     Now and then we all get ill. Then we usually go to see a doctor. Doctors know a lot about what makes
  us ill. They may give us something to take. The medicine often makes us well again.
     But sometimes the doctor's medicine doesn't work. A sick person does not get well. The pain will not
 go away. This happened to one man. He was in hospital, but he was not getting well. Then he found a new
 "doctor" inside himself. This new "doctor" was his own sense of humor (幽默感). He saw funny films. He
  read funny books. And something wonderful happened. Laughing took away his pain. Then he was able
 to sleep and rest. His own happy feeling helped him to feel well again. He said laughing was his best "
 medicine". His doctor thought so, too.
     Another  man was also ill, and he had a terrible pain in his back. The doctors could not stop it from
 hurting. So the man began to "Picture" his pain. In his head he "drew " a picture of a dog. He imagined it
 as a real dog. And he made friends with the dog. And his pain went away!
     These stories may surprise you. But more and more people are getting well in this way. So visit the
 "doctor" inside your own head and you can stay happy and well.
1. Does medicine always work?
2. How many sick men are mentioned(提及) in this passage?
3. Who was  the first sick man's new "doctor"?
4. Who made the second sick man well again, the doctor or the "dog" in his head?
5 .Why does the writer ask us to visit the "doctor" inside our head?
    Once there was a poor little girl living near a forest. She had no family and no one to love her. So she
often   1   sad and lonely.
    One day, when she was walking in the forest, she found that a small   2   was trapped unluckily in a
bush. The butterfly tried to fly away   3   failed. The kind little girl saved the butterfly with great care.
Instead of flying away, the butterfly turned   4   a beautiful fairy (仙女). The little girl was very   5  .
    "Thank you for   6   me. You are so kind. I will make any of your dreams come true." said the fairy.
    The little girl thought for a moment and then said, "I want to be   7  !"
    The fairy said, "Very well. I will help you." And she said something in the little girl's ear. Then the fairy
    As the kind little girl grew up, she was   8   ready to help people in need and was popular among the
villagers. No one in the village was as happy as she was. Everyone asked her the   9   of ther happiness.
She always smiled and   10  , "The secret of my happiness is that I listened to a kind   11   when I was a
little girl."
    When the kind girl became a very old woman and was dying, the neighbours in the   12   all gathered (聚拢) around her bed because they were   13   that her secret of happiness would die with her. They
asked, "Please tell us what the kind fairy said."
    The lovely old woman still   14   and said, "She told me that everyone needed me, no matter how safe
they seemed, no matter how rich or poor, no matter how old or   15  . She said that helping others would make me happy all my life."
(     )1. A. thought
(     )2. A. butterfly
(     )3. A. so
(     )4. A. on
(     )5. A. surprised
(     )6. A. catching
(     )7. A. active
(     )8. A. always
(     )9. A. success
(     )10. A. asked
(     )11. A. witch
(     )12. A. village
(     )13. A. excited
(     )14. A. shouted
(     )15. A. young

B. found
B. bird
B. or
B. up
B. tired
B. beating
B. happy
B. never
B. secret
B. hoped
B. fairy
B. town
B. pleased
B. cried
B. great

C. sounded
C. snake
C. but
C. into
C. mad
C. killing
C. energetic
C. seldom
C. power
C. answered
C. ghost
C. city
C. glad
C. smiled
C. nice

D. felt      
D. squirrel  
D. as        
D. down      
D. angry    
D. saving    
D. humorous  
D. hardly    
D. lesson    
D. refused  
D. princess  
D. world    
D. afraid    
D. jumped    
D. quiet    

    Martin had just finished high school. He would go to college at the far end of the city. He didn’t want to live there, and he didn’t want to take the bus either. So his father agreed to buy him a car.
    His father spent all his summer teaching him how to drive, from the ABC to the XYZ. Thinking of the
great feeling of driving a new car, Martin learned very quickly, and received his driver’s license(驾照) just before his eighteenth birthday.
    The second day, all the family, and their dog, went to a car shop. Martin spent almost all the morning
going from one car to another. Finally he saw a red Blue Bird. He had a testing drive on the open ground, and called out, “This is what I want, Dad!” When everything was done, they were ready to leave.
Martin climbed into the front seat. He said excitedly, “It’s my first day driving alone. Dad, Mom, and Poo! Enjoy it!”
    His dad immediately took the back seat, right behind the new driver. Martin wondered why his father
chose that seat, for his father always enjoyed looking in front.
So he said, smiling, “I’m sure you’re back there to have a change after all those weeks of sitting in the front seat teaching me how to drive.”
   “No,” Dad replied, “Do you remember what you did to me all those years when I took you to and
from school? I am sitting here to hit and kick the back of your seat all the way!”
1.Which of the following is NOT the reason why Martin’s father agreed to buy him a car?
A.Martin would go to college and it was far from home.
B.Martin preferred living at home to living at college.
C.Martin didn’t want to take the public transport.
D.Martin was able to learn how to drive very quickly.
2.In which order(顺序) did Martin do the following things?
a. He finished his high school.                      b. He tested driving the new car.
c. He got his driver’s license.                       d. He decided to buy the Blue Bird.
e. He kicked the front seat while his father was driving.
A. e-a-c-b-d        
B. a-c-b-d-e    
C. e-c-a-b-d  
D. a-c-d-b-e
3.How would the whole family probably feel on their way back home?
A. Angry              
B. Sad            
C. Cheerful          
D. Shocked
    This dog was born on Christmas Eve in 2002. He was different from other dogs because he was
born with only two legs. The poor dog of course could not walk and even his mother Sarah did not
want him. His first owner Michael Johnson also did not think that he could survive and he was thinking
of killing him. But then, his present owner, Jude Stringfellow, met him and wanted to take care of him.
She decided to teach and train this little dog to walk by himself. She called him "Faith".
     In the beginning, she put Faith on a surfboard (滑板) to let him feel the movement… Later she used
peanut butter on a spoon as a lure (诱惑) and reward for him for standing up and jumping around. Even
the other dog at home encouraged him to walk. Amazingly, after only six months, Faith learned to balance on his legs and jump to move forward. After further training in this snow, he could now walk like a person.
     Faith loves to walk around now. Wherever he goes, he attracts people's attention. He is fast becoming
famous on the international scene and has appeared on various newspapers and TV shows. A book named With a Little Faith is now being published about him. He was even considered to appear in one of
Harry Potter movies.
     Jude Stringfellow, his present owner, has stopped working and plans to take him around the world to
tell people "that even without a perfect body, one can have a strong will (意志)".
     Faith is a good example of the strong will and wonder of life. In life there are always unpleasant things. So, in order to feel better, you just need to look at life from another direction. I hope this message will
bring fresh new ways of thinking to everyone and that everyone will appreciate and be thankful for each
beautiful day.

1. Faith is different from other dogs because _______.
A. he doesn't have a tail
B. he has only two legs
C. he was born on Christmas Day
D. his mother loves him best
2. Faith's present owner is ________.
A. Sarah
B. Michael Johnson
C. Harry Potter
D. Jude Stringfellow
3. Which of the following is the correct order for Faith to learn to walk around like a person?
① jump to move forward
② train in the snow
③ feel the movement on a surfboard
④ balance on his legs
⑤ use peanut butter on a spoon as a reward
A. ③①④②⑤
B. ③⑤④①②
C. ②⑤③①④
D. ④⑤①③②
4. What can we learn from the passage?
A. Faith's mother can walk with two legs like a person.
B. If we don't have a perfect body, we can't be successful.
C. When we meet with difficulties, we should never give up.
D. When we have difficulties, we should wait for others' help.
      Amy was a little girl. She lived near a fruit shop in the village. The shop was __1__ by Mr. Smith.
      One day Mr. Smith said to Amy, "Would you like to earn (赚) some money? "
      "Oh, yes," replied she, "for I want some new shoes, and dad has no __2__ to buy them with."
      "Well, Amy," said Mr. Smith, "there are some fine __3__ in Mr. Green's garden, and he said that
 anybody was welcome to them. I will __4__ you thirteen cents (美分) a kilogram for all you will pick
 for me."
      Amy was so __5__ that she decided to go to pick the grapes as soon as possible. She ran home
 to get a __6__ at once.
      Then she thought she would like to know how much money she would get __7__ she picked five
 kilograms. __8__ the help of her pencil, she found out that she would get sixty-five cents.
      "But supposing I should pick twelve kilograms," thought she, "__9__ should I earn then?" "Dear
 me," she said, after figuring (计算) a while, "I should earn one dollar and __10__ cents."
      Amy then found out what Mr. Smith would pay her for fifty, a hundred, and two hundred kilograms.
 It took __11__ some time to do this, and then it was so near lunch time that she had to __12__ at
 home until afternoon.
      As soon as lunch was __13__, she took her basket and __14__ to the garden. Some boys had
 been there before lunch, and all the fine grapes were picked.
      As she went home, she __15__ what her teacher had often told her — "Do your task at once;
 then think about it," for "one doer is worth a hundred dreamers."
(     )1. A. kept          
(     )2. A. idea          
(     )3. A. apples        
(     )4. A. cost          
(     )5 A. sad            
(     )6. A. box            
(     )7. A. until          
(     )8. A. With          
(     )9. A. how long      
(     )10. A. fifty-six    
(     )11. A. him          
(     )12. A. pick        
(     )13. A. over        
(     )14. A. returned    
(     )15. A. talked about
B. found      
B. use        
B. bananas    
B. pay        
B. worried    
B. basket    
B. although  
B. Under      
B. how often  
B. sixty-five
B. her        
B. cry        
B. away      
B. hurried    
B. talked with
C. made      
C. money      
C. grapes    
C. spend      
C. interesting
C. bag        
C. if        
C. In        
C. how many  
C. thirteen  
C. me        
C. make      
C. up        
C. sent      
C. thought of
D. sold          
D. place        
D. pears        
D. take          
D. happy        
D. bottle        
D. whether      
D. On            
D. how much      
D. thirty        
D. us            
D. stay          
D. off          
D. belonged      
D. thought over  
      Tom was a helpful boy. Every Sunday morning, he walked to the newspaper kiosk (报刊亭) at
 the supermarket to buy a newspaper for his dad. He liked to leave the house early as it was more
 peaceful then, with fewer cars in the streets.
     One Sunday morning, when Tom arrived at the supermarket, he saw his neighbour, old Mrs.
 Jackson. She was choosing apples at the fruit shop. Tom greeted her and then went to get his
      As he was leaving, Tom saw Mrs. Jackson walking in front of him. Her bag looked very heavy.
      "Would you like me to carry that for you, Mrs. Jackson?" Tom asked.
      "What a helpful boy you are, Tom! Thank you. It is heavy," she replied.
       Tom picked up the heavy bag and began walking slowly home with Mrs. Jackson. The bag
      seemed to grow heavier with each step. Then, just as they were about to cross the road, it fell
 off Tom's hand and dropped on the hard road!
      "Oh, no!" cried Tom. "The fruit will be squashed (压扁)."
      Mrs. Jackson looked into the bag. "Yes, the fruit does look a bit squashed. But don't worry,
 Tom. I like fruit juice. I'll just make juice instead. Call at my house this afternoon. We'll have some
 delicious cold fruit juice together!" she said with a wide smile.
1. Tom went to the newspaper kiosk every Sunday morning to buy a newspaper for _____.
A. his dad
B. his mum
C. his neighbour
D. himself
2. Mrs. Jackson was ______ when Tom arrived at the supermarket.
A. reading a newspaper
B. buying some apples
C. carrying a big basket
D. making some juice
3. The underlined sentence " The bag seemed to grow heavier with each step " in the passage
     means _____.
A. the bag became heavier and heavier on their way home
B. Tom was strong enough to carry the bag easily
C. Tom was tired and didn't want to carry the bag any more
D. the bag was so heavy that Tom couldn't carry it easily
4. We can infer (推断) from the last paragraph that Mrs. Jackson will _____ in the afternoon.
A. buy some delicious juice for Tom
B. sell the squashed apples to others
C. ask Tom to make some juice for her
D. make some juice and share it with Tom
完形填空  阅读短文,从每题所给选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项
         A woman is going shopping. She is going 1 boat. The boat is going across (穿过) the river. Her
basket is empty(空的). Oh dear! Look! Her basket is in the 2 ."Help!" she says."Look! My basket is in
the river."
         A boy sees the basket. He says, "Don't worry! I can 3 it! I'm a very good swimmer." He takes off
his shoes and shirt. "Look 4 my shirt and shoes, please!" he says and then jumps into the river. www.
         A 5 sees the basket. "I can go by basket!” it thinks. It gets to the basket. The boy 6 in the river.
"Where's the basket?" he calls:"It's over there!" calls the woman. "It's behind you!" It's 7 that duck!
The boy gets to the basket."Go away!" he says to the duck. The duck 8 out of the basket and swims
away. The boy takes the basket to the land. "Oh, thank you!" says the woman. "Thank you very much!"   
        "Not at all!" says the boy." 9 you like to give me my shirt and shoes?"   "Yes, here you are. Oh,
what's in the basket? It's the duck's 10 ."
(     )1. A. on            
(     )2. A. water        
(     )3. A. clean        
(     )4. A. after        
(     )5. A. dog           
(     )6. A. is fishing    
(     )7. A. beside        
(     )8. A. climbs        
(     )9. A. Are          
(     )10. A. meat        
B. in      
B. boat    
B. buy      
B. at        
B. chicken  
B. is swimming
B. under    
B. comes    
B. Do      
B. hair      
C. by          
C. ship       
C. do          
C. for        
C. duck        
C. is playing  
C. on          
C. jumps      
C. Would      
C. hand          
D. to              
D. tree            
D. get            
D. like            
D. monkey          
D. is flying      
D. behind          
D. walks          
D. Could          
D. egg            
     An eight-year-old child heard her parents talking about her  little brother. All she knew was that he
was very sick and they had no money. Only a very  (1) e        operation could save him now but there
was no one to lend them the money.
     When she  (2) h         her daddy saying to her tearful mother, "Only a miracle  (奇迹) can save him
now," the little girl went to her bedroom, took out her money and counted it (3) c         .
     She hurried to a drugstore (4) w       the money in her hand.
     "What do you want?" asked  the salesman. "It's for my  little brother," the girl answered. "He's really,
really  (5) s       and I want to buy a miracle." "Pardon? " said the salesman.
     "My brother Andrew has something bad (6)       g inside his head and my daddy says only a miracle
can save him. So how much does a miracle cost?" "We don't sell a miracle here, child.  I'm sorry,"  the
salesman said with a smile.
     "Listen,  if  it  isn't  (7) e       ,  I can  try and get some more. Just tell me how much it costs."
     A well-kind man heard it and (8) a        , "What kind of miracle does your brother need?"
     "An operation!" she answered with her eyes full of  (9 t         . " But my daddy can't afford  it, so  I
have brought all my money."
     "How much do you have?" asked the man. "$1.11, but I will do my (10) b       to make more," she
     "Well, what a good piece of advice you have!" (11) s        the man. "$ 1.11,  the price of a miracle  
for your little brother."
     He  took up  the girl's hand and said, "Would you mind  taking me  to your house?  I want  to see
your brother and your parents. Let's see if I have the kind of miracle you need."
     That well-dressed man was Carlton Armstrong, a  (12) f        businessman. The operation was
successful. And  it wasn't  long before Andrew was well again.
    Ann is__1__English girl. She is fourteen. She is a__2__student. Her teacher is Miss White. Ann helps her teacher to put__3__books and ruler on the desk.
They have a new__4__. In it you can __5__40 desks and chairs. A blackboard, a clock and a map are__6__the wall.
    There are some pens on the desks. The red__7__is Ann’s, others are Kate’s. Kate is Ann’s __8__friend. Kate isn’t__9__here today. She is ill.
    Look at the clock. It’s about four o’clock. It’s time__10__to play games.
(     )1. A. a            
(     )2. A. middle school
(     )3. A. my          
(     )4. A. room        
(     )5. A. look        
(     )6. A. on          
(     )7. A. pens        
(     )8. A. fine        
(     )9. A. /            
(     )10. A. come        
B. an          
B. Middle School
B. your        
B. class        
B. look at      
B. in          
B. pencil      
B. good        
B. at          
B. to come      
C. the            
C. middle school’s
C. his            
C. grade          
C. see            
C. at              
C. one            
C. nice            
C. on              
C. go              
D. /              
D. Middle School’s
D. her            
D. classroom      
D. see at          
D. to              
D. ones            
D. right          
D. of              
D. to go          
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