientist. "X stands for(代表) hard work, Y stands for good methods(方法), and Z…,Z means stopping   10   and getting down to work."
(     )1. A. how    
(     )2. A. hard  
(     )3. A. pleased         
(     )4. A. anything   
(     )5. A. a little   
(     )6. A. for    
(     )7. A. Over  
(     )8. A. mean  
(     )9. A. say    
(     )10.A. talk   
B. what    
B. easy    
B. happy    
B. nothing    
B. little    
B. to    
B. On                
B. tell    
B. explained
B. to talk
C. which  
C. good    
C. angry  
C. something  
C. a few  
C. of      
C. In      
C. show      
C. told      
C. talked                      
D. why                
D. bad                
D. sorry              
D. everything        
D. few                
D. with              
D. At                
D. give              
D. spoke              
D. talking                                         
     It was already dark when we left for the next town,which according to (根据) the map was about
fifteen miles away on the side of the hills.There we felt __1__ that we would find a bed for the night.
Darkness fell soon __2__ we left the village, but luckily we met no one as we drove quickly along the
narrow winding (弯曲) road that __3__ to the hills.As we climbed higher,it became colder and rain
began to fall,making it difficult __4__ to see the road.I asked John,my friend,to drive more slowly.
     After we had traveled for about twenty miles,there was still no __5__ of the town which was marked
on the map.We were beginning to get worried.Then,without __6__ ,the car stopped.A quick __7__
showed that we had run out of petrol (汽油).Although we had __8__ food with us,only a few
biscuits (饼干) and some chocolate,we decided to spend the night in the car.
     Our meal was soon over.I tried to go to sleep at once,but John,who was __9__ ,got out of the car
after a few minutes and went for a walk up the hill.Soon he came running back.From the top of the hill we
had seen,in the valley (山谷) below,the__10__ of the town we were looking for.We at once took all our
things out of the car,and tried hard to push the car to the foot of the hill.Then we went back for the things,
put them back into the car again and left the hill.In less than a quarter of an hour we were in the town,
where we found a hotel quite easily.
(     )1. A. sorry      
(     )2. A. as          
(     )3. A. sent        
(     )4. A. at times      
(     )5. A. place        
(     )6. A. warning      
(     )7. A. think        
(     )8. A. some        
(     )9. A. a strong driver
(     )10. A. lights    

B. sure      
B. after    
B. showed    
B. at night    
B. sign      
B. hitting    
B. look      
B. little      
B. a brave walker  
B. streets    

C. worried        
C. before      
C. took        
C. at once      
C. road          
C. driving        
C. exam          
C. enough        
C. a strange climber
C. trees          

D. disappointed  
D. since          
D. went          
D. at last        
D. view          
D. breaking      
D. test          
D. no            
D. a poor sleeper
D. houses        

     Mr. Black works in a hospital (医院). As a good __1__, the people in the town like him. He's
 often __2__ to the patients (病人) and looks them over carefully. __3__ he's always busy and has little
 time to rest. One morning Mr Black got to the hospital and saw there was a fat woman in the __4__. He
 called her into his office and asked, " __5_ , madam?"  "It was my birthday yesterday, sir", said the
 woman.  "My husband gave me a __6__. But I couldn't push my way in (挤进) it." " __7__, madam,"
 said Mr. Black, "You must lose some weight (减肥). You'll be able to __8__ your coat, if you do all that
 I say." "You're __9__, sir, " said the rich woman. " He bought me not a coat, but an expensive __10__."
(     ) 1. A. doctor      
(     ) 2. A. bad        
(     ) 3. A. Or        
(     ) 4. A. classroom      
(     ) 5. A. How do you do
(     ) 6. A. house        
(     ) 7. A. It doesn’t matter
(     ) 8. A. put        
(     ) 9. A. right        
(     ) 10. A . bike      
B. farmer          
B. fine            
B. But              
B. waiting r oom        
B. How are you          
B. coat            
B. It’s a pleasure    
B. wear            
B. wrong            
B. bus              
C. teacher          
C. cold            
C. So              
C. park            
C. What's the matter
C. shop            
C. I have no idea
C. buy            
C. easy            
C. car            
D. cleaner                
D. kind                    
D. Then                    
D. zoo                    
D. How old are you        
D. present                 
D. It’s my favourite  
D. wash                    
D. safe                    
D. truck                  
 0  8725  8733  8739  8743  8749  8751  8755  8761  8763  8769  8775  8779  8781  8785  8791  8793  8799  8803  8805  8809  8811  8815  8817  8819  8820  8821  8823  8824  8825  8827  8829  8833  8835  8839  8841  8845  8851  8853  8859  8863  8865  8869  8875  8881  8883  8889  8893  8895  8901  8905  8911  8919  159627 

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